Making Cents of It All

Making Golf Fun Again - Martin Wyeth & Power Tee Raises Your Game and Entertainment Level at Driving Ranges Around the World

May 23, 2023 Jesse Stakes Season 2 Episode 72

The Power Tee is the world’s best performance automatic teeing system for the Indoor environment, driving ranges, and country clubs. As the world-leading automatic teeing system manufacturer, our Power Tee has been installed in thousands of golf ranges globally, including the USA, UK, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

Power Tee is the fastest way to a better golf swing. Our automatic teeing system greatly increases efficiency through streamlining, automation, and labor-saving methods.

Power Tee has proven its value, reliability, and ease of use at driving ranges worldwide. As a matter of fact, Power Tee tees up over 6 million golf balls per day across 18 different countries worldwide.

00:00:02.730 --> 00:00:10.120
Jesse Stakes: Hey, everybody! Welcome to making sense of it all! I'm. Your host, Jesse Stakes, and today I have Martin Wyeth from power. T. Martin. Thank you so much for joining me.

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marti: Thank you, Jessie. Pleasure to see you here.

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Jesse Stakes: So, Martin, you and I have known each other for a while, but but for the benefit of my audience, Can you tell them about Power T. And what you guys do?

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marti: Sure. Thanks, thanks, Jessie, partly as a training aid for golf, which is usually enough to turn people off straight away. There's there's plenty of them out there. It's one of the simplest training aids you can conceive of.

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marti: We simply retain the ball for the go, for after they hit it.

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marti: So the way the product works is, you go to your practice range driving range, you know, ting area. Our machine

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marti: sits in the ground. They look somewhat like a normal golf map. but you have a control panel which sits in front of the go, for

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marti: they pull the bucket of balls into the hopper at the back, which is a sort of inconspicuous

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marti: black

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marti: lid. The pool pops up on the T, and you then use the control panel to set your T height.

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marti: We have a wide selection of T. Heights

00:01:22.280 --> 00:01:38.240
marti: the go, for then, you know, figures out what kind of shop, what they're trying to do with their practice session as soon as they hit the ball. By the time it lands in the outfield. They're assuming you did it reasonably Well, of course there's a new one

00:01:38.470 --> 00:01:49.670
marti: ready to go at the same height. So it sounds really simple, and the first thing people say is all great saves you bending over. There's a lot more to it than that.

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marti: Parties a great tool or grooving in the swing change for

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marti: building confidence, for you know experimentation. So with a traditional method where you have to bend over to the pool up, you're losing your grip. You're losing your stance. You're losing your posture, You're losing your train of thought.

00:02:11.560 --> 00:02:24.690
marti: you know, if you're in a grubby outfield where the grass is that you know, worn away and the balls dirty. You've got distractions with dirt on the club, dirt on the ball. So what we're trying to create with parity is a really

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marti: crystal clear environment which basically revolves around just you and the ball.

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marti: So whatever you're trying to achieve with your practice session, whether it's warming up whether it's a swing change. Whatever it is, you really remain completely undistracted during your practice session.

00:02:43.530 --> 00:02:58.690
Jesse Stakes: I think what I'm hearing is that you're eliminating variables from people's from something that can be very complicated for somebody who's trying to learn the game, or who's trying to get better at the game. You're eliminating variables that they no longer have to worry about or be concerned about.

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marti: Yeah, that's exactly right. And one of the

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marti: one of the things we we back with is

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marti: getting people to understand that golf is different for everybody.

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marti: and if you're a beginner, for example, and you have very, very little discipline in terms of setup routine.

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marti: Then, having that ball back back to you, really does enable you to stay in position, and, you know, just try and hit the ball.

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marti: You know we all, I think most people who started late in life have had plenty of their shots, or with so whatever you want to call them so. You know someone at that end of this fall, right at the beginning, will find power to a great confidence. Build up, because when they eventually find something that works.

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marti: It allows them to stay in position and repeat it and build some confidence to learn. But basically, if you do the right thing. You can get the ball in the air. You can hit it down the outfield then, of course, every now and then it comes out the middle, and it's that exciting feeling as well, you know. Did I really do that?

00:04:05.300 --> 00:04:15.730
marti: So if you're a beginner and it's one thing if you're Jim, who has one in his backyard. It's another thing. So Jim was a set up junky when he was a young, and he was up and coming.

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marti: and he, he, he says, and I believe in the on the range. He would go through his entire setup routine for every single shot.

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marti: And if you've ever watched golf, that's quite a time consuming process for for a PGA pro, and he's evolved, you know. He trusts his swing is is his swing mantra. He still works hard on setup.

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marti: but once he knows he's in position, he he just basically shuts down the brain

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marti: and swings the clock. He knows he knows he knows his swing, is he, as he puts it, he's from the club so many times. And what a great thing to be able to do to just trust this way.

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Jesse Stakes: but for him now with parity. The surfaces are fantastic.

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marti: and he knows that. And I think that's probably one of the main reasons he's endorsed us.

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marti: He's had the issues with his wrist, so he can hit hundreds of thousands of pulls off a lot of that without getting any jarring on his risks or elbows.

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marti: but he says, now, you know, to keep his game in shape. He just wants to get in the reps. He just wants to keep hitting the ball. Get the reps in.

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marti: So you know these are These are the 2 end of the spectrum, and there's everything in between.

00:05:34.830 --> 00:05:48.910
Jesse Stakes: So i'd love that I I you know I I want to jump into everything about power t now, but I really want to kind of pull back for a second. Wh. What inspired you to start power T: how did you? How did you come up with the idea? In the first place?

00:05:49.840 --> 00:05:54.810
marti: Cool? That's a good question. Thanks, Jessie.

00:05:55.110 --> 00:06:13.400
marti: I was learning to play golf so simple as that. My background is in engineering. That's i'm a scratch engineer. I think that's kind of an important piece to this. Yeah, you know, I'm an inventor by by nature. You know one of those unhappy people

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marti: that's always looking to improve things. Nothing's ever good enough. which is a fundamental trait of humanity if you, if you look at us.

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marti: So

00:06:24.550 --> 00:06:29.500
marti: I was learning to play golf, to go and and and have around the golf that went were

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marti: with some business colleagues, so I just met. I really really didn't want to embarrass myself. so

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marti: I had my first few lessons, and I don't know when you started

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marti: started playing. But I was in my twenties so that I had no natural. You know these kids like mine that start really young. These fluid swings like no fear, and none of that, you know. It was very mechanical. Your left hand here, your right hand there.

00:07:00.430 --> 00:07:12.460
marti: you know, head up, you know, chin down, Benj. Your legs. You know all these a of instructions to get you into what feels like the most unnatural position imaginable.

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marti: And then you guys all have a big swipe at it, and whatever happens happens. So I was going through this process

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marti: and a slicer I was, you know, like most people when they start, you're trying to get the ball hard, you getting ahead of it, and the pull fans out to the right with a lot of with a lot of sides. Been on that.

00:07:34.850 --> 00:07:39.540
marti: And then I sort of, you know. Frustration, bend over, pick up the ball.

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marti: put the ball on the T. Go through the same checklist

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marti: of of items.

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marti: Take another swing at the ball, and lo and behold! It was, you know, be one of these amazing shots the one that keeps you coming back.

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marti: and

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marti: just straight down the middle of the rain. It's not stood there as an engineer going. Well, what the hell! You know what I do, these foul identical. I did the same thing for H. Now, obviously I didn't do the same thing. Otherwise the Board would have done the same thing.

00:08:11.870 --> 00:08:16.600
marti: So the idea was, If you know as an engineer, if you.

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marti: if you're looking to diagnose a very complicated system that isn't working.

00:08:23.400 --> 00:08:37.090
marti: You don't go in there and look at the circuit diagram, and just stop working your way around and changing, you know. Oh, well, I think i'll change this. I'll change that. I'll change that. That will power it up and see if it works.

00:08:37.380 --> 00:08:41.070
marti: And the reason you don't do. That is because

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marti: the changes may cancel one another out.

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marti: So

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marti: it's a very simple process of diagnosis. You change one thing at a time and see what the net result is. So the the the hook idea with parity was

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marti: enables the golfer to get into position.

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marti: Focus really hard on what they're doing. Hit the ball. Now, whatever it does, parity enables you to come back to position. Look at the ball.

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marti: figure out what you think you need to do

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marti: to correct that bad result. Now, if you want to put it in simple beginner's terms. you know, if the clock twitches in your hand and the ball shoots off to the right.

00:09:25.710 --> 00:09:33.180
marti: You hit it out the toe. So there's not much mystery, you know. You've got to either reach for the ball, or you've got to move into the ball.

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marti: so if you scroll the ball, you hit it on top. You know you got to stay down.

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marti: and that for beginners is where I think the charm of penalty is because it enables you to make those corrections subconsciously. You watch kids on that, you know too bad shots, and then they're in

00:09:50.760 --> 00:09:58.120
marti: once they're hitting them all. Well, you can see them enjoying themselves. See them repeating, and see them growing in confidence.

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marti: and for kids is particularly good, because obviously that's fun, whereas the converse of spraying the ball all over the place is is not fun.

00:10:07.250 --> 00:10:13.890
Jesse Stakes: no doubt. Well, and I gotta imagine I could imagine these driving ranges that are that are bringing power to in

00:10:14.170 --> 00:10:22.040
Jesse Stakes: it makes golf more fun. It makes it more entertaining, and it makes it more accessible for more people to come to their driving range and experience success

00:10:22.580 --> 00:10:31.900
marti: absolutely. You know I you you you look at these facilities that are built out. A lot of them now are past food beverage empires built around

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marti: the game of golf. you know. When I,

00:10:35.770 --> 00:10:45.690
marti: when I, when I offer a service to people personally, which in my case is my customers, and ultimately their golfers. I want it to be a great experience.

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marti: and in golf the great experience is having fun.

00:10:50.000 --> 00:10:54.780
marti: you know. I think golf having fun is getting good golf shots.

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marti: so you really want to do everything you can to facilitate your patrons

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marti: enjoying themselves.

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marti: and what we found over the years. Really what's driven the success of parity there's not been. It's coaching benefits, or well, I guess you know below the surface. This is exactly what's driven. It is the the coaching and performance benefits.

00:11:21.020 --> 00:11:25.870
marti: but really it it's it's found it's home because it drives so much revenue.

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marti: If you get a busy driving range.

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marti: whether it's a food and beverage outlet like top go for whether it's.

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marti: you know a a typical old school driving range where you go to polish again.

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marti: we see an enormous increase in demographic appeal.

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marti: which is, you know, is is fantastic, and we see that with people who have them at home, you know. The guys managed to to twist his wife's arm into letting him buy a zoom room.

00:11:56.870 --> 00:12:09.040
marti: and i'll be with the same room, and then they put it. You know it's been there for some time. They stumble across us and say, oh, yeah, I want a penalty. All of a sudden the kids are in there. The wife's in there, and and it's fun

00:12:09.080 --> 00:12:17.900
marti: because they can get into a groove, get into a rhythm and have the ball. Well. so we've become an enormous revenue generator for the range industry.

00:12:18.510 --> 00:12:21.860
Jesse Stakes: I, and it's crazy. I think that there's there's a lot of

00:12:21.870 --> 00:12:36.220
Jesse Stakes: golf courses that look at their range is just kind of an expense rather than looking at it as a revenue driver. And I think you you're allowing. You're giving them that paradigm shift you're allowing them to to take a pro a pretty large piece of land. It's probably bigger than 2 or 3 holes

00:12:36.220 --> 00:12:45.140
Jesse Stakes: and turn it into something that's that's one of the main revenue drivers of their of their whole property, rather than it being something that they feel like they just have to have.

00:12:45.680 --> 00:12:57.790
marti: You're at your I I mean you're absolutely right. The the the golf industry, particularly the clubs. really have such a deep view of the range.

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marti: and I think it happened. I don't know exactly when it happened in America. but historically you used to always pay for your golf calls. whether you' a private club or anywhere else.

00:13:10.110 --> 00:13:24.920
marti: and what what that did it sort of had a balancing effect, because the more golf course got hit. The more attrition on the range, the more money it made. So it sort of motivated the facility to keep the quality up, to keep changing the range balls to keep. Keep it high.

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marti: and some years ago a a trend cool, Tom, to for giving the driving range away. and when you give things away for free.

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marti: The the the motivation to provide quality just falls away.

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marti: and what we're seeing and you you mentioned earlier earlier in in in this conversation, you know, this is an enormous piece of real estate

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marti: in the heart of a very, you know, in many cases, high value piece of real estate. You got several acres here.

00:14:01.700 --> 00:14:10.650
marti: The are at the heart of the club. They usually adjacent to the bar, the restaurant, all of the other facilities.

00:14:10.830 --> 00:14:25.270
marti: and the the moment. You know the broader golf industry, you know, if you park driving ranges it's obvious. If you make money out of selling range balls, they really, you know you've got a serious problem. If you don't put

00:14:25.270 --> 00:14:32.610
marti: it's gonna to be my volume. It's going to drive everything. Not everyone gets that

00:14:32.760 --> 00:14:48.100
marti: until they have the product. In fact, in the last few years I'd say, 70% of our business in America has been existing customers ordering more machines because once they get it. They understand that until they install it, it's just the cost.

00:14:49.300 --> 00:14:59.620
marti: But if you look at these clubs that basically now putting themselves in a position with the with the ranges where

00:15:01.740 --> 00:15:08.910
marti: the quality that you're offering. If you're on grass, it diminishes throughout the day. Obviously.

00:15:09.040 --> 00:15:28.820
marti: if you're the first person there, and they've just moved the road. Then you get something that approximates graphs. It's not actually anything like the fair way it's usually just sort of grown in divorce. It's very uneven. So you're still not getting a level. Why, and it's nothing like the fairways. You're about to go play on.

00:15:28.820 --> 00:15:31.390
marti: But from that point that is highest there

00:15:31.420 --> 00:15:37.840
marti: by the time you get to midday. They've really, you know, if it's a semi- busy, path there's not much left.

00:15:38.010 --> 00:15:58.590
marti: Now you know the activity of going and hitting a bucket of balls to keep your game in shade. I can tell you I could literally. I don't often give guarantees. but having been doing this for 27 years. Now I can guarantee you that the number one time people want to go and work. On. Their game is afternoon and early evening.

00:16:00.550 --> 00:16:06.300
marti: If you look at across t line afternoon and early evening, there ain't there's no grass left.

00:16:06.920 --> 00:16:10.270
marti: So that that's a really bad thing.

00:16:10.510 --> 00:16:14.360
marti: You've got this enormous piece of real estate.

00:16:14.650 --> 00:16:26.770
marti: That's now. It's not an asset anymore. It's a liability. It's actually keeping people away. So I I love seeing them play golf.

00:16:26.820 --> 00:16:34.090
marti: I think it's a great sport. I think it teaches us. you know, if you, if you you know it, teaches us lots of things about ourselves.

00:16:34.280 --> 00:16:40.830
marti: So you know nothing I like more than seeing my kids play the game. But if I take them to the range

00:16:41.070 --> 00:16:47.080
marti: in the afternoon evening, you know I have a member. It's all Grass Country Club. It's an a bomb in Asia.

00:16:47.440 --> 00:16:50.030
marti: There's no cross left.

00:16:50.110 --> 00:17:01.680
marti: You have to in order to hit the ball. You gotta find a little bit of graphs to prop the ball up on you. Load up on your left side. You're picking the club up steeply and chopping down on it.

00:17:01.830 --> 00:17:06.700
marti: And that's if you practice like that. You're going to play like that.

00:17:06.980 --> 00:17:19.540
marti: All the power in the both swing is with you. I I I was use one of these simulators the other day that you grab the club, and it shows you how such and such swings the clock. So basically

00:17:19.700 --> 00:17:32.480
Jesse Stakes: it. It. It controls the club, and you just follow it with unbelievable. I mean, 2 things were notable. One is the with coming back.

00:17:32.480 --> 00:17:40.020
marti: you know, and then the other one is the lack. When you're coming back down. How far, how late the releases on the club to get that power.

00:17:41.020 --> 00:17:42.520
marti: That's a good golf suite.

00:17:42.540 --> 00:17:46.740
marti: You're not gonna You're not gonna pull that. Go swing up off

00:17:47.700 --> 00:17:56.450
marti: when you're practicing out of dirt. It's just not going to happen. I mean what I do with my son is I get him to see the ball up.

00:17:56.500 --> 00:18:10.310
marti: I don't, you know. If I can get him to do it. I'll get him to see the ball up, because otherwise he'll just rake it and just play bad. So off the bad saw. And you know you look at your confidence. Needs are in golf. If you're warming up like that.

00:18:10.650 --> 00:18:12.720
marti: your confidence just drops.

00:18:12.850 --> 00:18:17.280
marti: and that's a you know, a fascinating thing. I learned through Rick Smith

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marti: recently was that when Jack Nicholas was winning

00:18:24.570 --> 00:18:28.350
marti: in his heyday, when he went to warm up.

00:18:28.660 --> 00:18:39.850
marti: he didn't play anything down from wedges all the way through the bag to. And now you think about that. The most decorated golfer on the planet

00:18:40.390 --> 00:18:46.000
marti: before he goes out to play, he's giving himself a favorable lie.

00:18:46.030 --> 00:19:05.820
marti: Sure, and they have any other anecdote I really know about Jack in terms of this. So why would he do that? You know the most surely this guy can get the club on the ball in any conditions. Why would he do that? Well, someone once asked him when he was practicing. Why, you? Why are you practicing 2 foot?

00:19:06.360 --> 00:19:10.230
marti: But it's all look to the It's this whole today.

00:19:10.780 --> 00:19:16.800
marti: I'm about to go play. I want to build an image of the ball going into the hall. I don't want to mess.

00:19:17.350 --> 00:19:29.250
marti: So it's building that psychological confidence. You know that the anecdotes are almost endless of great golfers and coaches, telling you that the golf is a mental gain.

00:19:29.320 --> 00:19:32.220
marti: and it's about mentally preparing yourself.

00:19:33.160 --> 00:19:40.660
marti: Obviously you have to do the practice. You have to get a functional swing. But when you go out there to play, you're not messing around with your swing.

00:19:40.660 --> 00:19:55.570
marti: you're not experimenting. You're not thinking. Oh, I thought, you know, if I come back a bit more on the inside I might be able to do this. You're trying to hit your mark. You're trying to keep the ball in play. You're trying to pick your landing spots. You're trying to get the ball round in the minimum number of strokes.

00:19:57.490 --> 00:20:15.900
marti: So that was fascinating, you know, to chat, Nick this, tease it up before they before they play, and that's effectively what we're doing, parameter to go first where they put the ball in front of them. You stay focused on what you want to do with the club, and well deliver the ball to you. It's always clean. The club is always clean.

00:20:15.900 --> 00:20:32.120
marti: so which that what that means is your spin rates are always right. So if you're trying to shape the ball, there's no danger if they're being sand on the club face, or d in the grooves, or sound on the back of the ball. We all know it's fair way. Bunker shots. If you catch it a little heavy.

00:20:32.370 --> 00:20:41.650
marti: you pick a bit of sign up it's all goes nowhere, and it's the same when you're practicing. You know. I've watched people even lower Handicap office practicing.

00:20:41.880 --> 00:20:43.370
marti: and

00:20:44.820 --> 00:20:48.970
marti: it's It's astonishing. They never clean their golf that

00:20:49.110 --> 00:21:03.110
marti: so they're in the way you're taking big divers, and the the grooves are clogging with impacted that they got grass building up on the face. Your spin rates are going to be all over the place and spin significantly, affects the distance

00:21:03.190 --> 00:21:06.470
marti: that of all flies, and obviously the shape of the shop.

00:21:06.890 --> 00:21:13.020
marti: To your point. It's all effort. It's all. It's all something that somebody has to. They have to. They have to break

00:21:13.130 --> 00:21:14.110
Jesse Stakes: the

00:21:14.130 --> 00:21:27.060
Jesse Stakes: monotony or the routine of continuing to pound balls to actually create a process around what they're doing. So you're You're kind of meeting them halfway with it with with with power to you. You're creating a you're creating a

00:21:27.060 --> 00:21:34.480
Jesse Stakes: tool that better players can use to get better and more consistent. But you're also creating a tool to where the average or the

00:21:35.710 --> 00:21:46.150
Jesse Stakes: the recreational golfer can go. Have a better time doing something that they would typically do out of a, you know, in a in a lesser environment, I think it's. I think it's an excellent invention.

00:21:46.570 --> 00:21:58.670
marti: Thank you. Yeah. I mean, the the proof is with with all technologies, is really in the in the consumer and the consumer. When we first put the first machines in

00:21:58.930 --> 00:22:18.510
marti: in England people were talking about the product on a mile radius, which in England insane because you drive 40 miles, you know, in the south of the Uk, and you're going to pass 5 or 6 golf courses, and it's that love. The consumer has a parity that's really driven both us and our customers forward.

00:22:19.270 --> 00:22:26.080
Jesse Stakes: So with that like, let's let's talk about that a little bit, because you started your company in the United Kingdom. That's where you're originally from.

00:22:26.160 --> 00:22:32.380
Jesse Stakes: and it's the birthplace of golf. So it's. You guys have had a tremendous buy in from your home market. Correct?

00:22:32.590 --> 00:22:44.620
marti: Ultimately. Yes. they took a whole year to sell the first system. I'm not saying a whole year full time, busy doing other things.

00:22:44.710 --> 00:22:53.960
marti: But we, you know, once the product was developed to a point where it could be demoed. I took it around. We built some onto a trailer.

00:22:54.180 --> 00:22:57.510
marti: toed it around the Uk. And

00:22:58.510 --> 00:23:13.990
marti: we got a lot of very positive feedback from the range owners, but no one really had the confidence. Like. If you know who the are you even going to be here next week. You know you're not in the golf industry, and not you know what you know. What is this

00:23:13.990 --> 00:23:23.320
marti: 2525 years later, more than 25 years later. Here you are. Yeah. Well, now, about 80% of the Uk's ranges have got.

00:23:23.530 --> 00:23:25.590
marti: So

00:23:25.810 --> 00:23:35.560
marti: you know, it was a Really, it was a really difficult process cracking that market and it, you know we didn't do anything magic. It was just

00:23:35.610 --> 00:23:38.010
marti: old, old fashioned shoe leather and

00:23:38.290 --> 00:23:42.860
marti: hard, or maybe made a lot of errors on the way.

00:23:44.020 --> 00:23:54.090
marti: But yeah, it's incredible where it is now. We tea up 6 million balls a day. Roughly. we're in 20 countries around the world.

00:23:54.570 --> 00:24:10.340
marti: So some literally never sets on pilots. You there's always a there's always a machine somewhere popping up all out of the ground.

00:24:10.970 --> 00:24:16.220
marti: I think what we're trying to do now. Obviously, golf has changed.

00:24:19.070 --> 00:24:26.930
marti: It's changed beyond recognition. In the last 5 years we came to America in 2,009,

00:24:27.270 --> 00:24:31.630
marti: and you know the the country was in recession.

00:24:32.080 --> 00:24:39.130
marti: I think golf was in a depression. The tiger boom was sort of well and truly nosed over.

00:24:39.420 --> 00:24:57.170
marti: and that was combined with recession with over development in real estate and real estate golf courses, I think, in our first I don't know. 8 years Here we saw 4, 5,000 golf courses close their doors.

00:24:57.380 --> 00:25:03.920
marti: and that impacted the driving ranges heavily. I didn't we didn't think it would have, because we wouldn't have come otherwise.

00:25:04.200 --> 00:25:13.880
marti: But what we didn't see coming was, you know, all up the east coast. You could get around the golf with a beer and a golf cart for 20 bucks.

00:25:14.160 --> 00:25:20.040
marti: so you know you're looking at. Well do I spend $10 on the pocket at the range or

00:25:20.120 --> 00:25:27.450
marti: so I go play 18 holes with the car, for you know, 20 bucks. The value was so great.

00:25:27.850 --> 00:25:36.400
marti: but the ranges really really did get badly hurt. and then combine that with the Credit branch because we operate

00:25:36.410 --> 00:25:50.960
marti: on our a a rental model. So we rent the equipment to our customers. They don't have to pay for it. They just pay a monthly rent. But for us to grow we need to take that revenue stream to the least finance companies.

00:25:51.000 --> 00:25:54.400
and in 9 they basically evaporated.

00:25:54.580 --> 00:26:03.950
marti: There was No, there was no, there was no available cash, so we walked into a. We walked into an enormous brick wall.

00:26:04.340 --> 00:26:14.780
marti: but then you saw March through that, and you get to, you know, like 2,01819. We were trying to gain traction again, and then, of course, Covid hit.

00:26:17.530 --> 00:26:27.060
marti: which shuts us down. The the Uk. Took some very stringent action. It closed a lot. Customers down. It closed our factory down.

00:26:27.290 --> 00:26:30.200
marti: We took very drastic action. Here

00:26:30.560 --> 00:26:41.680
marti: we cut all of our costs. We we really felt like, you know we were given. We were given no timeline as to you know how long this is all going to go on, for nobody knew anything.

00:26:41.700 --> 00:26:48.550
marti: So we just basically folded it all. But we didn't liquidate it. But we cut all available costs.

00:26:48.570 --> 00:26:54.970
marti: you know, kept looking after our existing customers that were the ones that were allowed to stay open and trade.

00:26:55.550 --> 00:27:03.060
marti: And then, of course, the magic of of of the golf industry happened. Golf was deemed a safe way to spend time.

00:27:03.450 --> 00:27:09.830
marti: So you know, golf literally has exploded underneath us.

00:27:10.090 --> 00:27:11.260
marti: and I can.

00:27:11.360 --> 00:27:17.460
marti: Yeah, I I think it's amazing. It's wonderful to see you if you like the game of golf. It's fantastic

00:27:17.460 --> 00:27:35.400
marti: to see all these newcomers see everyone enjoying it. See that we see that you know people in the golf industry are not making money again, you know they were so beaten down and and and and despondent prior to Covid that you sort of felt like golf is just going to continue to actually.

00:27:37.340 --> 00:27:47.870
marti: But it's just booming now on this tail end of of of Covid as joined with what top golf is done.

00:27:48.130 --> 00:28:02.020
marti: A top go for really smart, you know they they. They understand that when they set a facility up in an area. The vast majority of their customers are not what you would traditionally call golfers.

00:28:02.360 --> 00:28:17.040
marti: And really you look at the golf industry, how it got itself into such a corner. was by spending almost all of its time and effort trying to attract golfers and fighting. You know the facility down the road

00:28:17.190 --> 00:28:47.190
marti: rather than looking at what, historically, was the 90 up 90% of people in this area who don't play golf and trying to get them in the go get them on the golf course, get them at the driving range. Get them, you know, from the game. Give them a path into the game to go through spending this entire time trying to appeal to. You know, Mr. For Handicapper, who really, you know, he's going to spend what he spends. He's going to play where he plays. There's not much You You spend all the marketing money.

00:28:47.190 --> 00:28:49.570
You're not really going to change it.

00:28:49.590 --> 00:28:58.210
marti: So you know the golf industry wasn't being particularly smart. And now you've got top golf.

00:28:58.250 --> 00:29:05.600
marti: showing people that if you provide a comfortable, clean, enjoyable environment you can win everybody

00:29:05.640 --> 00:29:10.860
marti: or not everybody, but certainly a huge percentage of your local population.

00:29:11.280 --> 00:29:38.650
Jesse Stakes: Well, and I, you know, not to get on my soapbox, because I do know your product fairly well. You guys have. You guys are allowing green grass golf courses to jump into that market that top golf has created where you are bringing non golfers. You're bringing people who just want to have fun and have a good time. I always kind of liking it to the bowling crowd where you can go. You can have a drink. You can have a good time with your friends. You can center it around the game of golf.

00:29:38.650 --> 00:30:02.360
Jesse Stakes: but you don't have to play 18 holes on the course, you can actually go to a driving range or go to a facility to where it's easier to access the game, and you create a party around it essentially. And I I mean that's it. I think that's the best way that I can say it is. It makes it a good time. Just how people figured out that bowling didn't need to be a a a stuffy sport. It didn't need to be something that only a few could access

00:30:02.430 --> 00:30:06.110
Jesse Stakes: it. It's become for everybody, and I feel like golf can do the same thing.

00:30:06.780 --> 00:30:20.400
marti: Sure and it is, and and we're trying to. We're trying to work with country clubs. and you know, semi-privates to really grow member value.

00:30:20.540 --> 00:30:29.760
marti: We did, we? We installed the system with a couple of systems locally there. You can go use power to up at Blue Sky.

00:30:29.850 --> 00:30:34.340
marti: and also Charles Wilson's put it in over at Fleming Island.

00:30:34.830 --> 00:30:38.930
marti: and the results. These guys are getting a phenomenal.

00:30:39.030 --> 00:30:51.650
marti: Oh, so now I hear more. I hear more about the bar at Fleming Island than I do the golf course, just because everyone has such a good time at the driving range these days, and it's all because of power T. And what they've done with their driving range.

00:30:51.830 --> 00:31:08.020
marti: It's funny you should say that because traditionally, the way we grew, the business in the Uk, as we said, Look, you know, whatever you do in teaching, and many golf, and whatever else you got going on. Just ignore that. Let's look at your full sales. Well grow your pool sales.

00:31:08.100 --> 00:31:10.990
marti: and we grow the ball sales by way more

00:31:11.170 --> 00:31:25.880
marti: than parity costs because of the rental model. You know what was highlighted for us at Planning Island Very succinctly, was. It's growing my whole business, you know the bar has grown

00:31:26.030 --> 00:31:44.000
marti: in line with everything else, the bar and the food beverage. So if you look at the you know, if you look at the investment, and it's not even an investment. It's pay as you go, because there's no capital cost upfront you put. We put the machines in by the time you pay your first rental payment.

00:31:44.080 --> 00:31:53.060
marti: You've paying more money in balls, more money and food beverage, more money, you know, in multiple areas than the system costs.

00:31:53.380 --> 00:31:58.530
marti: So whatever you spend on power to some of our customers, I think you're getting it back 3 or 4 fold

00:31:58.680 --> 00:32:16.700
Jesse Stakes: absolutely well, and there's people all over the United States, putting power t in power to. I mean, if you guys are growing leaps and bounds, people are seeing the value in it. I know that I mean we've talked about it before. One of the one of the ways that you are introducing. This to other courses is through the PGA merchandise show every year in January. Correct?

00:32:17.210 --> 00:32:29.490
marti: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. This this year. I mean, it's obviously that one year it goes. But the year just gone. We did. We had an incredible. So we did over a 1 million dollars in the first day.

00:32:29.510 --> 00:32:30.960
Jesse Stakes: It's amazing.

00:32:31.290 --> 00:32:43.620
marti: And when you consider our first PGA show, which was, I think it may have been 2,010. I don't think we we went on the first year. maybe 10 or 11. I think we got 3 inquiries

00:32:44.030 --> 00:33:01.500
marti: for the whole show, and I have to say that was for one of the most depressing things I've ever seen. I've never seen a group of people so demotivated as the PGA show that yeah, it really was post the crash it was just. It was very, very lack, plus, but

00:33:01.500 --> 00:33:04.850
marti: but it didn't get a lot better for quite a few years.

00:33:04.890 --> 00:33:05.760
Jesse Stakes: Right?

00:33:08.910 --> 00:33:28.750
Jesse Stakes: I'll tell you. I, Martin, i'd love to continue to talk about this, but and I think I think that we could do a whole. Another episode on, You know all the things to do with power T. But but if people want to learn more about Power T. And if you have people that are interested in either having it installed on their driving range, or if there's somebody who would inquire about personal use. Where Where can they find you guys?

00:33:29.590 --> 00:33:33.440
marti: Well.

00:33:33.500 --> 00:33:39.120
marti: yeah, yeah, that's the place that's the place to start. Guys. Give us a ring.

00:33:39.170 --> 00:33:49.690
marti: We're we're old fashioned. It's not, you know. You can move around on our website, or you like. and you can. You know everyone wants to know the price.

00:33:49.770 --> 00:34:08.719
marti: Give us a ring where we're. We're not pushing with it's not it's it's it's, it's not a simple process. It may be the part is not right, for you. It may be that it is, but we're very consultative with the way we speak to people, and if it's not right for you, we'll tell you that.

00:34:08.770 --> 00:34:17.409
marti: But if it is, we'll explain to you how it works. We'll have a look. We'll we'll see if we get someone up to do a slide, survey and see what we can do for you.

00:34:17.870 --> 00:34:30.699
Jesse Stakes: I couldn't agree more. I mean, you guys offer a true partnership with the people who do decide to do business with you, I I I I speaking for power team for Martin Wyatt. I think it's a it's a great invention. It's a great

00:34:30.790 --> 00:34:47.520
Jesse Stakes: service to be able to add for your clientele that are at your driving range and at your golf course, and I want to thank you very much, Martin, for joining me today. I think it's. It's a like, I said. It's a great product, I think that it's a it's very cool. How golf has grown again in the last 3 years, and it's and it's

00:34:47.520 --> 00:34:54.360
Jesse Stakes: for me. I think it's. I think it's cool. How you guys have plugged in, and how you guys are adding value at the golf courses that you do business with.

00:34:54.870 --> 00:35:16.140
marti: Thank you. Thank you. Jesse. Yeah, we're all like everyone in the golf industry is excited. Everyone's holding their breath a little bit, wondering how long it's gonna go on for, and i'll tell you. You know anyone that wants to keep it going. Put power to you. How get your customers having fun, Get them improving, Get them understanding. They can hit good shots, and you're gonna keep it going a lot longer than if you just sit on your hands

00:35:16.140 --> 00:35:23.920
marti: and and take the money as a as a sort of gift. Get out there and keep keep keep pushing. Keep growing your business.

00:35:24.090 --> 00:35:27.060
Jesse Stakes: hey? Men did that? Thanks, Martin. I appreciate you joining me.

00:35:27.150 --> 00:35:28.740
marti: Okay, thanks, Jessie.

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