Straight Talking Series: Changing Expectations of Leaders?
The Echo Research Podcast
The Echo Research Podcast
Straight Talking Series: Changing Expectations of Leaders?
Aug 15, 2022 Season 1 Episode 3
Echo Research

Host:                     Andrew Whyte, member of Echo Research’s Advisory Board
Guest:                   Barney Wyld

How much do the seismic shifts and experiences in the US shape expectations of leaders in the UK and elsewhere?

From gun control and transgender issues to abortion rights and climate change, what drives corporate leaders to take a public stance and where is social advocacy going?  

What is the line between activity and inactivity?  

How to factor in or avoid backlash for responding too quickly, too late or not at all? 

Why is it not OK just to be ‘woke’ and how to get beyond your ‘echo chamber’?

In this podcast you will hear about stakeholder capitalism, the challenges to corporate responsibility and the importance of capturing the diverse views across your key audiences in this clear, crisp and practical exchange with Echo Advisory Board member and former Communications Director at the Financial Conduct Authority Andrew Whyte, in conversation with Echo client, Barney Wyld, experienced communications director at Johnson Matthey, formerly with Rolls-Royce, National Grid, Network Rail and Unilever. 

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