The TMP Podcast

God Is Love (So It's All About Love) | Lorelle Perry

September 19, 2022 The Meeting Place Church

When you ask some folks about what God is like, you might get a discussion about words like omnipresent (all-present) , omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing). These categories may be helpful to some extent, but they tend to be a poor description when you consider that we need to become like God. Knowledge and power may be impressive and can get things done, but according to the Apostle Paul, “if I do not have love, I am nothing.”( 1 Cor 13:2) Christians can sometimes privilege knowledge and power at the expense of love—- and the fruit is not good. This why our vision of God needs to be shaped first by cruciform, self giving love. According to the Apostle John, God is love. (1 John 4:16) This means as we discover what love is, we will discover what God is like. This can come as a shock to those who have differing pictures of God. God is not just loving, among a whole host of other things. God is love, plus nothing. All of God’s characteristics — like judgment, sovereignty, holiness— are expressed through God’s essence which is love. That means our highest goal in any relationship is to embody love.