PURPOSE-LIVED, conversations with Gia Whitehead, TSIBA Co-Founder and Chair

PURPOSE-LIVED, Adri Marais in conversation with TSIBA Co-Founder and Chairperson Gia Whitehead.

April 25, 2022 TSIBA Business School Season 1 Episode 4

With a clear lens of seeing the world for what it is, Adri brings us down to earth in the deepest, most conscious value-driven way. “Living towards purpose, with purpose, and then to live on purpose” is a beautiful way of living your best self. Beneath Adri’s straight, strong words, underlies a fun-loving and playful, yet powerful woman!

Adri is the Chief Executive Officer of Crystel House South Africa. 

Adri is a co-founder of TSIBA Education NPC and prior to joining Crystel House Adri served for many years as this institution's Chief Executive Officer. 

Adri holds a Masters in Biochemistry, an MBA and a Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education Studies  (Cum Laude). Science, business and education informs her view  of the world. 

As a leader, Adri is deeply  empathetic, straight-talking and  standing in her integrity.
She drives  innovation from conceptualisation to  implementation, balancing risk and reward with humanity.