The Latinx Chronicles with Hip and Erika

No Diversity without Inclusion - Carmen Navarro-Gercone - a lesson learned in her 28 year career at the Cook County Sheriff's office

Erika Villegas & Hipolito Garcia Season 1 Episode 9

The amazing Carmen talks about her life from her humble beginnings, the murder of her brother, and their move to Skokie from their beloved Humbolt Park for better opportunities but also meant leaving part of their culture, their language, and their loved ones.  Her spirit and her words are uplifting and her journey was not easy, especially after becoming a single mom right after high school.  The universe had other plans for her and she found a career as a public servant at the Cook County sheriff's office.  She always kept an open mind, her hard work, and determination got her promoted time and time again but she always kept her dad's words close to her "learn while doing".  She also reminded us that diversity means nothing without inclusion.  We touched on police reform, police training, and the broken criminal justice system.   The political world is ugly but "WE" the people still have the power and your VOTE matters. 

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