Was Bitcoin bringt - mit Niko Jilch

The future of Bitcoin as a global currency - with Nik Bhatia (English)

Niko Jilch Season 1 Episode 6

"Bitcoins neutrality is what makes it special and a once in a lifetime occurance."
-Nik Bhaita

In this interview I talk to author Nik Bhatia about Bitcoins long path to world reserve currency and why Bitcoin might just be the first real innovation of money for centuries. While we do cover Bitcoin, we go much further back in history and get into the question what money really is, why Gold was dominant for so long and how Bitcoin mimics its most important features.

Nik Bhatia: "Most of the book is about Gold and how and why it became the base of a monetary system. And we've lost that for 54 years now, when we realised that Gold is done as first layer money."

Niks excellent book "Layered Money" was just published in German - by aprycot.media. You can buy it here.

This is our first episode in English. A video with German subtitles can be found on our YouTube-Channel.

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