Victory Over Communism with Bill Gertz

Victory Over Communism-S1-Episode 2

Bill Gertz Season 1 Episode 2

In this episode of  Victory Over Communism, award-winning national security journalist Bill Gertz examines the history of Chinese communism and its rise; the quasi-religious nature of communism, and how the solution to countering the ideology of communism lies in understanding the nature of God.  The podcast also discusses the brutality of Chinese communism on display in the anti-virus lockdown in Shanghai and other Chinese cities. The episode concludes with an interview with Miles Yu, former State Department policy planning official in charge of China policy and one of the most important Chana hands in the world.

The podcast series makes the case against Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics, and American Marxism and then offers a unique, faith-based counterproposal to destructive ideologies. Hour-long podcasts are posted every two weeks. 

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