Exponential Africa

#305 Exponential Africa - Andrew Vild

SingularityU South Africa Summit

Today on the Exponential Africa Show Mic Mann chats to Andrew Vild, Co-Founder of Project Everest Ventures that aims to solve the worlds social issues using enterprise. With a mission to have social impact using technology across developing nations.

Through his travels, Andrew Vild learned of the stark contrast of life between Australia and other developing nations. Andrew decided to use his steel making and engineering background to make a difference in the developing world using a business model with a focus on technology.

Over the last three and a half years, Project Everest Ventures has set up operations across Uganda, Malawi, India, Timor Leste, Cambodia and Figi. They are partnering up with technology companies from around the world, working within communities and their social structures to roll out technology solutions.

Watch the full episode to learn more about what Project Everest Ventures has done thus far and what opportunities lie ahead. Click on to the Project Everest website to learn more or even get involved!