Swindle’s Search for The Truth

Crime Con UK - Glasgow

November 02, 2022 Season 1 Episode 10

This episode is the audio from the Glasgow Crime Con event, featuring Kirsty Maxwell's parents and Debbie who works with David.

The new Swindle's Search Twitter account.

Social media

David Swindle Twitter.

Kay Page Twitter.

Victim’s abroad Twitter.

Kirsty Maxwell campaign Twitter.

Craig Mallon campaign Twitter.

Other important links

What happened to Kirsty Maxwell website.

Victims Abroad website.

Kirsty Maxwell charity website.

Kay Page's website.

White House Farm murders podcast.

Check out social media for more info:

David Swindle Twitter

David Swindle TikTok

David Swindle YouTube

Gillian Jack Twitter

Victims abroad Twitter

Kirsty Maxwell campaign Twitter

Craig Mallon campaign Twitter

Other important links

Victims Abroad website

What happened to Kirsty Maxwell website

Craig Mallon website

Kirsty Maxwell charity website

For enquiries related to the podcast, research or business opportunities, please contact david@davidswindle.com.

People on this episode