Join the Resistance Podcast

005 - The Word Part 2: Memorization with Aaron House

Tim Episode 5

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Takeaway - 

  • Taste and see that the Lord is Good - Don't run to Porn in the midst of trial, Run to God! Experience his Goodness in resisting temptation. 
  • Temptation Fighter Verses (shoot for 5-7 verses that can act as quick daggers against temptation)
    • 1 Cor 6:12-20 (especially vs13) - flee sexual immorality
    • Job 31:1
    • Rom 8:1
    • Col 3:5-6
    • 1 Cor 10:12-13
    • Heb 12:4
  • The unmemorized Bible is a sheathed sword. Memorization allows us to effectively combat temptation when it comes upon us. 
  • Memorization Tip - Scripture Memorization should be fun. 
    • See it - Write it, draw an image/word art 
    • Say it - Don’t memorize silently. Say it out loud. Sing it!
    • Do it - Get your body moving as you memorize and recite the passage/verse
  • Verse Locker App - 
  • Have an accountability partner to check in on your memorization progress. 
  • Apply the passage/verse to your life. Share it with others. 
  • If we neglect the word of God, we can expect no meaningful growth in Godliness.