Infinite ML with Prateek Joshi

Upskilling, learning, and keeping yourself relevant as a data practitioner | Matt Harrison

Prateek Joshi

Matt Harrison is a world-renowned expert on Python and Data Science. He has a CS degree from Stanford University. He is a best-selling author on Python and Data subjects. He is the author of books such as Effective Pandas, Illustrated Guide to Learning Python 3, Intermediate Python, Learning the Pandas Library, and Effective PyCharm. They've ALL been best-seller on Amazon. He is an advisor to Ponder, the Enterprise Pandas company. You can check out his online store and his course on Pandas.  

In this episode, we cover a range of topics including:
- Corporate training and upskilling
- The process of training
- Similarities and differences between the learning mechanisms for adults vs children
- Framework for data practitioners to educate themselves
- Biggest gap in skills today
- Modes of learning
- Measuring the efficiency of training products and services