Tellabs New Tech

A Better Way with Tellabs and Optical LAN


What if there is a better way? A way to be smarter, stronger, and faster. A path that ensures our greater safety and security. A means to make an impact. There is. Tellabs Optical LAN is a better way to build and operate networks.

Listen to this podcast to hear how Tellabs Optical LAN is smarter, stronger, faster, safer and more sustainable.

First, let’s talk about Smarter. As an IT pro, you can work smarter and do more with less with an Optical LAN. Next, how about Stronger. The network strength is measured by it not breaking. Optical LAN can increase network uptime. Faster. Optical LAN offers greater network speeds such as 10 gigabits and Optical LAN has a graceful path to 25, 40, and 100 gig speeds over the same fiber infrastructure. Now let’s talk about Safer which ties to Security. With Optical LAN you only have one door to lock, one device to harden, to do software patches, and one management access to protect – it’s a smaller attack surface with a Zero Trust Architecture. Finally there’s Sustainability. Optical LAN is proven to be environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and require less space for floors, racks, risers, pathways, and telecom rooms – that less materials and natural resources consumed. Clearly, Tellabs Optical LAN is a better way to build and operate networks.

To learn more about Passive Optical LAN, please visit

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