The Odder

Episode 8: Who Ya' Gonna Call? Ghost Identification!

Madison Paige Episode 8

Have you been hearing creeks and squeaks around your house? Do you see the visage of dear old dead Aunt Mable in the dining room? Did something send your eggs flying into the wall at breakfast? Then you may need to sharpen your Ghost Identification skills. On this episode, we cover the 5 most popular types of ghosts and listen to creepy stories from those that have seen them. Today on The Odder, get your notebooks ready cause we are  classifying spooks!

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Hello, and welcome to The Odder podcast. I'm your host Madison Paige. Today, we will be getting our scout patches in a ghost identification. We are gonna be categorizing the most popular types of spooks, specs and creaky creepers as we go through what they are, how to identify them and listen to some stores and people who have crossed their paths. So gather around the campfire with your handy, dandy notebooks, and let's go Welcome back. My little girl and boy Scouts to The Odder Pod. I hope you enjoyed last episode where we dug into the mystery of the crying boy paintings, and I hope everyone's house has remained intact and untouched by a blaze. I still don't know what made everyone foam at the mouth to get one, but uh, to each's own before we get too far into things, I just want to thank my returning listeners and welcome any new ones. Your support and interest has meant so much to me, even when I'm not feeling my best. I always look forward to getting on here and talking about something weird for you with you guys. Now here's the part where I beg of you to review and subscribe. The more reviews I get, the better I can improve the show. Last week's episode did post while I was in San Francisco, and I am so relieved that everything was able to post without too much of a hiccup. Speaking of San Fran, I had an amazing time and I visited several places I will be discussing on here in later episodes, such as the Winchester mystery house and Alcatraz. However, I am thrilled to be back home with my cats, my too small desk and my recording equipment. So I can put more content out to you guys. I'm going a little loosey goosey with this episode. So things might seem a little different. Um, We're gonna be trying a little less strict script to see how that sounds. So hopefully it all comes out nice and crisp and you know, fun for everyone involved. But speaking of the content, I thought we would do something a little different. This episode. There have been several updates to some well known cases in true crime. Since this podcast is technically defined as a true crime podcast, I thought we'd do a little update. Welcome to The Oddee update. Today's newest mentions in Truw crime. Our first story, the 4,177 square foot infamous murder house of Chris Watts was placed on the market this week, while the house has been listed under a fictious address and does not feature any pictures of the outside. It is quite recognizable to anyone who saw the documentary or the video from the crime scene. Chris Watts plead guilty to the murder of his pregnant wife, Shannon and their daughter's four year old Bella and three year old Celeste in August of 2018. The motive behind the murders came to light. When it was revealed that Watts was having an affair and told a cellmate, he did not want to pay child support or want the son, his wife was carrying the house originally, went to foreclosure and was put up for auction in 2019, but no bids were made. So we'll see how it fares on the market this time around if you're not looking to buy a house. How about staying in a hotel room where a famous fugitive and his corrections officer lover stayed. The hunt for fugitive Casey white, who fled from jail in Alabama's Lauderdale county with corrections. Officer Vicky white has led to a room at the motel 41 having a wait list. The pair escaped together. After Vicky told staff, she was taking Casey to a courthouse appointment. It soon came to light several hours later, though, that there was no appointment and a man hunt for the two began. Officials say that a romantic relationship developed while Casey was being housed in a state prison. Following hearings about his involvement in the 2015 stabbing death of Connie Ridgeway, the two had a Bonnie and Clyde esk run that ended in Vicky White's death to suicide. When the two were cornered following a car chase in Indiana, Casey White has been placed back in custody room 150, where the couple stayed for a week has suddenly become in high demand, reported a desk clerk, and now has a wait list and a raised fee to book. Lastly, lake Mead in Las Vegas is finally giving up her secrets on May 1st, a body in a barrel was found after the lake fell 52 meters due to global warming, the body was taken for autopsy and the cause of death was found to be a gunshot wound. sneakers on the body dated to the late 1970s or early eighties. Lake Mead became synonymous with mob hits from the 1930s onwards. Officials believe this body is not the last that will appear as The lake continues to drop. It has yet to be identified Well, that's all for our Oddee updates. As more things come out or develop with various cases, I'll come back from time to time with another one, especially if it's on a case we have previously talked about. I have been keeping an eye on the shopping killer case and I will definitely be bringing you updates about that one, but enough with that, let's get into our episode today. We are going to be identifying ghosts and I kind of thought it would be fun to think about it like boy Scouts and girl Scouts. Now, I don't know if any of you did Scouts growing up. I think I made it to a brownie. I might have been a Daisy, but I was really into the patch collecting. I wanted the big wide sash covered in the pretty little patches. And unfortunately the only thing really had to do with ghosts when I was going, was telling scary stories about the campfire. But I think that, especially with the amount of horror movies and media, we have the features ghosts that it might be important for us to know our different types. Now we won't be talking about anything demonic today. I wanna do a whole separate episode really focusing on that. So these are just your run of the mill average specs, white sheet, wearing chain shaken, beetle juice, esque ghosts. We'll be talking about, um, the various different kinds as well as the hauntings that are associated with them. And just kind of some fun little stories that I found on Reddit from different people who have seen them. So let's start with the basics. What is the definition of a ghost? According to the dictionary, a ghost is defined as an apparition of a dead person, which is believed to appear or become manifest to the living. Typically as a nebulous image. Now that's kind of boxy really it's a boxy definition, but what it means is that a ghost as a human that was once alive, but is now dead and is the leftovers of them that become apparent to, uh, people. Sometimes people, they know, some people they don't know, and sometimes not even forms, some are just shapes or mists or noises. Now nearly one in five people say they've seen a ghost. Now this is according to pew research center. And almost one in three people say they've been in contact with the dead, but this gets kind of shifty when not all people consider the dead ghosts. Now you might have heard people say, oh, I believe in ghosts, but I don't believe in spirits or vice versa. And now these aren't technically the same thing. Um, they just have different connotations. So a ghost is more of a negative connotation associated with it. When in comparison to a spirit, it's like a soul that finds it difficult to cross into the realm between the living and the dead. So they just hangs around and often causes trouble. Um, a lot of the ghost stories you'll hear, you know, they're knocking over glasses and breaking things and, you know, creeping around corners being like, get out of my house. That's a ghost. Well, our spirit is more of a happy thing. Well, I guess not happy, but it's got a more positive connotation. So a spirit comes through as like, you know, great grandma, Emma who died years ago is coming back, you know, to after the birth of her great grandchild, you know, give, give the baby a kiss in the forehead. And it comes through the monitor as a ghostly apparition. It's kind of that thing. Spirits can also have more of a religious connotation, like the holy, the holy spirit. Some people say holy ghost, but you know, you like the spirit of, of, of Christ comes upon his followers. So some people think about the spirits as more of like a guardian angel, as you know, a guiding, protecting spirit. Whereas a ghost is a negative force that wants you out of its home or wants to cause destruction in your life. You could also think about if it helps more a Poltergeist, which is a very negative entity is a ghost, but it's not a spirit. It's kind of like that. So let, let's say you walk around the house and you hear some knocking, you hear some tap and maybe you hear a couple whispers. Is your house haunted? Well, how would you know? There is actually a little guide to how you know, so this is according to the New York paranormal society. Here are the five things to look out for to tell if your house is haunted by the ghosts and demons of the, of years past. So the first thing is a distinct smell, which you can't find its source. These are known as Phantom SC, and it's, it's not like, like you walk in like, Ooh, the garbage is a little right? But like, this is like I walk in and I am a perfume and this is a perfume that is obviously not something in my house. Or maybe I recognize that maybe it is my grandmother's perfume and she's passed or like somebody smells cigar smoke, but you can't find it. And nobody in your house is known to smoke. However, the, a national Institute of health study did hypothesize the fandom odors, um, that only one person can smell can be a result of dry mouth or a reaction to certain medications. So just walking in and being like, Hmm, I, I smell, I smell blueberry pie. And we, we don't have blueberry pie that it could does have a physical, it could have a physical reason, but that's why we have four more. So the next thing is a temperature changes that are just abrupt. So you walk in and you know, you keep your house at 74. You like, it Bal meat. That's me. Uh, my boyfriend calls me a lizard. I really like things to be extra warm, but let's say you walk in and you're like, oh, it's really chilly in here. I've, I've walked into a cold spot. Now this is something we're all really familiar with. Especially if you're a fan of ghost shows or like a ghost adventures, you know, they'll talk about cold spots walking into cold spots and they say, this is because the spirit is manifesting there. Um, you know, this could also, you know, if we're gonna go to the skeptics point of this, it could also be that, you know, there's a, there's a leak in the windows or there's a draft going through the house or, you know, a hole in the foundation that's causing that spot on the floor to be cold. So there are natural explanations to that as well. But that is one of the things they say to look out for is if you run into like a cold spot or a sudden temperature change as this could be a sign of like a spirit pulling energy into itself and trying to manifest, like you you've just walked through them basically. Okay. So let's do number three. So the third thing you need to look out for, if you think, oh, they, my big ghost to my house is your phone is always on the verge of dying. And this is not because you forget to plug it in or because you spend all day on TikTok and it's now dead. This is like, I just charged my phone. I put it down. I went to do a low laundry. I come back, the phone is dead and this is not an old phone. This is like a relatively new phone. Or if other things in your house start being drained, like, uh, remote controls, cameras, uh, microphones. It always seem to give me trouble for no reason, uh, laptops, TVs, you know, anything electronic that is in good shape that is not old. And that is, you know, plugged up to a good or not plugged up, I guess, has a battery source that is fresh, but keeps draining on you. Um, that has be a sign of ghost activity. And they say the reason for this is that the ghost are thought to communicate through electricity. Like, like when you see lights flickering and like TV shows, they draw the energy from these objects to kind of help manifest themselves. And unfortunately it, it does leave. You owing several thousands of dollars into dura cell. Now, every, you know, there's not perfect devices. Some phones are just inherently battery suckers and you know, some objects as they get older, as they get damaged, as they weather on, they're gonna use more and more electricity without a payoff. But where it becomes unusual is if you have a device in a good shape and it's constantly losing battery, if you're like every time I bring something into this house with a battery, it gets drained and you know, it's not working and it doesn't make any sense. These are good batteries. That's when it's, it's becoming odd. Um, and so that's when you might have a ghost using it to try to manifest, but let's go number four. So number four thing, there are mysterious noises. Now we all heard about this. We've all heard, you know, like the tap tap, tapping, like some scratching, maybe some knocking, you hear the whispers, you hear like, uh, you know what sounds like footsteps walking down the hall. And you're the only one in the house. You're hearing weird noises. Now these can be explained by rodent activity or, you know, loud, noisy neighbors. But if it's something that's happening repeatedly, like you can't find a source or something, that's just so odd. Um, I remember in, uh, one of the places I used to rent after college, I would hear music like coming from an old stereo, just somewhere in the house. And I could never really pinpoint it. But if it's something like that where you can't figure out where it's coming from, then that's, that could possibly attributed to ghosts. Now, of course, when you're investigating these noises, it's important to be safe. You know, if you're hearing screeching and scratching and chittering in the attic, it could be a raccoon. It's probably not a good idea to go up there, you know, buy your lonesome in the dark. Or like if you're hearing knocking on the outside of the house and it's the middle of the night and you're by yourself, probably not a good idea to open that door. The main thing is to be safe when you're looking into any of this. But, um, let's go on to the last and final reason is that you regularly feel a weird sensation on the back of your neck. Now, if you, if you feel like a little chill up your spine, every once in a while, you get a cold chill, little, little Twitch in the back of the neck, you know, the hair is brushing against your wrong. That's completely normal. But if you're just consistently feeling that there's something on the back of your neck, like, like a cold sensation or like fingers running down, or like, oh, this is gonna creep be about like a spider. If you feel like there's a spider on the back of your neck. Now this could be, they say, this could be indicate that a ghost has become attached to you. You know, there is that popular theory and it's becoming more media now where it's not places that are haunted it's people. So when a ghost becomes attached to a person, they may start to feel kind of like, I guess the best way to describe it is like, is if you had an older relative or somebody, or like put their hand in the back of your neck, kind of like that sensation. And they do clarify, this does tend to have it to meta physically gift to people. Uh, if you don't believe in that, that's, you know, you're right. But you know, if you feel like you're someone who is more open to the strange more, you know, feeling of the paranormal world than you might get attached to more easily. So let's say, you say, you're like, I, I, here it, I hear the tapping. I hear the scratches. I feel something touching my neck. It's cold in my house. My house is haunted. What's it haunted with? There's several different types of ghosts. We're gonna focus on, um, the top five, most common types of ghosts. And like I said, this is not gonna include demonic activity that will have its own episode. Uh, but let's get started. All my little Scouts, get close, get comfy, get your little notebooks. And we're gonna start with the first of the five ghosts, the interactive personality. Now these ghosts were, were people. They were once alive and they have now moved on and their spirits, their souls, the energy that's surrounded, their living being is now back. And it's aware, they're aware they're dead and they have a message to send, or they want to comfort you. Um, if it's somebody you knew, like, like your great grandma, let's say she's coming back to comfort you in a time of need. Um, it can also be a, not so nice visit from say the old owner of the house who wants you to, you know, quote unquote, get out and, um, they've come back to spook yet. But these are, you know, they, they look like humans. They, you know, appear to you the full body of the, you know, the, you know, civil war, soldier, they're, you know, the old nurse in the haunted hospital, these were wants people and they are now back now, why do they haunt locations? Well, they could be haunting them for several different reasons. Maybe they died as a result of a tragic event or a murder or car accident. And, you know, it was traumatic and their soul is now stuck. Maybe they had unfinished business, you know, they could have died suddenly. And you know, maybe they don't realize they're dead, but they know something is up or they could feel the emotions of their living descendants and something. So traumatic is happening to them that they have to come back to try to help their emotionally connected to their loved ones. Or they, they can't rest because they feel that an injustice was done and it hasn't been remedied or they, they are afraid of what's on the other side of judgment. If they believed in heaven and hell, they may have felt they haven't done enough to get into heaven. And so they don't, they just don't want to go. It's like someone who's afraid of having, getting in a car accident. So they just don't learn to drive. But these ones that, you know, they look like people, they're the, they're the most common, they're the most popular. They're the ones that everyone's like, I've seen a ghost, it's this ghost. Now there's tons and tons and tons of stories of interactions with these. But I, I picked this one specifically from Reddit, from the user black towel, I believe is how it's pronounced. Um, so we will get right on into the story. My mother told me a story about how, when she was younger, about eight or so, her family moved into a house that was previously owned by a coworker at the place. Her mother, my grandmother moved to work at it. Wasn't a big house and it was in a pretty unremarkable town. So she got bored there quickly. The same day they moved in, she decided to explore the basement attic, just random parts of the house besides her room. When she first discovered the attic, it was mostly empty. Say for some junk and a chair up by the window. For some reason, she seemed to like the attic space a lot and made it sort of her own playroom. She moved her toys games in a toy box up there a few weeks after the move. My grandmother starts to notice her talking to someone in the attic and learns that she had an imaginary friend. Let's say her name is Sarah. My mom can still describe her friend in detail perfectly. If I ask her a girl, her same age, she looked scrawny, but pretty brown hair, brown eyes, and a white dress. My grandma C the description up as my mother projecting her own image onto a friend in a new town. She also made it a habit to clean up the attic. Since my mom loved to play up there and would make sure things looked tidy. She'd put my mom's toys in a box and move the chair by a built-in bookcase in the corner. My mom got yelled a lot because the chair was never left where it should have been. But my mom always maintained that she left the chair in the corner, but that Sarah liked to move it in front of the window. A few more weeks later, the coworker had come over to visit. At this point, when my mother wasn't in school, she spent her time in the attic. While there the coworker heard her playing in the attic, talking and laughing and everything, normal kid stuff. My mom came downstairs for lunch with everyone. And the coworker asked her about how she liked the house. She told her it was great. Talked about the attic and her new imaginary friend after hearing the description and the name, the coworker went silent while they were leaving. The coworker told my grandmother that years prior, they had a daughter named Sarah who matched the description and loved to play in the attic. She also kept the chair that was up there by the window. They went on to say that Sarah was very young. She passed away from cancer. And that when she was buried in the same dress that my mom described, my grandmother hadn't told my mom the story until she was much older. I was actually there when she first heard it. And she looked horrified quick little side note into this. Apparently everyone in my neighborhood has decided to get up and have a good time. So if you hear child scream, or if you hear my doorbell ring, which it's already done or, um, fireworks, and there's also a helicopter circling overhead, I am so sorry, but I cannot stop them. Also. My house is not haunted. That was the main point of this. It might be haunted. It's not haunted by that though. Moving on. How do we think about that story? The coworker's deceased daughter appearing to the new owner's, um, child and playing with her in the attic and seeming for all points, just to be a benevolent little child, offering comfort to another child in a strange place. I thought it was a very sweet little story, but let's move on to our next ghost. Now we're gonna talk about number two, the ectoplasm or ecto mist. Now the ectoplasm ecto ghost, you might think of those old pictures with the, uh, the go, the cheese cloth, looking substance coming out of the man's nose or the woman's mouth and her head thrown back. And they're like, oh, and it's floating up, you know, those old ones, um, which is that, that is what ectoplasm is. But the ectoplasm ecto mist ghost is, is what is, is a mist. It's a swirling vortex. If you've seen videos where they're like, you know, you see like a little puff of smoke, that something like walks through the background. That is what an ecto MIS to ghost is. Um, they can be white, gray, sometimes black, sometimes that's all you see is just the miss. Sometimes they, they appear and then a full bodied apparition appears, you know, from them. Um, most people witness them outdoors in graveyards, battlefields or historical sites. Um, and they don't really have a point of origin. So like, it's not like steam from a grave. Like it's, it's, it's suddenly in the air, there is a, a smoke. And that is what a, an ecto miss goes. Now, some people do relate these to shadow people, but they aren't the same thing. Shadow people have never been human ecto, miss kind of to being a human or a, a wisp of a human or something left behind after an event. But it's not, it's not the same as like the hat man. Like it is, it is a mist, a body list mist that can fill up a room or it can be very small. And sometimes you can see it really clearly. Sometimes it's just outta the corner of the eye. A lot of people report to seeing it in the peripheral vision. Um, but they does show up very well on videos and photographs. So let's hear a little story from, uh, someone called imposter J on Reddit. My husband and I live in old and tiny one bedroom cabin up in the mountains of the WASA front based on the rumors of my little town. This cabin has been here since the early 19 hundreds, but the layout has changed some over the years. The bedroom is where the kitchen used to be, and the kitchen was moved to the center, as well as some windows and one door have been boarded up. We have been here for just over a year now. And when we first moved in, we were in a high host. The first few months had gone by great, nothing odd or out of place. It has always been a slow progression over time. The first thing I notice is how cold this cabin is all the time. Mainly the bedroom. We heat our home with a wood burning stove and what we call our living bedroom. We moved into the living room to stay warmer. It's the only part of our cabin that actually stays warm. We even used a fan that blows warm air into the bedroom and a radiator to heat up the kitchen, but we can never really get those rooms to stay warm. Obviously, the two winters we have been here have been rough, a lot of cold nights with our animals, cold in bed with us. It's been so cold that we've even lost a bunch of house plants. It's actually been really hard to get any plant to last here. The bedroom has an east facing window and gets a bunch of light. You would think that it would warm it up a bit, but it never really does. It just stays cool all the time. After we moved out of the bedroom, we sort of shunned it for some time. Neither one of us really wanted to spend much time in there. We did try to turn it into a living room space to make it more inviting, but that didn't really work. It just felt too claustrophobic. We have since made the best of it by turning it into our bar slash office space. While we were sleeping there, I often found myself always staring into the darkness of the closet. I really struggled to pull my eyes away from it. I'm not really sure why I felt like I had to always keep an eye on it. Even to this day. I still want to get out of it as quickly as possible. When I have to go in there before moving neither, my guy, nor myself ever really had nightmares. But now from time to time, we do recently, we even had a similar nightmare just days apart. My husband said that in his dream, he was laying at bed in the dark trying to sleep, but he couldn't. He felt like somebody was standing over him. When he opened his eyes, there was a dark shadow looming. He said it felt dark. Then he woke up. He said that in his dream, he felt like he was awake. And he was really shocked when he woke up. My dream started out the same as his, I was in bed trying to sleep, but I felt like someone was watching me. When I opened my eyes to see if something was there. I saw a dark shadow standing in the doorway into the kitchen. I felt frozen. I felt like I shouldn't take my eyes off of it, but I had to blink when I did the shadow had moved and was standing over me. I felt trapped. I thought I was awake. I was completely surprised when I jumped awake. Nothing was there, no shadow, just the darkness of our room. Now there is an odd white mist. That's apparently only I see. And it's not just seen from the corner of my eye. It happens right in front of me. It's like a little puff of smoke that just seems to happen out of nowhere. And only when I'm alone. Some days I see it multiple times. Other times, several days will pass without a single siding. I have tried to look it up before the non paranormal sight say, it's something that happens when warm air, cold air mix. But I don't really think that is the case because I'll see it happen all over the cabin next to me or across the room, warm or cold. And if it comes and goes so quickly, it never lingers. I've asked my husband multiple times if he has ever noticed the mist. But every time he says no. So that one had like a bit of, of all of it in it, like it had the mist, but it also had a spirit man. And it, it had cold spots, which I just wanted to kinda give you like, as like, um, this is your mixed bag of trail mix. Like this is the, the ghostly trail mix. It can come several pieces of it can all come separately and they may not all be related to each other, but they could. So let's go on to our next little ghosty. Boy, we're gonna talk about a Poltergeist. The Poltergeist is one of the most well known, but also one of the rarest of ghosts to have. So Poltergeist is from a German word, meaning noisy spirits and reports of them date back to ancient Rome. And what they really boil down to is, um, they, it starts off as like knocks and bangs and loud noises. And then it progresses into furniture being moved, um, fires, even manifesting, bed shaking. And sometimes it can go on into full body apparitions. This spirit is not really a spirit in the traditional sense. It's not a ghost. Someone who's died and has come back. This is caused by a living person. Um, somebody who it's typically described as somebody in the teenage years, typically female who is experiencing, um, either high stress or has had an emotional event. Something has happened and they are manipulating the energy around them. Unknowingly. This person doesn't know they're doing it, but they're causing the Poulter guys to form. And, um, this is just it's energy gets stronger and stronger and it feeds and it feeds and it grows. And then it causes worse things to happen. Now, this is one you'll see most ghost based shows featuring because it is the most interesting. It's the most, it's the scariest. Um, there's whole movie franchises dedicated to this. Um, pretty much any like Haun of hill house and hell. There's a whole movie series it's called Polter guys. They're based off of, because it's, it's, it's sensational, it's scary. And they do say, you know, they recommend that you to help these help people who are manifesting them, it's they need to go to treatment. They need to see a therapist or a doctor, somebody who can help them get their emotional state back in control. And the Polter guys will eventually go away on its own. Um, it's not one of those things you can move away from air go, cuz it's stuck to somebody it's gonna follow them. This is something that's like, I there's been an issue. We need to go see a doctor, um, to help get rid of this, this ghost haunting our house. Um, and there's plenty of stories on Polter D um, I did pick this specific one from, um, BDI, uh, by user I count fish because I just thought it was one of the most intriguing. So I used to live in a big house, six bedrooms, four baths, and a basement by myself. I was in there as a hiring park and to look after the place for my boss who lived out of state, but owned the home. One of those win-win situations, the first couple of months were fine, but when winter came, I started hearing things coming from the second floor. I lived pretty much exclusively on the first floor. It started with little bumps and bangs coming from above where I had my computer set up and progressed to distinct footsteps coming and going across the second floor. I had been up to the second floor to check on it from time to time. And I knew there was an unfinished area. One place always stuck out in an unfinished room that was sort of a walkin closet for one of the upstairs bedrooms. It was attached to the garage and completely unlit. It was open. When I went up to investigate the noises, I shut the door and I locked it two nights later, more noises, footsteps leading from an unfinished room to the bathroom than nothing. The worst part, the door, the door that led to the unfinished room would not stay closed or locked. I tried everything. Eventually. I pushed the bed up against the door to keep it from opening. That seemed to work a few months, went by without the door coming open, but I would find it unlocked all the time. As time passed, I would hear noises all over the house, mostly footsteps, but the occasional thump with no explanation, I cannot explain how horrifying it is to hear little taps up and down the hall from the other side of a bathroom door during your morning shower, I've eventually moved out, but another employee moved in to take my place. His stay there only lasted about a month. The story he told me is that he was shaving one morning before work. And he heard a slam, like someone dropped a heavy stack of books right outside his bedroom door, then heavy footsteps, like someone running down the hall. He won't stay there anymore. And no one in the company will live in the house. Now, what I found so interesting about this story was the application that it was not the person living in the house causing the Poltergeist, but it was the owner. If it was stuck to the property, it seems to lend credit to there was something going on with the actual owner that was feeding this Poltergeist in this property, which is the whole thing with the, the attic door, not staying shut and pushing the bed up against. It just gives me the willies. I don't know about any of you, but something so terrifying about a door opening on its own. It's just like, so our next ghost number four is many people's least favorite. And I could barely find any stories about it to be completely honest, but it is orbs. Now I, I hear your complaints. Just you just hear me out. I know, I know it's probably a bug. It's probably dust it's it's the, the most boring of ghost sightings they're and every show you watch, they're like, oh, it's an orb. There's an orb orbs. I could not care less about the orbs. I understand it's a boring, but it's one we have to talk about because it is part of the ghost community. So they are the most photographed type of anomaly and they appear as transparent or translucent, little balls of light that hover over the ground in the recordings, they might bounce. They might zoom. They might float, stop float again. They're just apparent everywhere. Now the circular shape makes it easier for them to move it around and is also the first date they appear in before they become in some instances, fully bodied apparition, and they can move pretty quickly. Now some people point to, you know, of course, bugs dust, you know, water on the camera. And there's plenty of people online who are like, no, this is what a bug is like, no, this is what dust looks like. And yeah, it, it all does kind of look different. It's really just to each his own, if you believe it orbs. Great. If you don't all right, that's fine onto the next thing. But I was able to find one story about somebody who talked, um, about orbs and it's, it's really, it's actually really sweet. It's about a baby. It's from Xao on Reddit. I've literally caught on one occasion, an orb entering my baby's crib when he's crying. And then a woman's voice comes over our white noise machine saying his name. There was no question of what was said, and it was clear as day. He stopped crying for a few seconds and then started again, my husband and I were in the living room when we got a notifications on our phone and caught it on the camera. The camera application has dual authentication. So I don't believe someone hacked. Our cameras freaked me bright out, but for me there's proof, he was visited by someone to comfort him. Now, see, that's a sweet little story. A baby is crying and somebody comes in the form of an orb to give him a cuddle. Like what's more sweet than that, but we'll move on. We'll move on. I hear what you're saying. Unfortunately, I don't think any, anybody who's like anti or was gonna really enjoy the next one. This one was almost impossible to find any like actual people wanting to talk about it, but it is one of the ones I've seen more often in research, although it's not as prevalent now that we don't really use film cameras anymore. But number five is the funnel ghost. So the funnel ghost is like an orb. Now I, I know, um, what makes it different is it's, it's, it's kind of like if an orb walk like a duck and crack like a duck, but it was a goose. So the orb is a little ball that floats up, floats around, floats back down the funnel ghost appears as a funnel or a vortex or a series of light, but it's moving. And it appears as like a clear line or a switch. If you've ever seen a picture taken on a film camera of people. And it looks like someone took a paintbrush dipped and white paint and like swiped it across it, or like a big glowing string. And you might have said, oh, it's a camera strap. Well, no, it's a funnel ghost. So they don't really interact with people. And they don't really have anything to say. And some people point to them that they might be the results of residual hauntings. Now, residual hauntings happening when something traumatic has happened in the atmosphere or a murder or, uh, fire, or, you know, something really, really bad. And it's, it's left a mark on the area and it's just replaying that incidents over and over again. It's not interacting with anybody in there. The vicinity, it's not there to spread a message it's just left such a scar on the environment that it's replaying over and over again. Now it took me a year and a day to find a good story where this one where a funnel ghost was even slightly mentioned, and this was as close as I could get. Of course, the name is throw away anonymous on Reddit. I didn't live in a haunted house, but rather adjacent to a haunted fire station. I was 16, but this story from my brother who at the time was 18. He came home really late and told me that he saw a glowing orb, the size way, basketball flying just above the tree line, down the direction of the highway. It didn't literally follow every turn on the highway, but due to how high off the ground it was, it could be seen from most spots on the highway. He followed for several minutes until it reached the station and was hovering over top of it. He came inside and told me I had to see it when I came out, it was gone, but he still insisted it was real. Now in this, this story, um, with the floating flying orb, you get kind of the idea with the residual hauntings. Like this could be the spirit of a fire truck like that was in an accident, but is still trying to return back to the fire station. So we've gone all over the types of ghost. You've heard the scratches, you've heard the Tapp, your house is haunted. What do you do? Really nothing at the end of the day, if you believe there's a ghost or something supernatural in your home, the, uh, you new, your paranormal society recommends talking to it. Like you'd speak to an acquaintance. You set boundaries in it. I want you to leave. You're not welcome here anymore, or you're welcome here, but please don't make any noise here. This is my home, and I need to feel safe here. Say it in a calm, even tone, speak out loud and acknowledge it, give it a strong request or demand, but don't yell at it. This is not ghost images. You're not Zach. You're not gonna be able to like scream a ghost to make them show yourself. That's a good way to get salt in your house. You really don't want, Well, that's all for this episode. So what do you think what's your favorite type of ghost? Do you believe in orbs? Let us know. Um, uh, we're on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and please leave our view. Uh, what did you think of this new style with the not so, uh, strict script and more of me free going it, was it really annoying or did you like it more? You can let us know and give us any recommendations by seeing an email to the Otter Thanks for listening. And I'll see you next time on the Odder side.

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