All Tricks, No Treats

All Tricks, No Treats #23 Fight Or Flight

July 03, 2023 Cris Garza and Briana Tanori Season 1 Episode 23
All Tricks, No Treats #23 Fight Or Flight
All Tricks, No Treats
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All Tricks, No Treats
All Tricks, No Treats #23 Fight Or Flight
Jul 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 23
Cris Garza and Briana Tanori

Ever rummaged through a pile of clothes at Hollister only to end up with a men's WWE shirt? Or been caught off-guard by the clear bag policy at a concert? Well, we can now say we've been there, done that! Tune in to hear about our hilarious shopping mishap and fun-filled night at the Blink 182 concert. And guess what? We've also picked up Pig Latin to keep our conversations kid-proof.

But we're not all about fun and games - we like to delve into the nitty-gritty of life as well, especially relationships. Remember that poll on how people handle fights with their partners? We've got the results and some crazy fight stories that'll make your jaw drop. We also share a thing or two about the complexities of our own relationships, and the frequency of fights in a typical couple's life. Plus, we also get into the importance of conflict resolution (think eye contact, listening, and compromises), which we think is crucial for a peaceful coexistence.

Finally, we're rolling out the red carpet for some celebrity gossip, as we share the bizarre encounters of two fans who presented Pink with a wheel of cheese and a bag of their parents' ashes. We also recommend the emotionally intense Hulu show 'The Bear,' and share our thoughts on Ryan Seacrest hosting Wheel of Fortune. As we wrap up, we invite you to spill the beans about your secrets, confessions, advice, and stories for our upcoming 'Skeletons in the Closet' episode. We've got you covered, and we promise it'll be a rollercoaster ride!

Need advice!? Voicemail or text! - (562) 457-0613 It's anonymous!

00:13 Relationship Advice and Recent Events
08:45 Navigating Relationship Fights and Disagreements 
21:26 Communication and Resolving Conflict in Relationships
32:48 Celebrity Gossip and TV Shoe Revommendations 
42:14 Confessions and Advice

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever rummaged through a pile of clothes at Hollister only to end up with a men's WWE shirt? Or been caught off-guard by the clear bag policy at a concert? Well, we can now say we've been there, done that! Tune in to hear about our hilarious shopping mishap and fun-filled night at the Blink 182 concert. And guess what? We've also picked up Pig Latin to keep our conversations kid-proof.

But we're not all about fun and games - we like to delve into the nitty-gritty of life as well, especially relationships. Remember that poll on how people handle fights with their partners? We've got the results and some crazy fight stories that'll make your jaw drop. We also share a thing or two about the complexities of our own relationships, and the frequency of fights in a typical couple's life. Plus, we also get into the importance of conflict resolution (think eye contact, listening, and compromises), which we think is crucial for a peaceful coexistence.

Finally, we're rolling out the red carpet for some celebrity gossip, as we share the bizarre encounters of two fans who presented Pink with a wheel of cheese and a bag of their parents' ashes. We also recommend the emotionally intense Hulu show 'The Bear,' and share our thoughts on Ryan Seacrest hosting Wheel of Fortune. As we wrap up, we invite you to spill the beans about your secrets, confessions, advice, and stories for our upcoming 'Skeletons in the Closet' episode. We've got you covered, and we promise it'll be a rollercoaster ride!

Need advice!? Voicemail or text! - (562) 457-0613 It's anonymous!

00:13 Relationship Advice and Recent Events
08:45 Navigating Relationship Fights and Disagreements 
21:26 Communication and Resolving Conflict in Relationships
32:48 Celebrity Gossip and TV Shoe Revommendations 
42:14 Confessions and Advice

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to All Tricks, no treats. Look at us. Two weeks in a row, we're back, actually, with another episode. We are the number one podcast for relationship advice If you have kids, if you're single, if you're a person, if you're a human being. Thanks for tuning back in. We've received a lot of support from our last episode. We were gone for like over a month, but we're back.

Speaker 2:

That's why we're trying to be consistent, even more now is because we've gotten like a little bit of feedback. So we're like, yeah, we got to keep rolling guys, let's do this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we want to cheers to you guys. We have baby, but eyes today, oh BBs. We try to find the talk ends, but the liquor store by our house doesn't have them. Holy shit, this one's squirted.

Speaker 2:

I'm out of breath.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's cheers.

Speaker 2:

Cheers to two weeks in a row. baby, Let's go.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's but eyes for you. So what we got going on, baby We're catching up.

Speaker 2:

It's only been a week, but we're catching up on everything.

Speaker 1:

We have been pretty busy. It's a summer.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we've been so busy. I feel like we're very tan, very, you know, very tired, very old. Does that mean anything to do with summer?

Speaker 1:

We've been swimming pretty much every day. So that's, why we look a little nice looking, you know tan.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, do you want to talk about it?

Speaker 1:

WWE shirt at Hollister. That's her first time she's ever been in and she bought a shirt, The fur.

Speaker 2:

we went to the mall and it was, and we were walking by and I told you you know, I've never actually been in a Hollister. I've passed by it and I've smelled it. It smells amazing, but I've never been in a Hollister. and you were like let's go, Let's take you in.

Speaker 1:

We did not fit in at all.

Speaker 2:

No. And lo and behold, we walk in. and what did you say? You were like oh, all the cute white girls used to shop here, That's true. And what did I end up buying?

Speaker 1:

WWE shirt.

Speaker 2:

A men's shirt with the rock on it.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't believe that they sold that there.

Speaker 2:

I could. It was very I know I love it.

Speaker 1:

That's like the thing now, though, at all the stores at the mall, like they sell shit. that's not even like their brand, like H&M, and they were selling like New York shit.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't like that.

Speaker 1:

Brooklyn and Cambridge.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, university of Cambridge, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All these different things that aren't even I don't know. It was weird.

Speaker 2:

Max says can you smell? and it's got the rock on it.

Speaker 1:

It's a pretty sick shirt for being a Hollister shirt, but whatever.

Speaker 2:

So we saw Blinkman 82. We did, we did.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, i cried like a baby the first four songs, like, not just like a tear, like I was, like I had to put my hands in my fucking eyes because they were a big influence on my life as a middle school goer. That was so good Oh my God, this show was amazing.

Speaker 2:

It was so good.

Speaker 1:

I wish the kids were there, but the tickets were so ridiculous, but the pit had like so much room. There was a bunch of kids running around and dancing But Blinkman 82 has been killing it. Oh man, the show was incredible.

Speaker 2:

Super good, we hunted for shots when we were there Oh yeah, just because you know we like other people, we just want to like take a shot or two and go and head into the show, and so we didn't have any. We always try to stop, but for some reason like 7-11, they don't carry little shooter bangers. So we were walking up and down by the people making the bacon wrap pot dogs and selling the agueras frescas.

Speaker 1:

I knew those fuckers would have liquor.

Speaker 2:

Well, it took us a little while. You walked up to one and said shots And he went oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, come, come come And I said finally after 10 people said no.

Speaker 1:

I was like, what are you guys doing? They usually do. They like smartened up. But thank God for that guy and his son, His 10 year old son.

Speaker 2:

He forwarded the shot.

Speaker 1:

He served us up some Patron. So yeah, hell yeah, we got a couple shots before we went in.

Speaker 2:

But also we had an issue with their clear bag protocol.

Speaker 1:

That was an issue for you. I was happy because I got to smoke another cigarette, but You were mad too.

Speaker 2:

Because, we had to walk back to the car.

Speaker 1:

I was irritated because it's like dude, it's blink, these guys don't give a shit. But the security, for some reason, that point was alright. That show was like If it was like a centimeter over their bag requirements, then they're like no, you can't.

Speaker 2:

Her purse was literally like It's the size of my palm.

Speaker 1:

Four inches by four inches, and she couldn't take it in.

Speaker 2:

We've been to Angel Games, Dodger Games, like other shows, and they all allowed that one purse. That's why I always bring it, because it's small enough to just carry my wallet keys, that's it. And they were like nope, you got to go back. So we went back to the car. Yeah, we had a clear bag issue.

Speaker 1:

We tried to warn every girl that was walking passes to the show. I was like you can't take that bag and they're going to kick you out or not kick you out.

Speaker 2:

But we were not the only ones walking back to the car.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everyone was.

Speaker 2:

And the next day it was just like a week in full of shows. Man, We went to Garden Amp in Garden Grove and we saw Seosan. But this time it was very special because-.

Speaker 1:

We took the little rascals. Yeah, we took the kids to see Seosan And I think it was like a 20th anniversary show, so they did like 28 songs. They did some cover songs And we took the kids. That's one of the bands that we both listened to when we were in high school And it was crazy seeing Cove and Anthony.

Speaker 2:

Green. Anthony Green came back.

Speaker 1:

They did some covers. They covered Blind Side the song Pitiful that. I was like almost in tears And I was standing up yelling in my seat the whole song And the two people in front of me are like I think you were the only one who knew that band And I was like they were a Christian band, so that's right, probably, because nobody there probably listens to Christian Rock or Christian Hardcore. But I was so happy, It was so cool seeing them and seeing the kids dance and shit. I was like what the heck?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the best part was the kids Trippy. Yeah, it was so nuts We brought their little headphones because you gotta preserve the ears, but it was fun. They were hanging on little the bars.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, we walked down to the floor and they were like dancing around and having fun, so it was a good time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a good weekend, that weekend, pretty busy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah, very busy. And the last thing is we're getting really good at Pig Latin.

Speaker 1:

We are New language to talk around the kids. Around the idk's Around the idk's, because Champ is at a point, even Bubby, where they can understand what we're saying. Even words they Just intonation.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Champ knows every word we spell. Bubby started to pick up on words and we're like. One time. Brianna was like do you know, pig Latin.

Speaker 2:

And I said gosh, So we've just been speaking in Pig Latin a lot around this household.

Speaker 1:

The last fucking few days we've been talking in Pig Latin.

Speaker 2:

I think we had like a whole conversation in Pig Latin.

Speaker 1:

I have to like, speak slowly until I become a pro. But yeah, pig Latin is where it's at, it's working out. If you have kids and you need to talk to your partner or friend, if you want to talk some shit or some gossip, you need to talk in Pig Latin, because they're like what?

Speaker 2:

I think they don't even care. It's like too much, They're like I'm not even going to try, So they just Yeah what are they saying?

Speaker 1:

But it was hilarious that we both kind of know it. And Now we're using Pig Latin. Oh man, I love it. We're parents Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, so our topic for today is fight or flight. Explain. Fight or flight is the mode that you get into when conflict arises, conflict with anyone, conflict, any sort of disagreement. So you get into a fight or flight mode. It's either you stay there and you fight, you fight it out, you do what you got to do or you just say like no, it's not worth it, i got to go. But predominantly this topic is just about fights. We had a couple polls and our first one was would you say you fight or fought with your significant other? A lot got zero votes. Never were perfect. Surrounded by rainbows and butterflies, 20% And 80% is. Some days are World War III and some days are the little lovey emoji with hearts all over it.

Speaker 1:

Listen, i know a couple people that fight nonstop. So you guys are fucking liars. There's people, i think, that fight all the time. I think I know a couple of them. They should have voted all the time. You think they voted rainbows and fucking butterflies I would have caused a fight.

Speaker 2:

They just wanted to like appease. Okay, and our next one is how are you in a fight with your significant other? 36% call me the rock. I'm always ready to rumble. Oh, it's like I planned it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you do. That's your votes, all your votes. Yeah, that was me. You could vote more than one. I voted 100%, me.

Speaker 2:

32% is avoid silent, disappear, that's me, that's you 24%, which these people go you. I'm a healthy fighter. I listen and respect 8%. I guess the liars Still perfect. I don't fight.

Speaker 1:

You should call them out. Everyone that voted do it. Nah, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then we asked for anyone's advice or crazy fight stories. We did get one crazy fight story. It says well, my ex chased me to your mom's house and your mom had to lay down that See.

Speaker 1:

I don't know this story too well, but my buddy was dating this fucking psycho and she treated him like shit and he moved to a different state for her And when he moved back she came back and was obsessed with him for some reason. But when they were over there it didn't seem like she was. She didn't really care for him, it seemed like that what I've heard, The classic tale. Yeah, so when he was over it I guess she was stalking him.

Speaker 2:

Like physically or online.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm sure online too, but physically, like she would go everywhere where he was and then he caught her sharking him once when he was driving and he's like Sharking. Yeah, like chasing and telling him.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I think I've never heard that before.

Speaker 1:

And I think he called my sister or something. When he pulled up to my mom's house and my mom came out and started talking shit to her and she fucking drove off.

Speaker 2:

So she just would have followed him anywhere he went.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was weird, I don't know. I don't know in too much detail, but I think you should call in and explain the story.

Speaker 2:

Can you explain that more?

Speaker 1:

Because that shit was fucking hilarious. I've only heard it once from him And I forgot that was a long time ago. Hmm, okay. Thanks, buddy.

Speaker 2:

Someone else replied. Bruh, with crying, laughing faces.

Speaker 1:

That means they have gnarly fights there.

Speaker 2:

And no advice. Yes, and the next one says one person say one, the other says two, original person says three. Then it's all over, so they just want to-.

Speaker 1:

I agree 100% with that person.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow, Yeah, you do.

Speaker 1:

That disengages the fight When you're fighting. someone could say one.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Three And then it's over with. I wonder who said that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I wonder too.

Speaker 1:

That's a good stop fighting tactic.

Speaker 2:

Stop fighting, or a Feast of.

Speaker 1:

Desist If you want to get punched in the head tactic.

Speaker 2:

Oh, one, two, three, you out of here, Yeah, okay, so fights, do we fight?

Speaker 1:

We just fought before this podcast.

Speaker 2:

We did We. that's why we always say like we can never work together. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

This has been different, though. This has been kind of a different experience doing the podcast with you, because it doesn't seem like Obviously, this isn't a job, we don't get paid for it or whatever but I always felt like we could never do anything together because I'm kind of like bossy when it comes to-.

Speaker 2:

And I don't want to be bossed around.

Speaker 1:

I'm your boss. But yeah, we fight and, like we said before, i'm kind of like Apologize real quick, get it over with and Move on or try to like not even talk about it. And then I asked for a kiss and then I feel better and she doesn't. But she's the more smart one, i think.

Speaker 2:

I'm not, no, i'm not the smart one, i just want thanks for saying that I. Mean, i'm the smarter one, but I just and see, this is why this. We're all different, but I'm more of Acknowledge me, hear me like. We do fight, but we, you know, we know each other. We work towards The end goal of just you know, yeah, ending it.

Speaker 1:

We know what we're working towards and the thing with the relationships, no matter what relationship, friendship, relationships with your parents, yeah, your boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives You're gonna fight.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna fight forever, till the day you die, and That's why relationships are so hard to maintain a lot of the time, because People hold grudges or they don't want to move on. Someone does something pretty shitty and that's. It's okay, i guess, to try to cut that person off, but then to the day, if you want someone in your life for real, is you need to work?

Speaker 2:

to those fights and Keep.

Speaker 1:

That's how you build strong relationships.

Speaker 2:

The notebook, isn't it? he's where he's like. I tell you when you're a pain in the ass. Oh yeah 98% of the time and you have a bounce back rate. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure So.

Speaker 2:

How often do you think couples fight?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, that's weird.

Speaker 2:

So, um, i researched and I found a few different sites. Some sites said one times to two times a month, one said one to three times a week. Another site said 25% of your time, which I'm not 100% sure what that was.

Speaker 1:

But we're not math majors.

Speaker 2:

No, i always say that I'm never a math major. I don't, i don't know, but Everyone is different. So what's important to remember is If you're arguing more than you actually having like happy times, that could be an issue. But, most importantly, the nature of your fights is what's sure? if it, if it's disrespectful, if it's violent, That makes a lot of sense. Those are things that you need to think about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think fighting more than I know one or two times a week is It's not a lot. It seems kind of like and it's not always like I want to kill you. It's just little things in there, you know, yeah and. Like they say, the the littlest things Irritate you. I think I irritate you more than way more than you irritate me, but It's little things that could cause a little like tiff. So what it's called Yeah, a little tiff, yeah so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's.

Speaker 1:

Gonna happen. It's natural. Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Um, some arguing is actually beneficial and, like we said it gives, it's a normal part of any relationship, mm-hmm. So disagreements can help a person learn, and not just in a relationship. Why are you hiding your laptop from me? You just moved it away from me. Are you reading a website? Are you going along with me?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Disagreements can help a person learn how to listen to your partner.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

How to speak your own mind and opinion, which is good. Like you can find your own voice.

Speaker 1:

I think that one of the things with us is that if we're fighting, you're like, you want to be in front of me. You're more of a, you want to be face-to-face and talk things out. I'm more of I'm an idiot. Essentially. I can't really like think in the moment and I can never say how I feel. I'm not, i don't think I'm built like that. But I fight better, if that makes sense, through text messages.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, yeah. So when we get in an argument And you know how some people say, don't go to bed angry, we go to bed angry, yeah, yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

Like we, like we said in one of the first party episodes Wow Yeah, we go to bed angry. We, you know, should probably work on that.

Speaker 2:

But Yeah, there are times where actually I would rather speak in person, but you would, you're more comfortable texting, and even those times I'm like can we just talk? on the phone like can we just Let's end this right now, i'm just at least speak over the phone and I respond. No, i'm just kidding. No, you doing that.

Speaker 2:

I call you, But yeah so speak your mind in your own opinion. You know whatever you're comfortable with, however, you're comfortable dealing with it. Learn how to have healthy discussions. You know when you're arguing. You learn how to, you know, speak with someone else that doesn't doesn't have the same way of speaking in person, doesn't have the same way of speaking as you do. Also, learn to value your partner's input, which is a big thing because it's not just about you. You know, and then learn, that in a relationship, you need to work together.

Speaker 1:

That's true. I think when we fight I focus on me and my feelings and Anything around that or outside of that is The enemy. I just see kind of red but you like pee, pee, pee, shoot it down to Move forward with you guys's relationship or move past the fight and get to the root of it. You have to kind of see where both people are coming from and that's a pretty important step that, after ten years of being together, i'm still working on it.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm working on it too.

Speaker 1:

You're pretty good at it.

Speaker 2:

You're pretty good.

Speaker 1:

I'm stubborn.

Speaker 2:

I and I. You know, it's taken ten years for me to admit that I'm stubborn.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I know that nice. We need to work together.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay. So tips for recovering from a fight with your significant other. Here are some. Try to refer to it as a disagreement or argument, not a fight. So when you do that you can take out. You can take it out of a conflict mindset. It's no longer like, because you know when you think of a fight you're like pew, pew, like.

Speaker 1:

I'm mad.

Speaker 2:

I'm angry. If it's a disagreement, it more is like words you think of, more like yeah, you know you're not.

Speaker 1:

Agreeing on a fight seems kind of aggressive.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, fights could be aggressive, but it's better to take it as Like a conflict or something that could be resolved other than like this is a fight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get that. I'll see you in the ring.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i'd beat your ass, Says you. Oh Man, no, no contest, no competition.

Speaker 2:

Okay And it separates you disagreement from any sort of actual violence. Like we said, when you think of fight, you think of violence, pretty much When you're in the middle of a disagreement, try using I'm using air quotes, i I statements instead of Blaming. So, instead of you're making me mad, you would say like I'm feeling frustrated when, because It gets rid of anyone feeling defensive and it shifts More towards empathy instead of blame.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Yeah so like yeah that's good, mm-hmm, that's smart, but I'm not sure if all we don't follow Yeah, no in the moment.

Speaker 2:

It's very hard to like think of these like you don't think of rules, you don't think of like how do I fix this right away? You're just like.

Speaker 1:

I don't think of being. I don't think of being a good person when I'm fighting.

Speaker 2:

Does anyone? you know you're pretty good at it. I'm pretty good at fighting.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I have a little thing. If you're fighting and you have kids, so if kids are in the picture, something that I read about Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard is that they do they apologize to each other in front of their kids. So I have like a little quote Um, he made his wife promise that they'd always apologize and make up in front of their kids. Um, so the quote is even if that meant having to reenact an apology for them later. So he said let's make a deal that if we ever make up when we're behind closed doors, that we role play the next morning in front of them Damn.

Speaker 1:

I think they could do that, though, because they're fucking actors. They could redo it, they could be like ready action.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, you need to get their hair and makeup done right before they do it too.

Speaker 1:

Tell them the mouse Man, that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

No, but that's. that's good. And I taught I've talked to you about that too, because, like we said, we're not perfect, we're not experts, and we have fought, you know, worth our kids around.

Speaker 1:

I don't think we'd ever do that. I think we'd crack a beer and we'd drink and say forget about it.

Speaker 2:

Forget about it.

Speaker 1:

That's fucking crazy that they do that.

Speaker 2:

But that's, that's good, it's very healthy.

Speaker 1:

Because you always say which I agree with is that when we fight, we try not to do it in front of the kids. I mean, it gets hard at times, but you don't want your kids to see that shit, because I hear it.

Speaker 1:

All I remember growing up is every day my parents fighting. Well, growing up it was normal, but now it's like damn, that shit kind of sucks, you know, because that was like a big part of what I remember, i remember of growing up. but you don't want to see your parents fighting. So apologizing in front of your kids is a good thing. I think they should do it the first time and not readact the second time because that's fucking weird.

Speaker 1:

But uh yeah definitely not fighting in front of them or apologizing in front of them is good, i agree.

Speaker 2:

No, i feel like you know things that we've always said, or I feel like our generation a lot. we've done a lot of healing, a lot of you know, acknowledging, and we've always said we don't want to be these parts of our parents, we don't want to be these parts of these people that have raised us, which it doesn't mean that they did a horrible job. It doesn't mean anything about that?

Speaker 2:

It's just saying that there are certain aspects of our childhood that we remember and that we don't want to pass on to our own kids 100%. So I think something like this, apologizing, you know, working it out in front of our kids, showing them how, in a healthy manner, to work through something with your partner. You know, with love it works out.

Speaker 1:

It's cute, for sure it does. I like it Nice.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Another tip is to learn to disagree in a healthy way.

Speaker 1:

How's that?

Speaker 2:

Tell me more Respectfully, listen to the other person's point of view and make eye contact.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to make eye contact. I contacted you do the fight before this podcast and you told me this isn't a staring competition, No, I know you were not.

Speaker 2:

That is not what you were doing. I contact is when we're having a conversation, we're talking it out. You're looking at me. You're not turning over on your side Trying to go to sleep, which what you normally do. Good night, um you were sitting in there. Look, I'm pointing the couch right there. You were sitting there Laughing and staring me in the eyes.

Speaker 1:

I was looking at you And that's why I said this is not a staring competition Cause you would look me in the eyes and like stare into my soul.

Speaker 2:

You were trying to like conjure something else.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to make peace.

Speaker 2:

Make peace with my corneas.

Speaker 1:

I thought our souls would connect like on avatar when the hair fucking.

Speaker 2:

I just pictured our eyes coming together as one Touching Oh man. Yeah, no, um, make eye contact to show that you care, despite the disagreement. Okay, it's a healthy way. Sure, eye contact, listen, like those. I don't know those two, i don't know two people that voted and said they listened and we should probably contact them and ask them what they do.

Speaker 2:

Um, let the other person feel heard before stating your point of view, which is good. Don't cut them off. You know, let them finish, let them have their say and then you respond. And lastly, couples that resolve issues and fight in a healthy way Must compromise to find a place of peace. It is not about winning the conversation.

Speaker 1:

Hey, listen, you're not a winner, you're a loser, is that?

Speaker 2:

true? Is that true? It is true, but I just said, a argument is not about winning, that's true, i was just making a joke.

Speaker 1:

You shouldn't fight to win, you should fight to resolve. I think.

Speaker 2:

I came out of that came out of this.

Speaker 1:

I came out of Bobby.

Speaker 2:

I came out of top. baby, let's go.

Speaker 1:

But uh, yeah, because you can't always be right. And I feel like most of the time I am but thinking back. Half the time I was wrong and people need to accept that you're being an asshole. Yeah, i feel like winning a conversation like winning, winning.

Speaker 2:

There's no point to it. Like you don't want to feel like you're the best, you don't want to feel like you've yes, i got them. Like then the other person will feel kind of like shit.

Speaker 1:

you know, even if they have feelings and you're making them feel invalid, then nobody wins Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you just want to work towards a healthy end.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Nice, okay, so we're done.

Speaker 1:

Hey fights baby. Hee-hee, Stay fighting baby.

Speaker 2:

Give us more things to talk about Fight for love. Ooh, nice Anyway Okay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm going to ask you something.

Speaker 1:

Ask me something.

Speaker 2:

Ask me something.

Speaker 1:

Our kids say something.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like can I show you something? Uh-huh, And I love it so much. I want to be sad when they don't do that anyway.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, i just saw like this little video and it was a mom like kind of watching her phone and it says when you see your kid say a word correctly and you're like so happy. Yeah, I saw that video too, And it says but then you also realize that they're not going to say the word the way that you've loved for so long.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ever again. Oh, i hate that shit. Let's have another baby.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's how we know. That's how we know.

Speaker 1:

Wow, i'm just kidding. I'm just kidding These little ones Paws More often.

Speaker 2:

Um Ask men. Men, men, men I thought we were going to go with this.

Speaker 1:

Your lips went crazy.

Speaker 2:

Just let me do it my way out of here.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what is it?

Speaker 2:

How would you react if your partner told you they are open to experience a threesome? Will you be happy, excited, suspicious? Will you accept the idea to begin with? Do you want to answer first or hear answers?

Speaker 1:

Let's hear answers.

Speaker 2:

Someone said it's a trap. Admiral Ackbar, i know that's from Star Wars, It's a trap. Okay, nope, to thine own self. Be true, know my personality and my own jealousies. Don't do it, trust me, don't do it, it ain't worth it. And someone replied and said I am single. Actually, just had an argument with someone who wanted a FFM, which means female, female, male, threesome, but not MMF male, male, female. This is why I thought to ask other men what they think about threesome. Oof, i don't think my ego could deal with disappointing two people at once.

Speaker 1:

Did I respond that That you Oh Seagarza.

Speaker 2:

Submitted by Seagarza.

Speaker 1:

I'd be in the corner in fetal position, rocking back and forth.

Speaker 2:

Break up. I don't want to be the swinging guy.

Speaker 1:

That sucks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i would say that is not something I'm comfortable with. My relationships are monogamous for a reason. Last one I just hope his dick is smaller than mine.

Speaker 1:

I think if we had a male, male, female, i think he'd win, definitely average.

Speaker 2:

Um that's that's nutty.

Speaker 1:

We always joke around and say we'd have a threesome. Um, we had a couple of people in mind.

Speaker 2:

We did, but they were all girls.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Who was your guy?

Speaker 1:

I'd have John Favreau straight up.

Speaker 2:

I never once said I would want to have a threesome with John Favreau. Of course you would choose John.

Speaker 1:

Favreau, i'd watch him all over. You, baby, sheffing it up, baby.

Speaker 2:

You know what I always think of. What I think of is uh what, and I love you man. They're like aren't you jealous? he's going to um Vegas? and she was like no, he's 40 pounds over. Right with a with a small dick.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. And they're like oh yeah, okay, no, what about? what about Shia?

Speaker 2:

You never said Shia before.

Speaker 1:

Oh, she's never said Shia before You see her face. Cheater.

Speaker 2:

Excuse me, i think I'm the I think I like blue bookers out of my nose laughing at you.

Speaker 1:

I would definitely be the uh. If it was female, female, male, i would definitely be the disappointment because with you already I have to like pray to God every time to last more than fucking two minutes. But another female, i think it would be hard. But I don't think we'd pull the trigger on that because in the moment I'd be like this is fucking tight, but after I'd be like we're breaking up.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, no, probably that's what I always say to. I always say I can't, i couldn't, i could not be like I'm too much of a sorry. You and John Favreau I probably be in the corner You guys be cooking a grilled cheese together. You be making like a panini in the corner. I just. I just hear you say yes, chef, yes, chef.

Speaker 1:

I'd be cutting a veggie. Oh no, i mean, i don't think we'd ever do that.

Speaker 2:

But no, no.

Speaker 1:

I get turned on thinking about you with other people.

Speaker 2:

No, you know that I'm too much of a jealous person. I could not. I know I'm monogamous for a reason.

Speaker 1:

That is what it is. We'll see.

Speaker 2:

We'll see what.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Arthur hand.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, yeah, anyway.

Speaker 2:

And so now it's time for some hot cuss.

Speaker 1:

What's the gossip on the street, baby?

Speaker 2:

Oh, the gossip for today is a fan, actually two different ones. When pink is on tour, she's on tour right now. Pink, pink, i love pink.

Speaker 1:

When's the?

Speaker 2:

last time she toured. She's been, she's done been touring right now. I think she's in like Europe or something.

Speaker 1:

Everyone's in Europe.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, they are Damn, not us. So pink is touring and some fans. One person gave her a wheel of free cheese, a big ass wheel, a whole big wheel.

Speaker 1:

Her friend Brie Brinkley loves cheese and she's like what should I get for her birthday? And I said get her a big ass fucking wheel of cheese.

Speaker 2:

We were. We were at the mall and I was like I got to get Brie, something I got and I need help. I'm not good with shopping for people, actually 100% Rude.

Speaker 1:

I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

Rude, actually I'm very good at shopping for you because I hear what you like, I hear you know I look for things that you say. I'll remember that Okay. But I feel like girls it's harder because you know what do they like, what do they want. But I know she likes books, anyways. Anyways, she loves cheese And we know she loves cheese. That's why last year we got her a Sharkoochi board. But so this year we were at the mall and we were in a store and I was like, oh, what about this? What about this? What about this? And he said you kind of actually said it a lot, like there was a girl next to us and she just like looked at you after, did she really?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You were like I don't know what she likes, I just know she likes cheese.

Speaker 1:

True, that's true. I guess she does like books, because you guys read books and shit, but those big blocks of cheese are fucking like $3,000.

Speaker 2:

Hey, we should have gotten her a wheel. You can get an ass. Her and Pink are gonna have a wheel. But so one fan handed Pink a wheel of Bre cheese, which sounds delicious, and another fan handed her. What do you think?

Speaker 1:

I have no fucking idea.

Speaker 2:

A bag of their I think it's their moms, their parents' ashes. What?

Speaker 1:

What is she gonna do with them? I?

Speaker 2:

don't know, maybe they were like a big fan. She accepted it. Yeah, there's like video of her getting and be like are these ashes, are they?

Speaker 1:

She's just like That's so strange. Yeah, what is she gonna do with someone else's parents'?

Speaker 2:

ashes, dude, i think she's gonna like bathe in them.

Speaker 1:

Or throw them on stage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, throw them in the air and dance around it. I mean, maybe the parent was a very big fan, so maybe that's what they requested, but To give the ashes to a famous person.

Speaker 1:

That's so strange.

Speaker 2:

Pink is having a very you know Interesting time. Yeah, performing for people. Europe, Europe, man. Okay, and the next one is The Bear.

Speaker 1:

The Bear is a show on Hulu about a chef who has a chaotic family and Very stressful. Just to say that show is fucking incredible. If you guys have not watched it and you need a little bit of chaos in your life or happiness in your life or a comeback story, this is the show for you.

Speaker 2:

The last If you need to disassociate.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the last two episodes we balled our eyes out together. Oh God, A lot of people, I think, that we know could relate in their personal lives to this show, But it's so good. I didn't even know what else to say about it other than I'm pissed at the new season is not out the day after the second season is out, But it's fucking incredible. You guys have to go watch it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's out on Hulu. We binged it, I think in like-.

Speaker 1:

Two days.

Speaker 2:

Two days, yeah, and it's very good. It's very cathartic, it's very it's anxiety inducing.

Speaker 1:

It's intense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's very intense, but also like you get a good cry, you like feel happy, you get a little hungry, you wanna get like a little snack, like it's just got all the feelings So it's out, and if you wanna watch it, i think you should, if you have Hulu, if you've got your friends.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right, we're Hulu. I don't know anybody who has Hulu. Like, if you ask someone, they don't have Hulu. They always say, oh, i use my moms or my brothers or my cousins.

Speaker 2:

If Hulu does what Netflix did, we're all done.

Speaker 1:

We're done for. That's why nobody uses Netflix anyway.

Speaker 2:

But yeah.

Speaker 1:

That seemed very hot gossy. That was just like promoting yourself. pretty much A good show, though.

Speaker 2:

I told you What was the other one you had. Ryan Seacrest is now gonna host Jeopardy. Jeopardy or Rula Fortune.

Speaker 1:

I don't care, jesus. Rula Fortune. That's crazy. What happened to what's his name? Alex Trebek? That's Jeopardy. Jesus, your shit face. Let me take this beer back. You're being rude now.

Speaker 2:

You're being rude.

Speaker 1:

What happened to the chubby white guy?

Speaker 2:

Pat Sajak. Is that his name? No, no, no, no, is it, is it?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Is that him? What's taking you so long? That is him. Is Pat Sajak. Yeah, you're right. Oh yeah, Ryan Seacrest is replacing Pat Sajak in hosting Rula Fortune.

Speaker 1:

Damn. Ryan Seacrest has like a million jobs.

Speaker 2:

You know, when they say Chris Jenner works hard, ryan Seacrest works harder.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he has kind of a better job. His jobs are better than managing Kardashians.

Speaker 2:

The group of girls. Yeah, his are fun, So I mean that'll be cool to see. I love Rula Fortune.

Speaker 1:

So what does that mean about American Idol? He's not doing that anymore.

Speaker 2:

Oh, i don't know, is it even on? I never really watched Rula Fortune. I love Rula Fortune. Guess the letters. Are you looking at pictures of Ryan Seacrest now?

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to think what to say about this guy.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you know how people think Ryan Seacrest is very short. My grandma loved him, loved him, and I think she was at an angel game or a concert somewhere at Angel Stadium Or no, at Staples Center, and she ran into him in the elevator, yeah, and she was like, oh my god, like panicking. But then she was like, wow, you're much taller than I thought.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, she's trying to take advantage of me in the elevator. Ew, oh, yes, oh, that's a great story. Ryan Seacrest, when I was a little kid watching American Idol, i remember he wore this jean jacket one time And I was like he's the fucking man. I was like I want a jean jacket.

Speaker 2:

So you went out and bought a jean jacket.

Speaker 1:

No, i was a little kid. I had to buy one when I was much older, but I thought he was the coolest guy wearing a jean jacket.

Speaker 2:

So we've done a lot, jean jacket. I don't know why, but whatever I like Ryan Seacrest. I love Ryan Seacrest.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Cool.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh nice.

Speaker 2:

Oh, nice, ok, And that's it. And if you have anything you want to tell us, confess, get some advice, laugh a little bit. We have our skeletons in the closet. It's been a while since we've done it. And so we are kind of looking forward to doing the next one And we would just like anyone if you got anything to tell us, let us know 562-457-0613.

Speaker 1:

You guys could call and leave a voicemail. We don't answer, We don't fucking say OK, what do you want to tell us?

Speaker 2:

And write it down.

Speaker 1:

It goes to voicemail. You could leave a voice message. We played it anonymously. You could text. You can email.

Speaker 2:

Always anonymously.

Speaker 1:

We're going to post. People tend to reply to our polls more or ask a question, so we're going to do that as well, but our next episode will be skeletons in the closet. So if you guys, like she said, have anything you want to say or get off your chest or advice whatever, we'll play it anonymously and we'll just fart around and talk it out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, we'll acknowledge you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, we appreciate you guys. We'll catch you on the flip flop later. Bye, bye. Create a new world.

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