Wake The Farm Up! - Maintaining Ground

Dual Power Gathering, A Conversation With Nick and Adam of the Chicagolands, Mutual Aid, Caring for each other, and the Midwest Duel Power Gathering

Season 3 Episode 16

This unique conversation experience Host Ande the Elf adventures with Nick and Adam of the Chicagolands into the realms of Mutual Aid and what that means today!  Caring for each other from the power of our own motivations of compassion.  Care of the Earth, Care of the People.  
The discussion introduces the concept of Dual Power (7:32) and how these guys are activating these theories into their lives.  From community gardens, how we communicate, antiracism,  to caring for each other,
Mutual Aid seems to be the thing! 

to learn more check out these links!

opencollective (info on the gathering)

Dual Power Midwest

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