The Based Podcast

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July 01, 2022 Chris Larson & Jeff Gould Season 1 Episode 13

"Like a city that is broken into and without walls is a man who has no control over his own spirit." — Proverbs 25

One of Satan's most effective tools is the use of envy and greed, the twin destroyers of divine contentment and thankfulness. In this episode, we encourage men to adjust their "operating system" to thwart the enemy and see God's will for our journey.

Teach your sons to adopt this rule: you do not have the RIGHT to look at a woman/girl's nakedness, EVEN IF she offers it.

PORN: a lie that re-wires the brain, leading to depression and erectile dysfunction.

"Their end is destruction, their God is their belly and they glory in their shame." — Philippians 3:19-21

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