Storytelling for Innovation: Motion Design for Human-Centered Design

A Freelance Career Storyboarding for UX Design & Creating Comics with Ron Chan

Episode 24

Ron Chan is a Freelance Cartoonist, Storyboard Artist and Illustrator in Portland, OR who shares his expertise creating User Experience Storyboards. We cover a lot of ground here talking about who these innovation clients are, the process of making a storyboard and why it's different, what makes a good drawing, and a bunch of tips on Freelancing as well.

Ron Chan portfolio site

Ron's "Yellow Jacket" Storyboard example that I talk about in the episode

Ron Chan on Instagram: @rondanchan

Cinco Design


My free masterclass - Storytelling for Innovation

Leeanne's Instagram: @leeanne_brennan (DM me your thoughts on this episode! I love hearing from you all!)