Bliss Is Ordinary
Have you ever wondered what life might be like if people sang more often? Join hosts Yam & Jessi as they celebrate the living tradition of singing in the everyday world, and ask the question, “Can an ordinary voice sing a true song?”. Part intimate conversation, part singing-telegram, this show chronicles stories of how people use song to better understand the world around them, and navigate being human. Every episode includes an original song that is taught, as well as support for getting more in touch with your own authentic voice.
Bliss Is Ordinary
Art Monk Meg Yates
Yam announces that Jessi is the new co-host of Bliss Is Ordinary, and the two of them have a conversation with songcatcher Meg Yates about Julie Andrews, the importance of singing while doing the dishes, the virtues of megalithic structures, and what it takes to be an everyday 'Art Monk'. Meg shares a song with Jessi & Yam about seeds, fruit and new beginnings.
/// If you're interested in spending more time with Meg, visit, meg’s bandcamp, or follow her on instagram, where she hosts a weekly online chant service that Jessi & Yam both agree is incredible and genuinely worth checking out.
INSTAGRAM : @blissisordinary