The Royal Studies Podcast

Interview with Dr José Manuel Cerda: Coronation Special Part 1: A History Of Coronations in England And Britain.

May 01, 2023 RSN

This episode is the first of two episodes on the history of coronations in England and Britain in connection with the upcoming coronation of King Charles III. In this episode we are talking to José Manuel Cerda about his new book Coronation: The British Monarchy in only one word (Coronación. La monarquía británica en una sola palabra) and his thoughts about what makes the coronation ceremony distinctively British and which coronation ceremonies of the past were the most significant and memorable.


Bio: Dr José Manuel Cerda was born in Chile, but did his university studies (BA in Liberal Arts and PhD in Medieval History on the councils of Henry II in England) at University of New South Wales in Australia, and also spent time during his doctorate at Oxford and St Andrews. After his PhD he returned to Chile, and he founded and was the Director of the Centre for Medieval Studies and later Dean of the Faculty of the Humanities and Academic Vice-Rector at Universidad Gabriela Mistral. He’s also been a visiting professor at St Louis University in the US and at the Universidad Nacional de Salta in Argentina. Currently he is Professor of Medieval History at the Universidad San Sebastián. His area of speciality is the political history of England and Castile in the 12th century—he has been very active in disseminating his work in international media and conferences as well as his publications including his book on Leonor of England: ‘The Plantagenet Queen of Castile’ and his new book on coronations which is the focus of this episode.

 Instagram: @joecerda79

 YouTube:  @JoseManuelCerda

 Find out more about his publications here (in Spanish):

·      Coronación. La monarquía británica en una sola palabra, Editorial Trayecto, Santiago de Chile, 2022.


·      Leonor de Inglaterra. La reina Plantagenet de Castilla (1161-1214), Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2021


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