Conscious Footprints
A totally different approach to listening to Animals, Nature, the Earth, and the Universe without the significance and seriousness of it all! What can we contribute to our Planet being a sustainable, living organism? Are you in?
The tools of Access Consciousness™ allow you to know what YOU know and go beyond what you have been told is correct and true. What if you could listen to Nature without a preconceived thought? What if you had no previous point of view about Nature but could listen without judgment? Receive tools, laughter, and a very different way of creating beyond this reality!
Conscious Footprints
What are your New Year Resolutions?
Why do we wait for the new year to make changes? No one knows the real origins of New Year’s resolutions which makes me wonder, how many things could you change in one day?
Not because other people say so.
Not because it’s a common idea like losing weight or quitting smoking. For no reason other than to enjoy your life.
Stop pursuing someone else’s resolutions and look at what you would like to create. What would be really fun for YOU?
If you have any questions about the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement, please go here: http://www.theclearingstatement.com.
And you can find more about me, my work, and various offers and creations about animal communication, ESSE on horse and human bodies, and much, much more on my website: http://www.suzygodsey.com
Here you can find me on social media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suzygodsey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuzyGodseyLLC
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/suzy-godsey
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@SuzyGodsey1