Cocktails and Conspiracies

Epi 29: Denver International Airport

Tessy and McDub Episode 29

Denver International Airport is weird AF.

WTF Moments:

  • When Denver International Airport opened in February of 1995, construction had fallen 16 months behind schedule, and $2 billion over budget. The airport itself is 35,000 acres, which is almost twice as large as the next biggest U.S. airport.
  • When the airport was originally built, they designed an entire automated baggage system that failed miserably. So what did they do?  Buried it underground and created numerous underground tunnels and trams that run between the concourses and around the failed baggage system. Some people say those tunnels were built to shuttle people to large underground bunkers to be used when the end time comes. - Conspiracy theorists say those tunnels were built to shuttle people to large underground bunkers to be used when the end time comes. 
  • Prior to opening, a capstone was placed inside the airport to memorialize it. This dedication stone displays the Masonic symbol of a compass with a capital G inside. Underneath the symbol, the "New World Airport Commission" is credited with helping fund and build the airport.
  • DIA recently installed a new animatronic gargoyle. His name is Greg, he is 243 years old and we love him. Meet Greg here. 
  • There's a GIANT blue demonic looking horse displayed outside DIA. His official name is "Blue Mustang" - stupid; but locals refer to him as "Blucifer" - love it.  Blucifer is thought to be haunted, mainly for killing it's creator (WTF, right?!).
  • Etched on the floor of the Denver Airport’s “Great Hall” is a large tile stating “Au Ag.” It might seem completely innocuous, especially since these are just the symbols for gold and silver, and likely are tribute to the rich mining history of Colorado… right?  WELL, many people wonder if these letters are a nod to one of the airport’s largest donors, an anonymous person who supposedly found a new strain of hepatitis so strong it could be used in biological warfare. The strain was allegedly called “Australia Antigen,” aka AUAG.
  • There are 4 enormous murals designed by Leo Tanguma in the airport. Many think that the murals tell the story of apocalyptic biowarfare destroying the world as we know it, with the New World Order taking over in its place. These murals are very ridic and we hate them.

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