The Immeasurably More Podcast
Welcome to the "Immeasurably More" podcast, where faith and hope meet heartbreak and suffering in an uplifting journey of encouragement and perseverance. Join Erin Kelly-Bean and her mother, Jill Kelly as they delve into real stories and life-changing truths that remind us of the boundless love we can experience when we anchor our lives in who God is and who He created us to be.
From personal testimonies to thought-provoking and sometimes challenging discussions with special guests, each episode offers encouragement and a reminder of the immeasurably MORE that God has planned for our lives…a MORE that ultimately transcends the challenges we face in life.
Tune in weekly as Erin and Jill candidly talk about faith, fear, heartbreak, hope and so much more including mental health and yes even football. Listen and discover that with God no matter what our circumstances, life can indeed be immeasurably more than we could ever imagine…because HE is immeasurably MORE!
To learn more visit https://www.huntershope.org/hope-life/podcast-light-hope/
The Immeasurably More Podcast
Conversations with Erin & Jill - How do you have hope when it seems like one bad thing after another keeps happening?
Are you wondering when the next bad, painful thing is going to happen?
Are you waiting for the next shoe to drop?
When you've experienced deep heartbreak, loss, trauma, or hardship it can be easy to wonder when the next bad thing is going to happen.
We've been there. We understand the fear. We know how hopeless it can feel to be in that place.
Today we're talking about our own experience and what God has shown us in the midst of the bad, painful things that have happened in our lives.
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