Elev8 Your Life
Sheryl Morley & Paul Kroto will help you Elev8 all 8 areas of your life. The acronym they use is B.E.S.T. L.I.F.E. which stands for Body, Emotions, Spirit, Thoughts, Loving Relationships, Incredible Finances, Fantastic Plan, and Exceptional Preparation. If you want to reach your true potential in any of these 8 areas then this is the podcast for you!
Elev8 Your Life
#160-Living by Design: How Emotions Fuel Your Actions
Do you want to live by default or by design?
You can actually choose how you want to feel
You have the ability to feel any way you want at any given moment
Emotions are the FUEL that drives your life
Emotions Drive Your Actions
Do you want to use Power or Force?
Anger & Stress can create action but you can’t sustain that and you will never reach the top levels with that type of fuel
Energy does derive from both the plus and negative
The 12 Best Emotions To Feel
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Happy
- Grateful
- Hunger
- Certain (Confidence)
- Healthy & Fit
- Passion
- Love & Warmth
- Curiosity
- Sense of Contribution