The TMP Podcast

God Is Always Present and at Work | Paul Walker | Visio Dei

The Meeting Place Church

God’s design from the very beginning was that God would be with us and we would be with God. This design was resisted by the first humans when they chose to go their own way and welcome chaos and sin into God’s good creation. Did this stop God from being with us? Sometimes we may believe this to be the case. We can feel like God is somewhere else, out there in the universe. This is especially the case when we face the cruel vagaries of a broken world. But the good news is that God went with us out of the Garden. God is with us in Jesus. God is in us through the Holy Spirit. Just because it feels like God is absent does not mean it is true. The reality is that God is always at work, even if we don’t feel it. What would it mean for us to grasp the truth that nothing can separate us from the love of God? What it mean for us to trust that God is at work long before you or I enter a situation?