Food Glorious Food

May 01, 2022 THE PA PA PODCAST Season 1 Episode 3
Food Glorious Food
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Food Glorious Food
May 01, 2022 Season 1 Episode 3

Food, Frauds and Staffers return to the office.  The Mariann from Brooklyn vs Bobo Saga - if this was the Godfather, who would be Fredo vs Michael Corleone? And where in the world is Jonathan Blitt?  Also, are balloons responsible for Sal’s mitigation?  On Episode 3 of The Pa Pa Podcast Lisa and Lori dive deep into all the drama. Grab your Chocolate Shake and join us as we unpack this week’s #sternshow craziness.


Check out our YouTube and Instagram for bonus video content of this episode!

Interested in being a guest? We are looking for other #howardsternshow superfans!

Show Notes Transcript

Food, Frauds and Staffers return to the office.  The Mariann from Brooklyn vs Bobo Saga - if this was the Godfather, who would be Fredo vs Michael Corleone? And where in the world is Jonathan Blitt?  Also, are balloons responsible for Sal’s mitigation?  On Episode 3 of The Pa Pa Podcast Lisa and Lori dive deep into all the drama. Grab your Chocolate Shake and join us as we unpack this week’s #sternshow craziness.


Check out our YouTube and Instagram for bonus video content of this episode!

Interested in being a guest? We are looking for other #howardsternshow superfans!

hello hello  i am celebrity marketing expert lori levine hey now i'm digital content creator lisa


 we are die hard howard stern show listeners looking to connect with other female super fans and this is the

pa pa podcast in honor of the wrap up showed food frauds and the food crawl in charleston

this is the pa pa  podcast um

what's so interesting to me is that you know obviously we're listening to the show hi everybody welcome to food

glorious food episode three of the pop podcast um we're here still

looking for female super fans like girls where are you where are you where are

you i mean you're gonna really need to hashtag the f out of this post and i

need to do something to figure this out so okay um number one we're going to put

together um an email list so that we can tell you guys every single week when we're doing the papa and when you can

listen um but we're still looking for you and we're thinking um that it's time to

start having some guests on the show so uh be in the lookout girls cause your inboxes are coming and we're gonna come

after you for sure so what here's what's crazy is that you know every week obviously we listen

every day we're listening to the show i listen we re-listen you are religiously listening to the

wrap-up show um and you know i didn't realize obviously when

we try to come up with topics for the papa podcast i'm like oh well what about this what

about food and you're like literally lori we talk about food every time i'm like i don't understand you're like yeah so episode one we talked about

food episode two and episode three and i was like well fine we gotta lean in on food glorious food because obviously

this is you know even my husband said when he walked in earlier he's like what are you talking about i was like well food and he was like yeah well that's

all that howard cares about his food and sex and i was like all right he goes because he's a man he's like that's what i care about too i'm like okay great go

upstairs let us do this um but before we even get to food glorious food

you know this week was an epic return of bobo the fraud

and um and you know the rising of marianne from

brooklyn as not the godmother but the godfather of the wack pack

you know it's like if bobo's a fraud marian from brooklyn is a narc

and i i don't talk to me about what you thought about this week's shows

like for instance let me just bring everybody up to speed so this week was the epic return of bobo

lisa tell everybody why bobo had been missing for the past three months maybe you didn't even notice

yeah for sure so and the initial well latest round of punishment is uh bobo

wanted to be out of the whack pack so there was the flip-flopping of going out of the backpack and be back in the whack

pack and then dare you i'll tell you and then uh ralph was assigned the bobo

cat herder with the set of parameters his punishments were take his take the howard stern show off of his social

media get it off of his cameo and then he could start calling into the show once a week if he gave topics to

ralph right exactly so ralph was the enforcement officer um and

you know bobo wasn't playing by the rules and probably a bit of frustration so along came

marianne as the next designated enforcement officer so this is where this latest round has come from so

marianne has been coaching bobo um on what he needs to do and what the protocol he needs to do in terms of that

three-month turnaround to get back on the show let's talk about the coaching for a second because i really think that

she did a great job coaching him she was like give me your questions he would ask she's like that's stupid don't

do it don't ask anything that needs a big setup just ask a question and then she went through and i really gave her a

lot of credit because she was no nonsense she wasn't mean but she wasn't you know coddling him she's like no move

on what else have you got and saying to him like look you write obviously bobo for years and years has written

all of his ideas and these yellow legal pad notebooks that he has tons and tons and tons of he comes up with a bazillion

questions but we all know that bobo's a fraud he doesn't listen to the show every single day he is not a super fan

he's just a fan and he's really just a whack packer who likes to call in and he's kind of addicted to the attention

obviously now he benefits from it but there are so many bobo crimes to list most recently he claimed he wasn't in

the whack pack remember when he pretended that he hung out with fred at like some bikers caravan

he said that his brother died at 9 11. then it turned out he wasn't at 9 11 it was on 9 11. but actually it

turned out he died on 9 12 and bobo said it was because his brother was so sad about the events of 9 11.

i mean he originally had a bobo free summer because he stole the joke from greg gutfeld and played it off like it

was his own i mean he went to the hospital when howard's wife gave birth to their first daughter and like ran into howard and

his parents it was insane he makes all those fake awards he kept sending those to shulie he wears that 911 jacket and

howard always equates that with stolen valor i mean it doesn't end bobo is he

is bobo a fraud or is he a liar or is he just a complete dummy

the world wants to know i was like oh this is good she's she's she actually knows what it

takes to be a good caller she puts on her stick but she knows yeah she and she was very pain she was very pragmatic

about it um and she was straight to your point straight to the point um and i think she knows like she can kind of

understand or she's a super fan that she understands you know what kind of questions will resonate with howard get

straight to the point don't fluff around that's not a good question she's not going to pull any punches and she's just

going to tell you how it is she's not going to you know give you the fluffy rainbows and lollipop view on things so

as a co as a collar coach she is excellent for sure yeah rainbows and lollipops she is not i

mean i think i was impressed with how she coached him but my whole thing is this she gets to the point where she

gets so angry like what are you so mad at like okay so

i understand okay then moving forward bobo comes back as it turns out andy shy andy

didn't want to be on the air and said and says for three years has been sending bobo

questions and every once in a while he hears one of his questions get on air and all of a sudden three years later

he's like marianne just so you know i give him questions and he doesn't give me any credit well i mean i do

understand bobo not saying anything because howard would be like don't ask my fans for questions and if boba was

like no they just send them to me he'd be like stop you don't need i i i'm good so there's that side of it but then the

other side of it is like why didn't bobo just tell marianne also andy didn't ask for any attribution or any credit he was

just like here if you want i'm i'm too shy to ask these questions and then after three years he started getting

resentful you know so i i really it doesn't hurt dan because marianne flipped out

fredo fredo i know it was you the kiss of death right

i know it was you fredo you broke my heart

you brought my heart of all the things he's done he's plagiarized you know he's he says that

he he says like oh i'm so i'm not part of the whack pack because he thinks that he like what are you talking about you've been in the wack pack for

literally 30 years you know like he's he can be a dummy yeah this is and so going

back to the annie the andy thing so i'll use myself as an example in just doing digital con like content creation

yeah cheyenne you want to call them yeah so it's called shandy shandy so

so i totally like i i don't understand why all of a sudden it's an issue form

now we'll go and get in the context of like the betrayal and why why marianne is pissed at bobo it's beyond just the fact

that he was using the questions but from an andy perspective you know i'll use myself as an example like i've done

digital content creation and and send it to people for you know their social media or whatnot and they'll say

yeah whoever whoever and then they'll you know you know we you've done things together and you'll say okay do you want

credit and i'll be like i don't always say it i'm always like let me give you credit you've done things for my for the

uh my instagram my cat's instagram page and i'm like do you want me to tag you and you're like please don't no credit

required so if you if you say no credit required perfect no issue um so you know you

can't ask exactly so i don't know if it's because boba didn't ask you know marianne has the receipts she's been

posting them on social media um but you know you can't just come back three months three years uh later and be

like okay guy now i have an issue with it you know and by the way go to marianne yeah

why not go to bobo and say hey if you happen to use my questions in the future i wouldn't mind that if you gave me a shout out yeah that's not necessarily

what happened exactly i don't know i think like i just think that marianne she when she gets upset she goes in way

too hard so you know anyway i just kind of feel like she gets so angry and goes so and and like makes

it like you you did this you knew and i can handle things i'm smart

not like everybody says like dumb i'm smart and i want respect

you're nothing to me now i don't even know if bobo realizes what a dummy he is i think the issue that marianne has is

not the for the pure fact that he had a ghostwriter or whatever or ghostwriters who knows

but a ghost writer shandy the ghost writer guys why why are you why are you taking credit for these

questions but um the the fact is the fact she felt betrayed on a personal level because privately

um she she thought there probably was an opportunity for bobo to say you know why i get help with this or even when he's

marketing himself for lack of a better word with howard saying you know i come up with all these questions

it's a little bit i think so he's any but i think the other thing is if you go back and listen maybe that's

what it's about that he said well i've come up with all these other questions she's like you come up with all these questions and then the ones that work

just the intent behind it and i think for her it just feels shadiness and then the fact that up until recently she's

been coaching him through this process and yada yada yada she just kind of feels betrayed like on a personal level

um but that being said it takes a lot to really betray her and by the way we've invited marianne from brooklyn on the palm and her response was i don't think

i'd have anything good to say i'm like what are you talking about ladies oh you think you can be talking right now well i'm like all i want to do is

interview you specifically about this so marianne from brooklyn we wish you were here we did invite you to come on the

pod this week you were like meh and maybe it's a good thing she didn't come on because i feel like i don't i you know what i'd i'd the like the nurturer

in me would be like let's just maybe you don't have to be so upset about that you know what i mean yeah for sure and we'll

find out like i said i think it'll be to be continued i think there's debate out there on you know if we use the godfather theme who's the fredo um i

think there's still michael the michael who's the fredo and if there's gonna be punishment to be concerned continued i

don't think that we'll have heard the last of this it all feels so completely insane but she holds the power

apparently so to be continued um you know

and like when i think about it i think about like you know how obviously i i always think that richard and sal are

kind of just staffers that are part of the whack pack and then there are new wack packers that

keep coming up like rooster i really love rooster yeah where did he come from he had been a caller a while

back but now all of a sudden i think because whack packers unfortunately like kanehara poopoo rest in peace

they're dying people are aging out or they're passing away it's like we need some new wack packers so i think that that's where

rooster has a chance to like you know make his way in plus he has such really such adorable stories like i like his

point of view where he comes and he's like oh remember those days when walmart had a cafe

coming from i was shocked that howard hadn't been in a i shouldn't be but hadn't been he said something he hadn't

been in a big box store in like the last 10 years i was like yeah no no by band-aids not even

yeah no no first of all he in well first of all when he's here uh in new york city we don't really have

a lot of big box stores here yeah that's true we don't have like costco and things like that not here in the city maybe there's like we've got target and

walmart that just or kmart that just came in just a couple of years ago but even so the only place that does that um

you know where you put the shopping cart in the escalator with you is a certain whole foods has those and he's not going

until can you see him him in a whole foods like that's not happening um so yeah he hadn't seen that and he real

i thought that was funny that he thought that the escalator for the shopping cart along with the escalator

for um one of my cats just totally did you hear that

hold everything i'm keep we're keeping that boom

yeah the escalator that goes with you and he was like do you watch it do people [ __ ] with the escalators are

people gonna screw with your stuff are they gonna are we swapping out i'm taking this and putting this in yeah you

know but i'm like that's been in place for like a good decade so i do kind of like

when howard doesn't know stuff and and robin's like oh no that's been around and she goes that's been around for a

couple of years a couple of years that's been around for a decade yes yeah woolworths was our thing uh here on the

east coast where you go to woolworths and there was a cafe that was an actual like counter you know and you would go and there

would be a counter that would like snake around and then you know you would be shopping all around it and the counter

would be kind of like a hustle buzzle kind of thing like it was a big like in the sega's in the 70s

um late 80s and i think it yeah it never i don't think went past the 80s there was like a one wool worth left in

manhattan that had a counter and it was fun you go and you kind of smell hamburgers when you go in the store and

i can understand eating at those but i will tell you right now you'd have to put a gun to my head to eat at a buffet

or even salad pre-covered post covered there aren't sneeze guards in the world

oh my god cover me i and i don't even know have you ever heard of golden corral or ponderosa or

or uh or do they have any of that a chocolate fountain out in the world even

if i go to a sweet 16 or a wedding if i am not the first person at the chocolate

fountain in out and done no yeah i could not wait in line at the chocolate fountain to put something in and

no double dipping the whole situation no i'm not big on buffets either like

for us for up here so you know just throwing it back to the wolves for a second we have in canada we had

lisa is in canada and canada yeah we had the old zellers old zellers and we had kmart back in the

day too but uh where they had the very similar you know zeller's diner and you can get your you

know your peach your peach drink and your your blt or whatnot um and then for

buffets here i am in the same boat i am not eating

in a line with people unless it's a life or death i'm a hungry situation and i think the only exception

is like traveling if you're in an airport if you're in like you need to get something grab and go i think that's

probably the only exception and i would have to be like really hard if it's yeah yeah i mean i'd really i'd

have to be on a desert island buffet grab and go i get grab and go have you

ever seen the buffets in vegas yes of course i have in vegas and destin

florida yeah so i try what i try to do is and usually in those places they have

um you know like make your own like you know like someone like a little omelette station like yeah stick to that stuff or

the package things um yeah i don't yeah and i'm not going to vegas and

eating at a buffet never maybe i'm a germaphobe like howard there's no way howard would ever

ever eat at a buffet now can you imagine ever yeah for sure so one of the things

that was hilarious so howard wasn't aware that you know you could put shopping carts alongside an escalator

and the other thing that blew his mind was again not having the old-school diners in the

in the big box anymore so now we have you know the starbucks and the mcdonald's and whatnot and that really

blew his mind saying there's a mcdonald's in a walmart i

he hasn't gone anywhere and really when he does go places i don't think he's going to like no you know he's not looking for a starbucks around speaking

of food in the mcdonald's inside the store then segue over to howard's mom now again and the saga of trying to get

her to gain weight and trying how about that first of all howard is

the most wonderful son yeah i remembered a million years ago i mean he has been pleasing then trying to please his mom

for so long and like god love him that he really really loves his mom so much he was like i remember she used to never

give herself a chocolate shake and he's like i'm gonna get her a chocolate shake so he

goes and gets her chocolate shake and of course you know she's just like and i want it now she takes four sips of this chocolate

chip and she's basically back up and practically cooking a meal for the family she's like popeye and spinach

yeah or like you know or in moonstruck when you know the you know she's on her deathbed and then all of a sudden she

recovers and she's cooking for the whole family like oh yeah my mother will die what the hell are you talking about we're engaged loretta what

are you talking about i'm talking about a promise okay he proposed because my mother was dying and now she's not oh

johnny you're 42 years old she's still running your life and you are a son who doesn't love his mother what's up and

she's like who wants to watch a movie it's like are you kidding me right now did no one ever think to give this woman like an insurer something yeah a protein

shake yeah no she doesn't want it but she will have a mcdonald's and

because mcdonald's basically saved his mother's life

all right mcdonald's you've hated me forever but i love you now yeah i mean my god and how but by the way did you

notice that he knew the calorie count for everything i know yeah in my entire life i never knew that

there were 400 and 440 calories that is not a large fry that's a small fry

that's the paper bag small of course fries when you super size the price when you get the big one in the container

that's like cardboard who knows that that's four and then it's 880 calories for um

for a shake who knew who even looks once you walk into mcdonald's don't you basically forfeit the idea of counting

calories oh my god 800 i gotta look that up after i'm like that's almost

so one one shake and one fry would be like half of your calorie content for a

day that's crazy i mean yeah well yeah

it's a lot i mean that i mean i try to stick to 1200 calories i never stick to it but so um

so how does someone like john hein continuously eat this garbage so

all right all right can we just talk about john hind for a second my head is i exploded this week yeah

there was so much that went on with john hine number one he's a diabetic not only that he gets so

mad so angry over the craziest [ __ ] he goes back to the office after two years

he's like where's my soda it's your soda your your employer is not required to give

you free soda and then apparently there are there's still like a whole water system machine there you can have

club soda and you can have and flavored no it's not good enough yeah yeah the cans of soda and i used to

drink fiber they five diet cokes a day do you know how terrible i mean forget that fine they're not they had many

calories aspartame all that aspartame all of the carbonation

and like he's just it just he gets so pissed over some so crazy [ __ ] and then

you know it's just i i i remember when robin was like this is back in the day she had her you know vegan cookbook and

and she was having the one day where she was promoting it so she brought in a chef and they were they were cooking all

like the veggie stuff in the hallway and how and they were trying to get him to taste the food and how mad he was getting over them

trying to get to taste the butternut squash he was like no yes absolutely not gonna do it and by the way that would

have been delicious and it would have tasted sweet do you know what really blew my mind he's like yeah we're back in the office and you know obviously

like you know they're they're all kind of getting readjusted he goes yep back in the office you know taking the elevator and giving dirty looks to the

people at nbc i'm like why why do you give dirty looks to people who work in the building what's the

matter with you like you work in a building can you just keep it to yourself yeah get in the elevator make room for people i

understand like he's the kind of guy that gets it you get in the elevator and you know when you're already in an elevator and other people get in the

elevator then you kind of adjust you give people he doesn't he stands his [ __ ]

elevator and he'll be like man spreading yeah like i'm here and you're just like

and then you could imagine like trying to like get in and get behind him and he's not moving i don't understand it

you know the guy sells his website for a lot of money he does well he lands this great job um you know gary worships him

he he's got a hot wife he's got daughters he's got such a he's he's other than the diabetes he's a healthy

guy who's eating whatever the hell he wants what are you so mad at i don't understand why

again i get that there's like a hierarchy but i don't understand why he gets off so easy so when i compare his

food like in just in terms of food since we're on the topic like when i compare his food choices to jason of past and even gary for that

matter he's just so much worse going everywhere jason and blitt are going everywhere yes

he's a he's so much worse but the problem is jason was so um

he was so experimental and it was interesting like going to mcdonald's every single day or dairy queen or this

or that it's like it's not that interesting all the time also you know jason gets into like the minutia of all the stuff but he's been out and about i

don't know if you're if you've seen blitz social media john blitt one of the writers on the show

they have been out and about their besties they're going to concerts together and now blit is down in

in charleston uh and i lost my mind because our third art the trifecta is lisa and mary and

garvey and and me uh but our third partner in the podcast is down there and

i was like oh my god when i saw where blit was i texted you guys and i was like mary anne john blitz around the

corner from your house i'm like go go go and then she's so upset she's like my

dms are down i was like respond to his stories please tell him you used to work on the show explain who you are that you

know that you are a legit person please go and get a drink with it you're not apples

yes yes

you've been creeping his instagram but you're you know it's all good you're not crazy yeah and no it's not it's been crazy he's

like everywhere and like i for me it uh i res i respect the hustle i just can't for me i don't understand

like where he puts all this food he looks like he's in rather good shape but i don't i would be yeah he's in great shape well first of all i think he

probably has a great metabolism but also i don't think that he eats to the point of being like obsessed

yeah like i think you know blit is really about the experience of going out to dinner and experiencing different

foods and you know and that kind of thing and that's why i love his instagram because he loves going to places and then if you because um

if i followed the rule that i'm going to share with you i would probably be a lot smaller of a person but i don't follow

this rule and i don't care um someone once said to me that you know

when you take a bite of dessert that first bite it's so good

but then you keep eating it even if you're in full because you're always chasing the experience of the first bite

so it's like i have to try to remind myself like just because i had a bite of chocolate cake doesn't mean i have to eat an entire chocolate cake

like not nothing is ever it's almost like heroin nothing is ever going to be not that i know i haven't done heroin

but i hear that like you if you do heroin you're always chasing the first high have you ever done nitrous

[Laughter] oh my god i know they talked about doing nitrous

balloons in the fish concert first of all you would i will never go to a jam band concert in my life because all i do is wait for the

intro you know like john bon jovi says uh and said to howard on the show like don't bore us get us to the chorus i

couldn't handle it i'd be like where's the chorus where can i sing along i can't but i mean the night you know the

uh the nitrous balloons mafia it's crazy i what the hell is going on for me and i

know we were texting about this but i i when they were talking about this and and i again i i respect the fact that

they're going for the experience whatever fish but after when they were talking about nitrous and sal was talking about it i just had this

beneficial image of all these like middle-aged men and soccers walking

around parties with like these big circus balloons and just inhaling it i just it's a million years it's the

silliest thing ever doing it don't get me wrong like when i go to the dentist i am all about

laughing yes but i remember once i was in the middle of a teeth cleaning and the nurse was like you know what i'm not

really feeling well i'm going to get someone to finish for me i'm like okay and when the dentist came in to finish

my teeth cleaning he's like oh my god this nitrous is up too high and i remembered him saying that and i was like i felt very messed up and it was

because like she was like fluish and like she was kind of i was like why did you stay here and give me all this nice

in a million years i wouldn't and i certainly wouldn't be getting like you know i don't know like you know black

market nitrous off the nitrous mafia this the nitrous mafia and apparently it's real

and they're like like mini keg tanks and putting them on their back and filling up the balloons it's like by the way you

can pretty it's not like hard to find the police can literally see you walking around with a big giant balloon it's

like if i was walking around with this giant thing yes over my head and i was like you you you can see it it's not hard to

it's crazy no well now you know if sal's been doing nitrous all these years maybe it explains things after all but

that's all it takes on one's brain but um when i say that with peace and love we love sal but i just i can't i can't

sal has been doing nitrous all these years maybe that maybe that is contributing to him being

such an idiot i say that with peace and love abominable oh my god

yeah blitz been on this food crawl as we lovingly said it and uh you know it

keeps coming back to you know obviously the experiences but then just randomly this week they kind of just put it in

you know he was really good at this so you could hear him kind of mention it when he was on the show is like oh yeah well jd is doing this pilot for this

cooking video and it was so cute and hilarious at the same time but one of the things that you know

really came up again in the in the topic of food was you know making up the sandwich and i could not believe the

amount of mayonnaise that he put on the sandwich and then microwaved it but

that being said if you actually i don't know if you had a chance to watch the video you know when you heard jd speak

about it and kind of walk through the motions of him making the sandwich he was actually doing okay he wasn't fumbling you know there are definitely

people in this world that you're like you must be on the spectrum something like i'm i have a i have a relative and

he's a genius but you know when he when you're talking to him you can tell that there's something

um there's just something going on he has either a million words or you'll say you'll ask him a question that's a kind

of a thoughtful question and he'll go yeah that's correct and i'm like

what are you laughing about him are you thinking something funny and he's like oh yeah and like he but he'll keep it to

himself doesn't verbalize it yet no by the way just for everyone's edification jonathan blitz is

still in charleston so today he was at uh leon's fine poultry and oi poultry

and oysters and then um oh my god it looks so delicious i want

to do like a ticker tape literally

so he started at 167 raw okay that was um that was yesterday that was last

night and now for lunch again he went to this place um leon's oyster shop so yeah

if you want to put a map together of where he's been i pray um

i mean he started at the fish show up here in new york and then he made his way down and now we'll see um where he

ends up um like i was saying i don't think i'll ever get a little alert for ontario but

i'll keep my fingers crossed there's not much happening absolutely well you don't know that he one of these

places he's at is a james beard award-winning restaurant i'm telling you that i don't know what

he's doing then who he's rolling with um but yeah i mean you know you know that

we saw basically this podcast is really just about us being stalkers at this point

like i'll call it what it is um but you know i had i had a moment of um

like i had a moment of hypocrisy when john hein was talking about like oh i didn't realize that howard was going to

talk about us um going to peter luger's and i was like you posted a photo

blip posted a photo of of john hein and jd and blit

sitting at peter lugar's and then he posted another photo of the two of them sitting alone eating ice cream sundaes

but they're both they're like yes like john you know i can understand you saying

john hein um i didn't realize um that it was good not i didn't realize um i wasn't sure it wasn't positive it was

gonna hit air not i didn't realize that we were gonna be talking about this what do you mean you didn't realize he's wearing a microphone you realize it's

some you know and the mic was not like small it would be like literally it's

like this yeah a little dryer it's a shirt mic and it's wired you can see it and i'm like what are you doing i

don't know just for some reason i just get really caught up on those little like the details of that minutiae but

okay so then we have to start the food crawl elsewhere it needs to start at peter lugar which is brooklyn then they

ended up at the fish concert for two days and then they ended up at those two restaurants 167 and then

the oyster shack place so all right we've got a little you know we've got i think that we

should and we'll start it on the pod but i think that we should actually post it on social so we can keep we should tag

him and keep following him and see where he ends up going yeah yeah like a little where in the world is jonathan blitz yes

a hundred percent so only gonna get that much closer to our um

to our ideal dinner party okay um i feel like we cannot talk about food

anymore like we're going to need some episodes that are about something else because i mean between the jizz hat and

then this it's like okay there's got to be more stuff so for sure and we're on all you can eat buffet and wear top

juice i can very easily say and happily say we've said it all

i've heard we've said it and the only thing that there is left is to

tell these folks where they can get in touch with us to contact the pop-up podcast email us

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disclaimer the pop-up podcast is not in any way affiliated to the howard stern show we are a tribute podcast run by fans for fans