Food Origins Podcast

EPISODE 0023 - Tracy Desmond - Cruz Kombucha

Episode 23

Tracy Desmond was born and raised in Peoria, Illinois. Tracy has been working in the hospitality and tech industry. But it all started with a visit to a kombucha bar on the Hawaiian island of Maui. The kombucha was light & refreshing. There was also a sense of connection and community that created a very special experience. That feeling stuck with Tracy and she knew she wanted to create something like that back home.

Tracy started to make kombucha in her home kitchen and experimented with various flavor combinations. Tracy eventually moved into a commercial kitchen. This gave her space to develop additional flavors and to brew larger batches to make kombucha available at farmers’ markets, cafes, breweries and other local businesses. And that is how Cruz Kombucha came to be. 

Cruz Kombucha a small family business. We enjoy creating interesting and delicious kombucha flavor combinations, sharing information about the benefits of kombucha, and combining that with opportunities for community and connection.

Tracy has paired her background in the hospitality industry and experience building and scaling several large organizations to develop a unique approach to creating and operating a functional health beverage business.

Tracy talks to us about starting her own business, process of making Kombucha, what it is, the health benefits, tools of the trade, different flavor profiles , local businesses and favorite restaurants and that you should try it!

Thank you to the Mountain View Chamber of Commerce for their hospitality & allowing us to record this podcast. 

Cruz Kombucha

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