Thinking About Podcast

New Year FaceTime: Holidays Recap, How I'm Approaching 2024, Setting Up For The New Year, And What To Expect With Thinking About [SOLO]

January 04, 2024 Kirsti McNabney Season 1 Episode 77
New Year FaceTime: Holidays Recap, How I'm Approaching 2024, Setting Up For The New Year, And What To Expect With Thinking About [SOLO]
Thinking About Podcast
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Thinking About Podcast
New Year FaceTime: Holidays Recap, How I'm Approaching 2024, Setting Up For The New Year, And What To Expect With Thinking About [SOLO]
Jan 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 77
Kirsti McNabney

Welcome to the first episode of the year of Thinking About. Today, we're thinking about all things new year – and it's just you and me.

On this podcast version of a chaotic FaceTime with me, I talk about: 

  • How our holidays went
  • What I've been loving lately
  • The vibes heading into 2024
  • How I review the past year and plan for the next one
  • Ins & outs for 2024
  • Changes to Thinking About and plans for the podcast in the new year

Links from the episode:
Superhuman app
Alive app
Shark FlexStyle
Fraiche Food, Fuller Hearts cookbook by Jillian Harris & Tori Wesszer
More Is More cookbook by Molly Baz
The Rural Diaries by Hilarie Burton Morgan
Romantic Comedy book
Hilarie Burton Morgan’s episode on Straight Up with Stassi
Diamond painting
Okay Sis Reflection Episode
Park Medical facials

Follow along on Instagram at @thinkingaboutpodcast to stay up to date on all things Thinking About and send over anything you'd like to see on the podcast this year in the DMs!

✨ New weekly episodes every Tuesday - returning next week
🎙 Hosted by @kirstimcnabney

Send us a Text Message.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Welcome to the first episode of the year of Thinking About. Today, we're thinking about all things new year – and it's just you and me.

On this podcast version of a chaotic FaceTime with me, I talk about: 

  • How our holidays went
  • What I've been loving lately
  • The vibes heading into 2024
  • How I review the past year and plan for the next one
  • Ins & outs for 2024
  • Changes to Thinking About and plans for the podcast in the new year

Links from the episode:
Superhuman app
Alive app
Shark FlexStyle
Fraiche Food, Fuller Hearts cookbook by Jillian Harris & Tori Wesszer
More Is More cookbook by Molly Baz
The Rural Diaries by Hilarie Burton Morgan
Romantic Comedy book
Hilarie Burton Morgan’s episode on Straight Up with Stassi
Diamond painting
Okay Sis Reflection Episode
Park Medical facials

Follow along on Instagram at @thinkingaboutpodcast to stay up to date on all things Thinking About and send over anything you'd like to see on the podcast this year in the DMs!

✨ New weekly episodes every Tuesday - returning next week
🎙 Hosted by @kirstimcnabney

Send us a Text Message.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Thinking About podcast, your digital equivalent to late night chats with good friends to keep you thinking. I'm Kersi, and together we'll join interesting people for deep, meaningful conversations that will help elevate our lives, leave us with actionable outcomes and keep us thinking for days to come. Hi friends, welcome back to the Thinking About podcast. It is 2024, we made it. It's very exciting.

Speaker 1:

I feel really good about this year and not just because the year ended at 123-123 and just like I don't know. There's like a good energy that I feel. I think a lot of it has to do with my new year's plans being like pretty elite in the last couple of years. We've done the same thing for the last two years Gone to my best friend's house, gone to see Dwayne Gretzky at history, shout out to them. They just do like really fun covers and you just go and you dance with your friends and like everything just feels so nice and it has been an extremely lovely way to start the year. I'm not actually. I love a new year, but I don't love a new year's eve party, or if it's a house party, it's fine. I'm just like not that into it. I think that it's a kind of lame holiday, which is strange. Mark and I were talking about this the other day because I love a new year and goal setting and all of the things. I'm a little bit conflicted about that recently, but I just feel like the new energy of a year is such a great thing and so it's strange that I don't love it. But either way, we're here, we're in the new year, I'm very excited about it.

Speaker 1:

I'm off on a tangent already one minute into our first 2024 episode, but it's very exciting. Sorry about all that receipt crunching. So I am sitting here at my desk, which I have done over the holidays, but it has been my first full day here at my desk and I'm excited about the year ahead. So I thought that like we could just start off personal, just us, just the girlies and maybe men that are listening Anyone that's listening, really but I thought that we could start the new year just talking about a couple of things. We'll talk about life, because I want to do more recaps and tell you about what's going on in my life through the year.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be our second year of the podcast. Our second birthday is in March, so that seems pretty flip and cool and there's some things that I've been thinking about with thinking about weird that I want to cover today. So I thought we would go through a little bit of a recap and like what's going on with me, how I'm approaching the new year, what I do to prepare for a new year, because if you are still off, hopefully you're enjoying just like being in your PJs and comfy clothes. I am in a cozy outfit today, not purposely. Today was the day I was like I'm going to get dressed and then I accidentally slept through an alarm that I didn't change properly, and so I've been in cozy clothes all day and everyone that I've met with has told me I look very cozy, which might hurt my feelings if I wasn't so cozy and comfortable, and I know that it's coming from a nice thing. So, anyways, if you're still in your cozy era and you are thinking about your upcoming year and what it looks like, I'm going to share a couple things that I did this year to prepare for the new year which I also think can be done anytime of year and then I'm going to talk about a couple of things to think about for 2024 when it comes to the podcast, what I'm thinking about doing. Get your feedback on it. Hopefully, if you have any thoughts on it, send me a voice note or a message or a DM or respond to Spotify things or leave a review whatever you want to do to let me know what you're thinking.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to this year's podcast, I think that at the end of last year I've been like a weird relationship with the podcast and it's kind of continuing, but I'm trying to get past it anyways, because I love it so much but I batched so much content for so long that I never really got back into the process of it all. So I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to figure out how to do that a little bit better so that I can continue to show up and love it as much as I do once I'm in it and I'm pretty excited about that. So I'm excited to share those things with you. Stay tuned to the end for that and please, please, please, please send me any feedback that you have, because it is so valuable, because really I'm making this for you, not just to sit in my room alone talking to a microphone, because I could do that in Sunrise on its front. So if you like the podcast and you want to see anything this year, please do let me know, because I'm very excited about where this can take us.

Speaker 1:

Okay, before we get into too many other things, let's talk a little bit about me, because it's my podcast and I want to. I'm in a weird mood today, guys. I'm in such a weird mood. Anyways, I thought that we'd go through a little bit of a recap. The holidays were actually so good. They are not what I expected at all. I had plans to go to Ottawa. I had plans to do all these things. I got sick before the holidays, missed a couple of things I was really excited about, and then I my dad was sick, and so our plans got changed, and then Mark was sick and it was just like a lot of staying home and chilling rather than going other places.

Speaker 1:

But I will say that, as disappointed as I was about that, I felt like I had a really great opportunity that I wouldn't have had otherwise, to sit and think about my year and my life and where I've been and what I've done, and I think that we don't do that enough. I think that we get so caught up in all of the busyness, all the time and doing things for everything and everyone that we just like stop remembering the good things that we like to do and that we've enjoyed and that we've done. And so I'm trying to figure out ways because it's super easy when it's peaceful and quiet and people are taking breaks to be able to find that peace Like. I feel very at peace right now and I feel excited to do things and I feel creative and I feel happy and I just feel so much joy and like at peace in my life, and I know that when things get busy, that can get taken away. So I'm trying to solve how to find pockets of that in the everyday and I think that that comes in like romanticizing your life and writing down wins and like doing those things, but also like protecting my energy and my time so that I have moments that I can think about that. I think that's really important and I've been reflecting on it a lot in the last two weeks. So if you're good at that, give me some pointers, come on the podcast, talk about it, but it is something that I've been thinking about and that I want to make sure I follow through a lot as well. I'm hoping that 2024, I will find ways to bring that in.

Speaker 1:

I also have a major change moment in my life. I don't love moving my body. It's like not a natural act that I just like wake up in the morning. I'm like I want to exercise. I started Reformer Pilates in November and I love it so much. It gives me dance girl energy. It just feels so nice and I love it so much and I was actually very offended to see it on some of the in and out reels and under the out category of people that I follow. I was like, excuse me, I just adopted this and I love it so much. But it doesn't matter, it's not about them. But that and I was talking to Jess from Shine Fit I'm hoping I'll have on the podcast this year before the holidays and she was asking me why I was motivated to move and like what I liked about movement and what it did for me and all of the things that I said.

Speaker 1:

She reflected back about how they're beneficial for my business and my life. But a lot for my business and that mindset shift that doing a workout is basically a to-do list for my business that makes it better and also takes care of me is like the fun fact that's attached to that. That was like a big shift for me and has really shifted how I've been looking at movement lately. Obviously, over the holidays it was a little bit harder, but leading up to the holidays and in the last couple of days it has really motivated me to do things, and the fact that I like Pilates on top of that is also very helpful. So I am very excited to say that movement is a core piece of what I'm doing at this point in the year and I'm so happy about it. The next thing that I wanted to talk about was my current recommendations and loves, so we will just start by saying that Pilates and dance and other movements. I also love the Whitney Simmons app and I it's called Alive if you've never heard of it, and I got that for a year membership on their Black Friday sale and then I also was gifted the superhuman membership for a year for Christmas. So I am really feeling that 2024 is going to be a wellness journey for me, more so than ever before, and I'm really looking forward to it. I just I'm really loving this piece and like I want to do everything I can to keep it so that those are major points of connection for me at this moment.

Speaker 1:

A couple other things, christmas wise, that were very exciting, that have kind of driven my obsessions lately. Number one is the shark flexile. Oh my god, I hate blow drying my hair. One thing about me I have thick hair and I will not be caught dead blow drying my hair in my life because I despise it. So I go to bed with wet hair and that's against the rules of all the hair girlies in the world and I have never cared about it until I got the shark flexile and it is as good as it seems on all the tiktoks that you see. It's literally so amazing. I have never been more excited to do my hair. I want to wash my hair every day. I'm not, but I want to because I love blow drying it so much and the curls are amazing. It gives so much volume. It looks like you have a blowout every fucking day. It is so awesome. So prepare to see me in content, not today, because today I'm a cozy girl, as we already discussed, but more so than ever before. I am ready to be in content because my hair is going to be looking so good and because of that, because I have transitioned into a hair girly.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to up my hair game this year. I've always had good hair. I feel like lately I'm just not not obsessed with it. I love the brown. I'm glad that I'm back on the brunette side of things because it's just so much easier to maintain, but I feel like the bleach that I had last year has really affected it. So I'm working on getting it, uh, getting my hair in shape. I got a microfiber towel which I'm still learning to use. I got a silk pillowcase. I got heat protectant, which I know I should have had a long time ago. Anyways, I'm doing all the things. If you have any hair things in the moment that you are into, I'm still looking for a good hairspray, because I hate hairspray, but I do feel like it's holding the curl better with the shark, and I also am looking for a better heat protectant, because the one that I got is not my favorite. But if you have any hair care tips, this is my year of my hair journey, so please join in to follow along for that, and I'm hoping to find a hair person, but we can talk about that later.

Speaker 1:

To talk on the podcast, I also am in an obsession with the Jillian Harris and her cousin Tori's newest cookbook. They have something called the autumn. I think it's called the autumn beet salad, might be the autumn kale salad, I don't know. But the salad is roasted beets, kale, a honey mustard dressing which is so good Walnuts, pumpkin seeds and then breaded goat cheese. But I've also done it without the breading and it is so good. It is my current lunch of the season. I've been making it and I also you can make it out of time and then it's even better, and so that's been very exciting. So that's my current favorite meal, favorite eating at the moment. But I also have Molly Bos's new book, so I'm really excited to dive into some recipes from there.

Speaker 1:

And then over the break I read two books. One was called romantic comedy and it was excellent. Good love story, really cute read, very like SNL vibes. So if you're looking for a book, that was a good one. And then I also read the Rural Diaries by Hilary Burton Morgan and I loved it. I'm a Wensherhill stan, like my favorite show of all time. Have seen it 800 times, love it, love it, love it. But I never knew about her book somehow. I think I was like too deep in the Sophia bus train and I just like missed out on my Hilary Burton husband, uptune, last little while. But I heard her on Stasi's podcast and I was like, oh my gosh, I have to listen to this, I have to read this book. And so I got that on Audible and I was listening to it over the break and I loved it so much and she's just such a wonderful person. I will say to you, if you're making big drives, do not listen to it on Audible because you'll be crying on the DVP, aka what I did. But it was so good, I loved it so much and I highly recommend listening to it or reading it. She has a new one as well that I'm hoping to read soon.

Speaker 1:

I really got back into reading over the Christmas break, which always happens there. It is no surprise that that happened. I missed my goal by one book, but I was like you know I'm not going to force it for one day, so I'm a little bit disappointed in that, but I still read 22 bucks, which I feel like is pretty good for the year. So next year hoping to read 24. I'm very excited to dive in. I didn't want to commit to any of the books that I had that were long because it was near the end of the year and I was hoping I would hit the 23 mark. I always do the number of books with the number of the year. It's just like a satisfying thing for me. So I was trying to find shorter books to read and then I just gave up. But I'm excited because I have a little little life. Is it called a little life? People like go crazy for it and apparently it's really heartbreaking. But I'm going to be reading that.

Speaker 1:

I also. I'm a romance girlie. Now, in case you didn't know that, I don't know if I shared that before, but I just went on the library website and like held so many romance books that I have been wanting to read, so very excited about that. Stay tuned for that. I was feeling like you know those reports that are going around on social. I feel like that's what we're doing right now. It's like eating, reading, listening to, loving, whatever. So this is what you didn't ask for but are getting for me. So those are my two book recommendations of the month.

Speaker 1:

Tv watching wise. I have been watching all the Bravo in the world, currently in the middle of Southern charm Southern charm, which I love. I am a Bravo girlie through and through. Now, okay, like, if you want to talk about Bravo, I am here for it. Tell me everything you know, deep dive, I'm so here for it. So I'm currently in Corona time, southern charm, which has been interesting, but you know, I love my girl page from summer house, and so I need to know what's happening with Craig. I need to know the origin story. So that's why I've been watching Southern charm. Have not been disappointed about it so far.

Speaker 1:

And then the last thing on my report is things that I'm doing, and I have been diamond painting. So I got an ad on Instagram. I always get paint by numbers. Mark gives me a paint by number every year because I'm always like I'm going to do creative crafty things, because then I don't have to think and like be on my screen because I'm so sick of it. And then he buys me these really fucking hard paint by numbers and they take me like three years to finish. So I was getting these ads for this thing called diamond painting, which essentially gets like a bunch of little jewels and just stick it on to what looks like a paint by number, and he got me one for in my stocking and I love it so much. At first I was like this is going to take me 100,000 years, but it is like so relaxing, so much fun. I think everyone should get one. If you like being creative, but like also, we're looking for something that you don't have to think about. 10 out of 10 recommend diamond painting is where it is at.

Speaker 1:

Also, a really good way to listen to your audio books or podcasts is about diamond painting. I don't know how I'm going to fit it into like my everyday life, but my holiday self was living for it. I would say I'm like a third of the way done, which is really surprising when you see all posts on stories or something about how freaking small the diamonds are because it takes forever. But I love it literally so much. I think about it all the time. It's so much fun In 2024,. We are doing things that would make our child self happy and that is one of them for me. So that is my current updates my trend report, if you will. I think that was fun. I will obviously make it shorter in the next couple, but I think I might even include it in my guest ones, because I just like the fact that we can connect and share, like have a little FaceTime talk about what's going on in the world.

Speaker 1:

I also wanted to give a quick shout out. If you follow Xanthe from Oceara, she was on the podcast last year incredible episode. One of the smartest people I follow, slash no, she did a letting go and bringing in. I don't actually know what the full name was, but if you're looking for a new year intention, incredible resource. It was such a good workshop. And then, okay, sis, who I actually haven't been listening to as much as I usually do I have a lot of catching up to do there, but they did a really great reflections and looking forward episodes. So if you're looking for podcasts, that would be one that I would recommend.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I've really listened to many other podcasts. A lot of my podcasts have been like Stossi and Bravo related content. I have been in the self development mood recently, but that okay. This one was really fantastic and I'm getting back into my walking, so hopefully I will have even better recommendations pod wise. For you, I will say that I listened to quite a few of Danielle Robes in the past month or so and she had some really great episodes come out at the end of 2024. So if you're looking for any podcast episodes to just like make you think, make you better at life, being amazing, danielle is where it's at. Those are all my favorite things. Okay, in terms of the new year, I have an episode coming out next week with my friend, steph, and in it I think we recorded it.

Speaker 1:

I want to say in like November I don't remember when it was, it feels like it was November and I just feel like during that time I talked about goals with everyone and I was like fuck, setting goals for the beginning of the year, you don't have to change anything whatever. I feel a little bit differently. I think it's just like slightly ingrained in me as a person that goals will be something that I want to drive towards. But I do like the energy of intentions more and just like thinking about how I want things to feel. I think I've come to the conclusion that like your life is not something that you can plan out. I know ground breaking crazy, but it's not something to be planned to the minute, to the second, which I spent a lot of time in my life doing, and I think that having intentions of the values that you want to feel and the way that you want to live is a really approachable way to head into a year.

Speaker 1:

I found last year and I think I probably talked about this on the Steph episode, but last year I found that I spent a lot of time prepping for the year and then I did a lot of it by like mid year, and so I was left with this like emptiness of not knowing what I wanted to do next and like that's a great problem to have, but I felt just like lost in it, see, for a while, and it took me until I had time to like reflect on what happened in the second half of the year to really understand what the purpose of that was. And I think that a lot of it was to teach me like what my values are and what I'm looking for in life and what I want, intention wise, to just be living Like you don't have to be a plus 24 seven, and I think that that's really great. I think it's great that I can be happy with where I'm at, rather than being like I want to achieve like 800 more things. I have goals that I want to achieve, do not get me wrong, but I'm really focused on the process and enjoying the moments of the year, rather than just like one big thing that I need to get to or else it's not good enough. So that's kind of how I'm approaching the new year and those that new year knew me energy, I like really want to stay consistent with the me that I am, but like adding to it. That's kind of the vibes that I'm going for In terms of preparing for the new year.

Speaker 1:

I do I love a new year. I was talking to Mark about this yesterday and he was like, oh, it's just like kind of a day and I was like, are you kidding me? Everything about a new year is the best thing ever, until September when we get to like have a fake new year again and our birthdays and like all these great things. But I just think that it's such a significant moment in time that people collectively get to reflect. I think reflection is better than the planning at this point in my life. Like I looked back this year and I felt so good about things and like if you had asked me during the year, there are definitely moments where I would have been like, no, this is awful, I hate this. Like nothing is going to be okay. But looking back collectively, there is so much good. There's this tick tock that I saw that I watched probably 27 times and I cried because I just thought that it was so beautiful. I will put it in the show notes. But like it talks about setting goals and then it talks about things that you appreciate throughout the year and one of the lines is that I loved that I cared enough to cry about things, all of the small moments that came together that were so beautiful and I was like, oh yeah, that's what this is all about. So I've been reflecting in that way and I've been very grateful for everything that I have done because of that. So that's kind of like what I'm thinking going into the year.

Speaker 1:

If you are prepping for the new year, I thought I would share what I do for the year that you can maybe take in or try out or whatever you want, because I think that it's a fun way to just like be aware of what's going on and what you're thinking about and like bringing the things that you want into your life. So the first thing I do is reflect on the year. It's so important to have time to look back on it. I also looked back on my goals for the year throughout the year and it was pretty cool because, as I said, I did a lot before July, so being able to check those things off was really awesome. And then I also went back and things like my revenue. I calculated it all and I was like, oh my God, I hit this goal that I thought was a little bit crazy to do. So that was cool too. And then I texted all my friends about it, which is also an important part of the reflection is like talking to people about what you did.

Speaker 1:

Celebrate that with yourself, celebrate it with your friends. You work really hard throughout the year to do things that we want to achieve and I think that it's really important to celebrate that with your people and have people that are going to be cheering you on with those pieces Like those are huge moments. I'm thinking about this because I texted my best friend and told her about my revenue and she was like we need to celebrate this. This is so huge and like told her parents and then told me what her parents said. That were really nice things about me doing what I want to be doing and I just felt so proud and so lucky to have people that care that much in my life about that. I think that that's really special, and if you need someone to do that, you can send me a message and tell me what you achieved and I will always cheer you on. I am a hype girl. I love hyping people up, I love watching people fulfill their dreams and succeed in things, and I think that that's so great. So if you need a place to do that, please send it to me.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that I did that is from Kana, who was on the podcast last year as well. I do this often, but she posted on her stories about looking through your camera roll and I thought that that was so beautiful and I spent like a good chunk of time just like going through it. I always go through and like clean out the screenshots I often add to a notion document about like things I want to remember whatever, which I want to do more throughout the year this year, but that's a whole another story. But I went through and I watched videos of like things that made me happy and I looked at pictures from Portugal and from Jamaica and from like day to day things that I took pictures of, which I did a lot more of last year and, honestly, best thing I did, just having all of those moments and feeling how happy I was and all those things. I was like this was such a good year and I'm so lucky and that is the best freaking way to go through your end of your review. Like, yes, so A, go look at your camera roll from last year and, b, if you feel like you don't have enough on it, like B, the person that's taking photos, even if it's like two seconds.

Speaker 1:

I don't like to have my phone out when I'm around people. I also just like I'm in a weird relationship with my phone because it's such a big part of my job that I like to just like get away from it as much as possible. But I think like even taking a few seconds to remember is so beautiful and exciting. My friend, steph, who is the person on next week's episode, she posted a one second of every day video yesterday and I was like it's so beautiful. It's so beautiful to see the full picture rather than just the day in the life, because the day in the life can be so hard at the moment, but you still get that whole picture effect and I think that's so beautiful. Anyways, wow, I'm feeling like I'm really romanticizing life right now, like the shoes gonna drop and things are gonna be hard again, but right now it's feeling pretty good, so we're gonna go with that.

Speaker 1:

The number one thing that I did last year when it came to my new year's prep was my phone background vision board. I loved it so much. I put pictures of things that I wanted to do Pinterest and inspo pictures from Portugal, because that was a trip that we were taking and I really was looking forward to that. Words that I loved. And then I also put pictures from my own camera roll on it to remind myself of the moments that I felt really good, so that I could look for them in my day to day life. And so I did that again this year. This year, this year's version feels a little bit more grown up. I don't know if it's the color scheme is a little different or like what's going on, but I am vibing so hard with it, I love it so much and like it just feels so nice to see it and to know that you're doing those things.

Speaker 1:

One of the biggest moments of my year last year was when we were in Portugal. I had a picture on my vision board and I was literally looking out at it and I was like holy shit, like I'm doing the fucking thing, like that is so cool to have this vision of your life and you're just like living it. So if you want to do that, I also just think that it's such a good way to like remember what it is that you're looking for in the year and you're looking at it all the time, like even if you're not thinking about it. You look at it every day. Like how many times do we pick up our phone? So I think that it's really cool. But definitely include pictures of yourself and pictures from your camera roll as an example. Like I have pictures of Mark and I from a wedding. Having yourself in the picture is just like makes it seem so doable. So I think that that's really cool and I'm very excited for that. So hyped up about that. Highly recommend that is my favorite thing to do. I know that people do so many different things, but that is like my go-to thing that I think I will do forever.

Speaker 1:

I also like to pick a word of the year. Currently, I'm leaning towards happy and peace. I feel very good about them right now, but I am going to let them like marinate a little bit and then I have a Notion dashboard that I put my goals on and I do big, huge goals, which don't have to be within the year. I do goals for business, goals for life, a reflection of the past year, what I was proud of, things that I want to do day to day, and then that's like my dashboard, my head of my dashboard, and then something that I want to do in the next couple of days is kind of like dive into those goals and see what they look like in almost like a KPI way. I feel like I'm going to try testing that out this year and see how that works, test my experiment brain and see if that helps at all. So that's that.

Speaker 1:

I also made an ins and out list of the year because I am so into those. If you want to hear them, I will give you an example. Let me just pull these bad boys up. So my ins are boundaries with my business, creative activities just for fun, daily skincare, hair routine, hosting dinner parties, shopping, my closet slash, wearing outfits, because I have been in a sweat pant rut for quite some time. Closing shift to make our house organized before I go to bed so that I wake up to a clean house, because nothing annoys me more than that. More time to think, movement that I enjoy, monthly learning, fiction books and friendship. Those are all my ins and my outs for the year are saying yes to working with people who don't feel aligned, doing things I don't want to do, regular late night snacking, my biggest fall from grace ever, doom scrolling, comparison trap, not getting out of the house, energy vampires, putting my own work, glass people pleasing and lowering my rates for others. So those are my ins and outs of the year.

Speaker 1:

I think I'll be adding to them, but that is one of the things that I've been thinking about and I also made a list of things that I want to do this year. One of them was quarterly facials. I recently went for a medical facial at park medical, which was amazing. My skin was so dry and they like literally brought it back to life. I'm going to be taking the financial side of my business even more seriously. So like really getting my duck's in a row with that so I feel more confident in it. Regular workouts that make me feel good so that I can show up for my clients and myself and my people one day off every two weeks. Upgrading my website, growing the podcast and trying one new skill a month those are all of the things that I want to do this year and I'm really excited about it. I would also really love to have some event, which I haven't written on the list yet, but it is something that's been percolating in my mind.

Speaker 1:

And finally, before we end off, I wanted to talk a little bit about what I'm thinking for thinking about this year, because I think that we're growing. We're in the what do people call two year old the terrible twos. We're not. We're gonna be in the terrific twos this year, but I am thinking that, for I've been really going back and forth on narrowing down, like the podcast is for women entrepreneurs, but it doesn't have to be. I want it to be a place that is beneficial for women who are entrepreneurs to learn from, but I think that people who aren't can still learn from a lot of the things that we talk about, and women who are entrepreneurs are not just thinking about business Like, yes, it's something that I think about all the time, but it's not the only thing I'm thinking about. So, as I was reflecting on that, I was thinking about how I often make goals or lists or thoughts or whatever in quadrants. So I always think about my professional life, I always think about my personal life, I always think about my wellness and then other.

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But while I was planning for thinking about 2024, I've been considering doing one episode a month, professional, which can be either career oriented or entrepreneurship. One episode a month about wellness, which can be anything from sexual health to mental health, to movement, to anything of that nature. One episode a month where we're learning about the professional side, whether it's finances or relationships or friendships or confidence, all of those pieces. And then one episode a month of solo, where we just catch up, we can talk about what's going on in my world, what is sticking with me, what has me thinking right now, and I think that that will just be a really fun way to do it. It won't be happening in the next couple of weeks just because we already have pre-recorded episodes, but my plan is to start in probably February, following that standard. So I will put it on the Instagram and kind of like announce it in an intro when we get into it, because then you'll know, like, if you're a girlie that's here for wellness things, you'll know like every second Tuesday of the month is going to have a wellness related episode. I think it'll be fun. I think it's a fun way to like categorize things. I think it's a fun way to make sure that we get a bunch of different viewpoints and different things to think about throughout the year, and I'm really excited about that. So that is a thought that I have that will probably be starting in the next couple of weeks.

Speaker 1:

I also am working on whether to do shorter or longer episodes, depending on what you're into, or maybe we try different versions of it, and obviously I wanna do more opportunities to connect. So, working even deeper in social to build out our community. If you have any friends that you think would like the podcast, please feel free to send them any episodes. I'm happy to refer about a specific episode if there's something that someone's thinking about. I think we're at a point now where we are like 76 episodes in or something, so there are lots to choose from. But I think that it's really great and I wanna have ways that we can connect with other people. I think that there is a really awesome community of people that listen to this podcast, that all care about similar things, and so if we can find ways to connect with each other and like that could be in real life, that could be virtual. Whatever you think is a good thing, let me know. Hit me up and tell me what you're looking for and I will create that for you. Anyways, that is my 2024 first episode back recap, new Year's edition, whatever you wanna call it.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited for the upcoming year. I'm really excited to connect with you and share thoughts and talk with really cool people and bring them to you. If there's anyone you wanna see, let me know what you wanna hear, any questions you have. If we can find the answers to them together, let's do that. I hope that you have a fabulous, fabulous year. I am excited to bring back guests episodes next week and tune in to the Instagram account at thinking about podcasts to catch up on. We got lots of new content coming out, so there's reels from episodes that people may have missed over the holidays Not really the holidays, but before the holidays. I'm excited to share that with you and get your feedback and do all the great things. This is gonna be a great year for all of us, I feel it. Hope you have a good one and talk to you next week.

New Year Reflections and Podcast Plans
Podcast Reflections and Hair Journey
Podcast Recommendations and New Year Intentions
Reflections and New Year Preparations
Yearly Reflections and Future Plans