Beautiful JEMM's

A Black Persons Importance

May 27, 2021 (Charmaine Thompson) Season 1
A Black Persons Importance
Beautiful JEMM's
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Beautiful JEMM's
A Black Persons Importance
May 27, 2021 Season 1 (Charmaine Thompson)
Why YOU as a black person are important. Coming from my heart to yours!

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Show Notes Transcript
Why YOU as a black person are important. Coming from my heart to yours!

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Interested in being you to the fullest? Subscribe to my podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or Amazon for more topics around self-love, empathy, depression, mental health, intuition, and relationship with God.

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Hello and welcome to Beautiful JEMMS bonus episode.

I'm your host Charmaine. I just want to talk a little bit about why I decided to create this podcast. I know I explained it in the intro episode, but I feel like I need to come more from the heart and just speak and basically you know I'm making this podcast Because I'm hurting for us, I'm hurting for black people. I think that we have been through so much, we're still being treated unfairly. And we treat ourselves unfairly and don't even realize it. I am the type of person that, you know, I can kind of sit in the background and watch just naturally, I guess who I am, or part of who I am. And I just see people, and I see what they're not saying, I see what is not in a book, I see what you can't google, my spirit recognizes their spirit. And I feel people's pain, even though they're smiling. I see people's confusion, even when they're telling you that it makes sense. I see people uncomfortable in a society that they know truly, at times, even hates them or despises them, and still tries to operate in love. I find us to be amazing. Because we know how to smile through and get through some pain with strength and dignity, and somehow make it look good in the process. But I'm here to say that it's not fair. And yes, life isn't fair. But it's been unfair to us for way too long. And the best way to take back what is rightfully yours, is by beginning to fall in love with yourself. For real. This isn't a campaign of Black is beautiful. Yes, your mind knows that. But does your heart know that? Does your spirit know that? That's what this show is about? Why am I talking about God so much, because God is probably the only being that can reach through to you. This is serious. We can't afford to be looking at superficial things anymore. Looking at how much money we make, how good we look, what kind of clothes we wear, what type of house we have, or what we don't have, and measure ourselves by that. I really, really, really want people to see their beauty. Without all those things. 

What are you without all those things? Do you feel good, whether you're on vacation, or whether you're at work, you should feel good in both places, you should feel good about yourself all day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, society can go kick rocks, because you are beautiful. But you have to recognize that. And I just get so upset, because we just keep going along to get along. And there are so many things against us. And we at times don't even have compassion for ourselves. It's really time. It just is it's time to do that healing work. And what I'm doing my best to do is appeal not only to your mind, but to your heart, especially right now. In what areas of your life. Do you not feel good? Really being a black person? What have you not come to terms with? What are you fighting with on a daily basis secretly that you feel like you can't even say to anybody, it's more than just your mental health. It's your heart health issues, spiritual health.

We are walking around sick in so many areas, an unhealed wound. Do you know what trauma means? I believe the root word of trauma is wounded. Would you not agree that we have been put through traumatic experiences for 400 years, and is still going on today? We're never victims. But we are wounded and we need to be healed. And just because your life may look good on the outside to others, maybe on the gram, I don't know. You know the truth. You and God knows the truth. So this analogy about the JEMMS and about God and about prayer and all these different aspects. I'm just trying to get you to see that I think that you are worth every bit of the effort that I'm going through right now to even put out this podcast. 

This is not easy for me. It's not easy to share certain parts of myself in an effort to help people because I know it's not easy for you. That is why I'm doing it. So yeah, I got this long. I'm gonna just say it I got this long ass analogy and I'm gonna drag it out. Yes, I am. I'm going to drag it out until people get it. If I have to appeal to your intellect first to get to your heart to your to your spirit. That's what we're going to do. because I'm gonna say it again, you are important.

We're going to end it here. Thank you for taking time to listen to this bonus episode today.