Vortex Temporum

VT010 | Jan Martin Smørdal: as trying to

Vortex Temporum

A co-founding member of Ensemble neoN, Jan Martin Smørdal (Horten, 1978) is a Norwegian composer and guitar player whose musical background is routed in jazz, pop and other non-classical expressions. He was awarded the prestigious Arne Nordheim Composers Prize in 2022.
In the 10th episode of Vortex Temporum podcast, he reflects on some recurring topics in his compositional praxis and reveals how reading Philip Warren Anderson's "More is different" affected his way of composing.

Répétitions I & II [2021] | Alessandra Rombolà > flute // (herd)STUDY [2016] | Ensemble Ernst // Choosing to sing I; React | Ensemble neoN & Eivind Lønning // My Favourite Thing 3 | Norwegian Radio Orchestra // Kraftbalanse | Jan Martin Smørdal & Øystein Wyller Odden // photo by Signe Fuglesteg Luksengard


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