The TMP Podcast

Proclaiming the Unknown God | Brad Jersak | To the Ends of the Earth pt. 3

The Meeting Place Church

Paul is in the city of Athens, which is one of the cultural and religious hubs of the Greco-Roman world. Paul is distressed at the many idols found within the city of Athens. He begins to reason with Jews and God-fearing Greeks, but in the process, he attracts the attention of two schools of thought: the Epicureans and the Stoics.  Together, the concerted Epicurean-Stoic opposition against Paul focuses on his message that he is introducing foreign gods (v. 18), new teaching (v. 19), and strange ideas (v. 20). Importantly, these charges represent more than simply points of philosophical disagreement; they are serious charges. Athens is known for enforcing the death penalty on those who proclaim “new gods” and “strange ideas”, as in the case of Socrates. How does Paul proclaim the Gospel to this new cultural context? On Mars Hill, Paul appeals to two sayings by Greek poets that were well known to both the Epicureans and the Stoics. Although Paul cites Greek sources his argument is deeply committed to the Scriptures. Paul employs his audience’s own insights and authors in such a manner that his argument encompasses the Greek world within his larger Biblical framework. The fruit of this approach is that some believed (v34.) As we consider what it means to be the church on mission, what will it mean for us to engage our culture? What does it look like for our church to proclaim Good News to our secular post-christendom context?