The Odder

Episode 13: Love-Has-Won Cult: The Mummified Mother God

August 04, 2022 Madison Paige Episode 13

Where do you want your body to end up after you die? Maybe a nice shady spot in a cemetery? Or sprinkled over the ocean off a cruise ship? Well for one woman known as The Mother God, that place would be a shrine covered in Christmas lights and glitter makeup. Join us today on The Odder as we deep dive into the Love-has-Won Cult and the former McDonald's manager who became their leader.

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Music Credits
"Kalimba Relaxation Music" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Electro Cabello" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"NewsSting" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Main Theme
"Dream Catcher" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

  1. Hello and Welcome to the Odder podcast. I’m your host Madison Paige, and today we are taking a day trip out to Colorado where you can get a side of fries with your cultish beliefs and loss of personal identity. Today on The Odder, we are talking about Mother God and the Love-Has-Won Cult where a former Mcdonalds manager gains followers and youtube fame before ending up on a christmas light shrine. I hope you are all ready to ascend to the 5D plane so Let’s go!
  2. Hello Loyal Followers of the Odder Cult. Prepare to foist over your life savings and every part of your personal selfs in the name of a higher being. I hope you all had a great time on our bigfoot hike last episode. I have returned to the woods and while I narrowly avoided being blown away in a storm, I’m sad to say I saw no sight of Mr. Foot but will keep my eyes peeled on my next trek. If any of you have your own stories to tell you can email them to Welcome to all our loyal listeners and all the new ones. We really appreciate all ratings and reviews and If you haven't reviewed us yet, Please Please Please do so. It really helps. Now as I’m sure you heard from the opener, Today we are doing a dive into the Love-Has-Won Cult and its Odd but intriguing Leader. But before we get into that, I thought it was a good time to do an Oddee Update! 
  3. Just a revival for those who Don’t know, the Oddee Update is a quick little blast on some developments and news in the true crime and odder world. 
    1. Our First Story: The mystery of the Somerton Man may finally have an answer. The body of a deceased male was discovered on Adelaide Beach in 1948. The man, wearing a suit and tie with no identification and a scrap of coded paper in his pocket, has confounded and confused the true crime community for years with speculation of his identity ranging from a russian spy to an intergalactic visitor. On tuesday, July 26th, specialists from Australia and the US now claim that through the use of DNA they have identified the body as belonging to Carl Webb and electrical engineer. Webb was born in 1905 and divorced his wife Dorothy in 1947, a year before he was found on the beach. More details are continuing to be released. 
    2. A third body has been recovered from Lake Mead. In early MAy, two sets of human remains were recovered following the declining water levels. Park Rangers believe the bodies are all results of murders ranging from the mid 1970s to the 80s. While no more info has been released on the newest body, officials have speculated that there will be more bodies found as Lake Mead was a common dumping ground for organized crime. We have likely not heard the last of the Lake Mead Bodies. 
    3. Fianlly, a Baby that was missing after her parents were found murdered has been located. A pair of remains were found in rural Houston in January 1981. The couple were called the Harris County Does and remained unidentified until recent years. DNA identified the pair as Tina Linn Clouse and Dean Clouse. When Police called to notify the family, they were boggled with the question of where the couple’s daughter was. For 40 years, the Couple’s daughter Holly Marie had been missing. She was an infant at the time of her parent’s death. Through genealogical testing, Holly Marie, now 42, was located in Oklahoma. A mother and grandmother herself. Investigators learned that Holly MArie was dropped off at an Arizona church by two women belonging to a nomadic religious group in November of 1980. Holly Marie has yet to speak publicly. 
    4.  Well that's all for the Oddee Update. As more things come out or develop with various cases, I’ll come back from time to time with another one.But for right now let's get back to Mother God and the Love-Has-Won Cult.
    5. In a lot of ways, Amy Carlson was just like many of us. She was a big fan of beat bobby flay, loved sriracha and playing cell phone games. Her parents divorced when she was young and she ended up living with her mother and step father in a middle class home in texas. She was a good student and sang in the school choir. Her mother remarked that she consistently made poor choices when it came to men which is hardly something to fault her for. Her life meandered on in apparent normality until she ended up with three kids, a husband, and a job as the manager of a mcdonalds. There was however, a side to Amy’s life that her family was not fully cognisant of. Starting in the mid 2000s, she started to talk about strange subjects such as starships and became a regular poster on the website Now this website is still going and I did visit it. Its opener mentions multidimensional star seeds, rainbow warriors and indigo revolutionaries. It seems to be a place where people can meet to read and chat all about magic and astrology and shamanism, really all things new-age philosophy. Feel free to explore it at your own curiosity if that is your thing. But on this forum, Amy met a man who went by the name Amerith WhiteEagle. In his talks with Amy, He referred to himself as Father God and Told her that she was Mother God, a divine being. Their conversations stirred towards spaceships and ascension and she began to report to him  that she was experiencing episodes of paranormal phenomena. This secret side life culminated in Amy suddenly leaving her entire family at a thanksgiving in 2007 when she was 32 and never returning. 
    6. Amy Carlson would go to the Crestone area with Amerith which was known as a spiritual place for those trying to heal their bodies and souls. It was here that they would form The Galactic Federation of Light and start posting their recruitment videos to Youtube in 2009.
    7. Now, Let's do a quick run through. Remember growing up and your parents telling you, hey be careful there are crazy people on the internet, don't believe everything you read. And then they proceeded to do the exact opposite of that and now meemaw preaches to you about the things she reads on facebook posts that she swears are true because why would fishmaster994 lie about the president being an alien in a meat suit? Yeah? Well, this is why. Amy Carlson is living a normal life and then after talking to a man on an internet forum, she leaves her family behind to move out to the desert to start a Cult called the Galactic Federation of Light which would later be renamed Love-has-Won. Their teaching would appear in chat groups and online videos but according to Carlson’s mom the takeaway was really that the cult was a hippie commune which focused on sex, drugs, and a good time. People living free, working towards ascension and serving their mother God.
    8. Mother God, that being Amy, was described by her followers as being over 19 billions years old and having lived over 500 lives including the fact that she was Jesus Christ, Cleopatra, and  Marilyn Monroe. She was close friends with the spirit of Robin Williams who provided spiritual counseling. She was the queen of the mystical ancient city of LEmuria before its violent fall during which time Donald Trump was her father. She was in constant conflict with the Cabal which is a shadowy global organization that was determined to keep humanity in a low vibrational state. They are a group of minions of reptilians and the Annunaki which were either extraterrestrials or Sumerian deities depending on who's telling the story. They are the global elite and have ties to the illuminati where they pull the worlds sinister strings, orchestrating sham illusionary incidents such as mass shootings and the pandemics to keep humanity in a state of fear and compliance. In her most recent life , the amy one, she had been nearly assassinated by the Cabal nearly 600 times but she foiled each attempt. Her master plan was to lead 144,000 believers into the awakened 5D plane of existence. This world is what she called the broken “3D world”. Those who did not join her would be destroyed and their energies recycled into the sun. However, unlike other Cults, the ascension into the 5D would not mean death as they would be taking their physical bodies with them. There is no life and afterlife in the Love-has-Won belief system. Amy was expected to ascend in a starship or through a portal in the ocean. 
    9. Amarith may have had a starting role in this but he would not be the last Father-God. While Amy remained mother god, the title of Father-God would go to her flavor of the week. Whoever was her current partner would get the power of being Father God until they either left or Amy lost interest. The last of these men was named JAson Castillo in 2018 which was the same year the group officially changed its name and settled in Moffat, Colorado. Castillo was 46 when he joined the group and began a relationship with Amy. He would later claim to be 477.5 trillion years old and that he had three hearts. He also claimed that humans originated from Venus. In his words, the Father God was actually “The Master of Darkness”. According to some ex-members, Jason was mean, erratic, and abusive. In one video, he was recorded as threatening another member by saying “You’re going to be a paraplegic”. Current and former members both reported that Castillo regularly used methamphetamines despite the group's anti drugs policy although marijuana was allowed. 
    10. Now the group was located originally in a spot called Baca Grande. This was considered a sacred ground by the Hopi and other native American Tribes and the couple who developed it in the 1970s agreed to hold space where different religions could build facilities to promote harmony and peace. Permission was granted selectively and retreats and temples were built there by the carmelites, buddhists and hindus. Now the Love-Has-Won cult would never have qualified so they got around this by renting some property in the area from someone who had a relative in the cult. A member named Miguel Lamboy would later purchase the property for $63,000 giving the cult their permanent residence. Lamboy would incorporate Love-Has-Won as a Nonprofit organization in 2020 and listed himself as president. He was known in the cult as Archangel Michael. From this property, Amy would livestream to her followers. The cult had a few dozen core members who resided with the group in-person as well as an estimated 100-200 ambassadors which were remote followers that stayed connected online. They would communicate through facebook and skype. Auxiliary groups popped up in Australia, South Africa, and central america. 
    11. The group live streamed multiple times a day and the videos would last for hours at a time. This was the gateway in and how the cult gathered new members. While the group touted their free life and ease of living, the reality was much different and was even caught in the videos. An incident that would cycle through the videos of the groups outspoken opposers would be called the “Chicken PArmesan Saga”. The video depicts Amy berating a follower for bringing her meatballs for dinner when she had wanted chicken parmesan. She and Castillo scream, swear, threaten and berate the man as he stands with his head down. The following day, the man appears on a live stream to explain his mistake but you can still hear Castillo screaming at him off camera. 
    12. Over chicken parmesan. 
    13. Kids…don’t join a cult. Life is not better there. Just don’t do it. 
    14. Members often left family members and cut off all contact. This is a common theme amongst cults. They tell their followers that they must devote themselves to the cause and their family is trying to drag them down or trick them. So if you find a cool little club to join and they start telling you to cut off your friends and family and devote your life to the club. It’s not a club, it's a Cult. This message was approved by the Odder. 
    15. One mother reported that her daughter joined the cult in MArch 2018 and she has not seen her since. She checks on her by watching the cults videos. The woman didn't even know her daughter had joined the cult until an anonymous text telling her. The daughter, whose name as well as the name of the mother has been kept anonymous, began appearing in the videos in July 2018. The mother pleaded with her daughter to return but she blocked her messages. She noticed her daughter changed her hair color and her name but more concerning, she began to notice extreme weight loss so much so that her clavicle began to protrude through her skin. 
    16. The mother even went to the point of sending care packages containing toilet paper, chicken noodle soup and peanut butter cups to addresses where she thought she might be. She contacted the FBI, Sheriff's department and police over the years but the woman was an adult and would simply refuse to leave. The mother last saw her daughter on video on April 15th in 2021 but she disappeared shortly after. Police have not located her.
    17. Mother God soon began displaying problems of her own. Over the years, Amy has appeared more frail and followers were depicted carrying her from chairs and beds. To some viewers, she appeared to be drugged or drunk. It is important to understand that an aspect of the Love-has-Won belief system is that all the words eternal suffering was played out on Amy’s body physically. They believed that her body acted as a filter, cleansing the world of negative energies and low vibrations which caused her sickness and suffering. They even believed that if she died, everyone on the planet would as well. Her followers surrounded her with their devotion and beliefs in order to shield her from damage. So when Amy’s health took a massive spiral, the followers attributed it to the evils of the world. In September of 2020, The group was escorted off Hawaii after they violated Covid-19 protocols and offended local islanders with their co-opting of native religious practices. A follower reported they had gone to hawaii because Amy had cancer and was paralyszed from the waist down. This diagnosis could not be verified because the group did not visit doctors. 
    18. Although there is some evidence that Amy wanted medical care but that her followers prevented it. In a livestream, one follower said, “There’s been moments when mom has asked us to take her to a community hospital. There’s no way. We know how a hijacking works.” On April 16, a photo of Castillo holding Amy in his arms circulated on the group’s private chat rooms, in the picture, Amy appears either dead or almost dead.
    19. Those watching the videos and tracking the group tried to call police, ambulance, and attorneys to get help for the women but they were all turned away at the gate.
    20. The fate of Amy would not hang in the air for long. In late April, Migues Lamboy would go to the sheriff's department to report a dead body being held in a mission house. Police go to the property and there they discover a makeshift altar where Amy Carlson’s body had been mummified in a sleeping bag which was then wrapped with Christmas lights. Glitter makeup had been smeared around the eye sockets of the corpse but it no longer had its eyes. Seven members were present and insisted that “Mother was resting”
    21. The adults present were all arrested and charfed with abuse of a corpse as well as child abuse as two children were found sleeping nearby. 
    22. According to the Saguache County Coroner Tom Perrin, Carlson died from a combination of alcohol abuse, anorexia, and chronic Colloidal Silver ingestion. A photo from weeks before her death shows thinning hair, immanciation, and purplish skin, all of which are symptoms of long term Colloidal Silver Ingestion. This compound also causes seizures and organ failure. The group had been promoting it as a Covid-19 cure and had actually received a warning from the FDA. The charges against the group were raised to tampering with a deceased human body, child abuse, abuse of a corpse, and false imprisonment but ultimatly all charges would be dropped. At the time of her death, it is believed there were 29 devoted followers living in the properties in colorado and california. Those who were not arrested, disappeared. Including Lamboy, who for some reason even though he reported the body was not arrested and has also fallen off the face of the earth. A defense attorney for the group claimed Lamboy had taken the group's money and run. There is some speculation that Lamboy and Castillo have combined forces to start a new cult somewhere else. 
    23. Following the discovery of the body, Members released word that Amy has ascended before taking their website offline and renaming their Youtube and FAcebook pages to 5D full disclosure. They continue with the daily livestreams but none of the core members have been seen on them in weeks. Instead, members in South America, Australia, and a woman from Memphis Tennessee now run them. 
    24. Amy Carlson could very well have been a billion year old spiritual vessel fighting off a race of reptilian conquerors. She could also have been a woman simply suffering under a mental illness or just the want we all feel for an exciting life free of the pressures and expectations of life. I will say as far as Cults go, I found no reported deaths so she had that going for her. Her death is sad and it's disheartening that she seemed to have been surrounded by people who didn't have her best interest at heart. But she lived life the way she saw fit. In the end, maybe that's all we can hope for. A chance to live the life we truly want. 

Well, that's all for this episode. So what do you think? Do you believe Amy Carlson was an ancient spiritual being? Do you think her death was an organized event? What do you believe in all this ascension talk? Let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and leave a review. The Odder Pod is now on TikTok. Come follow us there! Have a suggestion for a show? Send me an email at with your request and whether you’d like me to mention your name, your alias, or nothing at all. Remember this is The Odder Side so give me something cool, creepy, or confusing to deep dive for you. If you liked the show, leave us a review! They really help! I’ve been kind of out of sorts lately but this podcast really helps to get my head back on straight. The Odder Podcast posts every other Thursday. Thanks for listening and I’ll see you next time on The Odder side. 

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