The TMP Podcast

Give All You Can | Carolyn Klassen | Earn Save Give

June 26, 2022 The Meeting Place Church
The TMP Podcast
Give All You Can | Carolyn Klassen | Earn Save Give
Show Notes

Generosity is at the heart of the character of God. As the famous Bible passage says, “For God so loved the world that he GAVE….” (John 3:16) When we give, we emulate the very generosity of God towards us. Being generous with our money now forms our character in a Christ-like direction and there are inherent rewards that result from it. As the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, “what we reap is what we sow”.  Yet so often walking in generosity confronts our fears about security, and worth. We can hold back because of the hold money can have on us. But God wants to break the power that money has over us, we need only offer him our open hands and God will direct us. This will change us. Think about what generosity could do for you! Think about the person you can become because of generosity. Giving is a chance to ask “who am I in relationship to money?” This is not a question of how much we give in comparison to others. The widow in giving two copper coins in the offering gave more than everyone else. (Mk 12) Jesus sees her heart and knows that she gave more than anyone else in giving all she had. In the same way, how might our practices of generosity form us in the image of our generous God?