Wheels and Heels

Never Stop Never Stopping

SafetyNetStudio Season 1 Episode 402

There is absolutely no mention of this movie whatsoever in today’s Episode… For realz… But there will be a ton of it on tomorrow’s show!  The reason for the title is based on habits, and breaking them!  On Top of already going through their “Lent Challenge”, 2 members of the show are trying to kick a very serious habit, in fact it’s one of the hardest in the world (no joke).  So get ready to start the month nice and dry, cause the humour reflects the season mothereffers… Do this while the show is starting up, click HERE to VOTE FOR CANDACE for the Winnipeg Nightlife Awards! If you want to hear last weeks STAND UP COMEDY SHOW, you can sign up to be a VIP Member at SafetyNetStudio.com

Check out the ‘Music News You Can Use’ Daily Playlist on iTunes and Spotify

Here’s The Official Wheeler in The Morning Website


Vernaus Autobody on Higgins

3 Locations of Franks Pizza

Henderson Massage Health and Wellness Centre

Frigs Natural Meat

Fionn Macools Crossroads

Social Media:

Candace Rae - Instagram

Dave Wheeler - Instagram

Dave Wheeler - Twitter

Dave Wheeler – YouTube

The Jaguar - Instagram


Driest February on Record

Wet’suwet’en Working on Pipeline Deal

Pete Drops Out for Dems

Biden Raises $5 Million

Talking Movies with Bryan Lotocki:

Visit Bryan’s Website for Movie News

Follow Bryan on Instagram

Follow Bryan on Twitter

The Invisible Man Trailer

NHL Report:


Jets/Oilers Highlights

Music News You Can Use:



Metallica – Blackened

Bon Jovi – Unbroken

Prince Harry and Bon Jovi in Studio

Green Day – American Idiot

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