The Based Podcast


Chris Larson & Jeff Gould Season 1 Episode 16

This is a subject no one wants to talk about. 

There are not only many loved ones left wondering "why, why, why!?", but there even more people you know (perhaps even yourself ) who are struggling with the demonic pull—the voice that tells you that the world would “better off without you in it.”

This is a lie from the Evil One, but that voice can sound just like our own voice. 

Brad Hearst with Survivors Joining for Hope has committed his life to helping those who’ve been scarred by suicide, and is asking folks to be aware of the possible threat in their own lives. To help prevent someone you love from choosing a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Brad Hearst

”So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them.”  —Genesis 1:27 

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