Exponential Africa

#301 Exponential Africa - Tina Averback

February 13, 2020 SingularityU South Africa Summit

Season 2 of the Exponential Africa show is here! To kick off the first episode Mic Mann interviews Tina Averback! Founder of Sky Studio (Sky Studio Lucia), a company that offers an advanced light meditation experience using Lucia.

Lucia is a neural stimulator using different light frequencies, strobing, flashing and flickering LEDs combined with a halogen bulb. These stimulants travel and penetrate one's closed eyes through the optic nerve stimulating the pineal gland.

Tina says stimulating the pineal gland in this way opens up your inner vision. A unique experience of reaching a theta state of meditation simply by closing your eyes and letting the light do the work for you, no need to have any meditation experience. A fascinating concept, what are your thoughts? Watch the full video to learn more about Lucia and its benefits.
