The Mosaic Life
Unleash Your Business Vision with The Mosaic Life!
Just like a mosaic is made up of many tiny tile pieces, your business is a collection of parts that must work together seamlessly to run smoothly and efficiently.
Join your host, Laura Wagenknecht, an experienced business consultant and executive coach, as she dives deep into the strategies, mindsets, and actionable steps you need to bring your vision to life. Get ready to transform your business, piece by piece, on The Mosaic Life!
Connect with Laura directly at https://www.mosaicbusinessconsulting.com
The Mosaic Life
Transformation Tracks: Navigating Success with Adam Knapp
KnappCreative Coaching – 5 Elements of Transformation has led people to success for three decades. As a leader, educator, mentor, coach, father, and journeyer, Adam has discovered how to assist others in finding themselves successful at their goals. Using mindfulness tools, business tools, organization tools, and many other tools, a client discovers what to do next for their success. Most journeys begin with many unknowns and advance towards discoveries and new knowns. The problems arise whenever we get in our way. That is where I come in. I lead clients through the unknowns using tools and success points easily identifiable by the client. Follow-through and commitment often are best maintained with help from a committed ally.
Website: https://knappcreative.org/
Facebook: https://knappcreative.org/2024/01/25/who-i-am/?share=facebook&nb=1
LinkedIn: https://knappcreative.org/2024/01/25/who-i-am/?share=linkedin&nb=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/knappadam/
Alignable: https://www.alignable.com/fairview-nc/knapp-creative?_seid=10058024040&_tid=2498005
Nextdoor: https://knappcreative.org/2024/01/25/who-i-am/?share=nextdoor&nb=1
A Mosaic is a bunch of pieces, put together, to make up the whole in a beautiful way. Here at Mosaic Business Consulting we discuss the various pieces of a business throughout the course of its life, and throughout all industries, and how these pieces, when put together, can help develop a better, more efficient, and effective running of YOUR business.
Find our more or register for a course today: Mosaic Business Consulting
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