The Just MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Show
The Just MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Show
Exploring Psychedelics: A Leap Forward for MS
In this enlightening episode of "The Just M.S. Show," we delve into a groundbreaking development in medical research. The focus is on the European Union's substantial investment in the PsyPal trial, a study exploring the potential of psilocybin therapy in treating multiple sclerosis (MS) and other serious conditions requiring palliative care. This episode sheds light on the holistic approach of the trial, its significance in the realm of psychedelic-assisted therapy, and its implications for enhancing the quality of life and psychological well-being of patients with chronic illnesses.
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The Just MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Show, w host Justin Loizos, is a podcast that connects, educates and tries to uplift others living with multiple sclerosis. It provides real-life stories, interviews, and information about DMTs (disease modification therapies) and updates on research developments.