The TMP Podcast

God Finds Us | Paul Walker | Visio Dei

The Meeting Place Church

We spend so much of our lives looking for wholeness. We search for the right career, relationship, friendship, or hobby to give us a sense that we’ve got it all together. We tell ourselves that things will be better on the other side of our search for enough. Many of us feel crushed that we can never find enough, and often resign ourselves to quiet desperation or nihilism. We can even do this with our vision of God. We can believe that God will be found on the other side of our efforts to search God out. Jesus corrects this sort of thinking in his two parables of a lost sheep, and a lost coin. In both parables, that which is lost does not find itself. As Robert Capon notes, “Neither the lost sheep nor the lost coin does a blessed thing except hang around in its lostness.”  The Good News is that God finds us. God chases us down and demonstrates that we are loved before we even know how to love. In the fall of 2022, many of us are searching for “something” after years of disorientation. What if our sense of lostness encountered the truth that God finds us?