Full Cow: Edge Talks Leather and Kink

Interlude: 25-34


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Interludes are short segments between regular episodes with no editing but WITH leather creaking. It's a chance to hear a little more about what's going on in my life. In this interlude, I talk about leaning in to a recent trend of 25-24 year old men approaching me.

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Edge :

Welcome to another interlude on full cow. interludes are the episodes between the episodes where I share in a raw and unedited format, things that are going on in my life. And in this interlude, I would like to focus a little bit on age. But before I do that, I really have to acknowledge for myself, that my wealth has been extraordinarily low lately. And part of that is being single. And I really adjusted to the fact that it's entirely possible, I could be single for quite a while. And it's not about loneliness. But for means an introvert, a partner provides me a kind of extra well of energy, and someone who fills my own well. And when I'm single, I simply have less energy to move through the world. But then on top of that, like trying to meet people and talk to people and go on dates, and look for people, it just costs energy. So I am constantly running at this slight energy deficit. I didn't even know if I'd be able to find it in me to get this interlude done. But here we are. I'm also a little concerned about future episodes of the podcast. But hopefully, I will fill my well soon. So ah, now I did a whole series on age and aging, on Twitter, and Instagram. And it really focused more about growing older, in leather and kink. But really what I want to talk about instead is something a little different. And I'll get to it by telling you this, you know, I have a quote unquote, professional graphic account on Instagram, which really doesn't mean all that much. But it does provide me some more insights into people who are visiting my profile, I'm looking at my content. And every now and then Instagram will pop up and say, Hey, this post is doing better than 90% of your other blog posts, consider boosting it. And so every now and then I'll be sure, sure, here's 30 bucks, Instagram, Go, Go show this post to more people go boost me. And then I look at the insights and without fail. The largest bar when it comes to the age categories, the one where I am striking the most where people are coming in, the people who come to my content, more than anyone else are aged 25 to 34. And Instagram is not wrong. Because recently in my life, I've only been approached by men who are 25 to 34. And really, I say the key demographic recently has been 26 to 28. There's a 23 year old here and there's a 34 year old there, but 26 to 28 that is my beautiful sweet spot. And for a long time this wasn't I'm not gonna say it was upsetting for me. Because you know, it's kind of great to be attracting really young men. But it was discouraging to me because I'm really impart looking for someone a little bit more my age as a life partner. I'm looking for someone with a little bit more life experience if they're going to be my boy. I've been looking for someone a little closer to me. However, I recently met a boy through Twitter. We met at ramrod cages in town for Fort Lauderdale pride, hello, if you're listening, and when I got home from meeting him, I mean, he was really he was the kind of boy that pushed my buttons. And I was like, Oh, this isn't good stuff. He's 26. But he had eight years of experience. I was 26. And when I got home, I decided you know what, if the universe is bringing me men of this age, then it's time for me to lean in. And so I am and that includes my 28 year old cuddle buddy. The 27 year old I've been on a couple of dates with the 26 year old boy in Orlando, the 23 year old boy I'm chatting with in the southwest. There's a 35 I think he's 35. Now he might have aged out in the mid Atlantic region. There are also a couple of mentees who are in their 20s I am. I am just going with it. I am going with men in their 20s and as part of this process, you know, I really, I stopped and I thought, gee edge. What were you doing when you were 2627 28 and what I was doing when I was 2627 28 I was seeing men in their mid 40s to mid 50s. So there's a beautiful sense of things coming full circle and you know growing up up, I was always into older men. And I thought that was my thing. I thought I was an altar into older men, what I'm realizing now through this experience and through reflecting on age, and the men I'm attracted to, and the men who are attracted to me what I'm realizing now. So I was never really into older men, I was just into men in their mid 40s to mid 50s. And now that I'm 51, right, right in the middle, that target range, I'm attracted to men my age, I had to grow into the demographic I desired. And now that I am the demographic I desired, I primarily want men of my age. And yet at the same time, I certainly suddenly realized, like, wow, I mean, I can't blame these beautiful young men for coming after me, because Jesus Christ, that's what I was doing. And it felt suddenly, it felt kind of right for me to open myself up to these possibilities. Because part of how I became the leather man I am, is because of these men in their 40s and 50s, who saw someone in their early 20s and said, Hey, that's kinda nice. I want to play with that. And because they did, and because I got to spend time with them, and learn from them, and gain experience from them. That's been a huge factor in shaping my leather path and my leather journey, and turning me into the leather man I am today. So yes, yes, it's time for me to open the doors to men in their 20s 25 to 34. That's, that's my demographic. And if that happens to be you, what can I say you will probably have a chance with me that you did not have before. I will say it's not immature, you know, we tend to think that gay culture, so youth obsess, and it's not that I am attracted, or obsessed with their youthfulness, if anything, to some extent, their youth pneus is almost something I have to put to the side, because I'm a little suspicious of youth. I like stability. I like people who are established people who knew they know who they are. I like people who have experience and the truth is, looking at my own journey through my 20s could vote I didn't have any of that I was still figuring out who I was still on my way. So I'm not drawn to these men, simply because of their extraordinarily smooth, supple, wrinkle free skin. Yes, thank you very much. I'm drawn to them, as I'm drawn to most men by something they have inside some energy. And you know, if you listen to my stuff, you know, I go back and forth on the woowoo. But the truth is, I like the woowoo. And there's something in them. Maybe we don't call it energy, maybe we call it their disposition, their submission, their desires. I don't know there's something in these young men that I would be just as drawn to, if they were my age. It's something special and unique. Primarily, primarily, except for the Sefer. Okay, well, the 28 year old cuddle, buddy, no, he's a little submissive, the 27 year old that I've been on a couple of dates with, I don't really get that energy from him. But the rest of the men I'm going after the rest of my young cohort are submissive boys. At the same time, being young is not enough, right? It's not just even about that beautiful, submissive energy. I have. I have a certain set of expectations. I don't know I hate saying that. But it's reasonable. And it's true. I like men with some set of experience, right? I'm not, I am not. I am not the greeter, I which I've talked about in some of my other content. I am not the person who says, Oh, you've never experienced leather. Let me show you. I will teach you from scratch. I, I like to play heavy. And I like to play hard. And I like to take men really deep, pretty fast. And for that, I need men who have some baseline of experience. So what makes the men coming after me fairly remarkable. isn't just that they're young isn't just that they have this particular vibration of submission that resonates for me. But they have experience, which is not at all surprising. I suppose. In my head. It's surprising. But if I think about it now as I'm recording this, that's not surprising at all, because wow man if I was getting experienced in my early 20s, and that was at a time when the Internet didn't even exist. Certainly these men who have access to Twitter and recon and Instagram and all of the resources that the web offers in relation to leather and kink. Surely we are we are finding the generation who are not only coming out early, not only finding their gender identity and their sexual identity early, not only are they finding kinky, curly, but they are experiencing this kink in particular, at a very young age. And that just sounds really hopeful to me, it gives me great hope. And, and I do think there's a part of me that's like, I really like, God, what I do, and all my content is about passing on a particular way of doing leather. That is important. Now I can do it with these men who are young, who have beautiful leather journeys ahead of them great leather careers, who already have enough experience to kind of cross the threshold of my play room, they already have enough experience for that. But I see what I can do with them. And to them, and for them. And so I suspect it's going to be a really kind of interesting journey. Now. You know, as I've noted, most of these men are in the context of boys who are approaching the boys who are submissive. And then there's the 27 year old I've been on a couple of dates with who is not that and I've, I've told him, I've made it very, I like being on a subprime. I've told him, it's really hard for me to imagine having a boyfriend who is essentially half my age is not exactly half my age, but he's practically half my age, right? I certainly could literally be his father, which I find, I guess some men would find that super hot. I find it slightly disturbing. And I've been very honest with him. But you know, he does have a sort of a tree about him. He's like, hey, we don't have to cross that bridge. Let's just take it one day at a time. Like, okay, I can resonate with that. So my journey right now is about young Leatherman. They are everywhere return without me even really having to look for them. And I don't know if that's always been the case. That's what's interesting. I, honestly, if I, if I go back in my memory, this is new. And it's interesting, because when I turned 40, I was I was like, Oh, now, I probably put this on Tumblr. Oh, now I'm officially a daddy, where all the young boys who went daddy come. I and they didn't. And then I was half joking about that whole line of thought, and certainly reevaluated that but for a little while, I thought, oh, it'd be nice to have someone you know, like, really young and hot and horny all the time. Right now, I think that's going to be kind of exhausting. But anyway. So yeah, there was a moment, right when I turned 40, where I thought, Oh, yes, bring the boys the boys may come to daddy. But it was only a moment. And for the past, no now for for all of my life, right? I've not really been attracting younger guys, I can think of one other guy in his 20s, who really is extraordinary. And God, I hope we met in New York, at the train station. And that's how you know, I'm talking about you if you're listening to this content. And he's extraordinary in his ability to connect with other men of quality much older than him. And you know, normally like, it's really hard. It's really hard to connect with me, in part because I'm an introvert, in part because I have strong filters, in part because I have a busy life, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But he was the first 20 year old to really connect with me. And I spent time with him. And I enjoyed him. And I kept in touch with him. Probably not as much as I should. But he was the first one. And oh, actually, that wasn't that long ago. Let me think that was maybe 2017. Maybe, okay, but historically, I've not attracted a lot of men in their 20s. And he was one of he was exceptional. It's really only very recent, that I've had this cavalcade of boys coming to me and young boys I should specify since boy is not age dependent. And I'm not entirely sure what that's about. I think certainly part of it is, you know, Twitter in particular is not something I ever thought would happen the way my Twitter has happened. I've talked about this in places I think, but it was all kind of accidental. And now I've got all these followers and all this content, and so many of my followers are so young. I like to say jokingly mind you that my typical Twitter follower is a 19 year old pup gamer. And that's not entirely inaccurate, but it might be slightly overstated. So part of the reason I may be getting all these 20 year old boys coming after me is because of a greater visibility and a greater sort of presence on Twitter. I do also wonder, now that I've reached my 50s If that was some turning point, that I had not enough acting. And if it's simply the fact that now I've really reached tagging age, the salt is much greater than the pepper now. So maybe now, I'm finally daddy. And it could be a absolute combination of both. I do have to admit, though, that it must be something in me too. And it might have to do with the boy who changed my life. And if you've listened to the dominance episode, which should be coming out a couple of weeks before this interlude, then you've heard the story of the boy who changed my life. And it might have been that I simply, these 20 year old boys were not on my radar with their particular flavor of submission, and their particular set of experiences, simply because I had not yet unlocked within me the dominance that would connect with that, probably, it's a combination of things. And, and certainly, it's also, not entirely but partially related to the fact that I am currently single. You know, I'll just also pause and say, the kind of the kind of made a commitment to not talk about my relationship status or dating, or if I have a partner, that I'm trying to keep that a little bit out of my social media. Because my experience has been with my past boyfriend with every one of my boyfriends, like, it can be a little challenge to date me, because I come with edge. And edge is a thing, right? And I don't want I don't want whoever I'm in love with to have to be exposed to that too much. So a while of couple months ago, I made a commitment to really pull back talking about any of that stuff on social media. And it's how this is slightly crossing that line. But it's also this interlude format, it's very important for me to talk about the things that are going on. And right now the things that are going on have to do with finding a boy, finding a partner, and the men that I'm finding are in their 20s. And really reflecting on the beautiful justice of that. When I think about my journey and the beautiful potential. That's an gift that's been given me to shape the lives of others at such a young age. And that's what's on my mind, as I record this. On July 10. I'm also getting ready for an international trip I'm going to Dublin Ireland, which is something I'm also not talking too much about. It's so shiny, I talked about it when I made the arrangements, but I'm not. I'm my plan is to not take my phone out, not post, not even take pictures while I'm there. Because I just want to be present. And I feel like every time I'm taking off, taking out my phone, I'm losing that sense of presence. So yeah, so that so so this is the interlude. Young men are coming at me, I'm open to that I am leaning into it, if you are 25 to 34 and have a certain flavor of submission, which I cannot describe. But we'll know when we interact if you have a certain level of experience, which I can't quantify, but which will I will know when we interact, then now's the time, because that door is like placed that wide open. Because there's some lesson there, right? Like if I am attracting that. And if that's what's attracting me, then there is some thing to be learned there. And that is why the universe has made it so. So we're going to take that ride, we're going to take that ride with the young men across the country, young leather boys and young men on dating and cuddling with we're going to take that ride. And we're going to learn what we can learn and we're going to grow and hopefully in the process, we will help others to grow as well. And that's about it for this interlude as I prepare for my slightly anxiety ridden travel to another country dealing with air travel in the late pandemic. That's it for now. I hope that right now, as I record this on July 10 I have there's something beautiful in your life. And certainly when you listen to this, I hope there's something wonderful happening, whether you know about it, or it's about to surprise you. And as always, always, always, I really do hope your leather journey is utterly blessed.