Full Draw Podcast

Waiting On The Draw

April 17, 2024 CJ DiBattista / Gary Baldwin Season 1 Episode 62
Waiting On The Draw
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Gary's Bow is final in, Turkey season is only 10 days out and we are pumped. let's get into it.

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Speaker 1:

tags are filled out, all of them purchased. Now it's just the waiting game, like that was a few. Well, what we got, deer, which is your normal buck tag plus the antlerless tag, antlerless tag, two turkey tags, elk draw, some moose draw coyote tags and you got coyote tags yeah and we have not yet ventured down the road of bear tags, because we just don't know if the time is going to allot itself. The beauty about bear tags are you can pick them up anytime, true, during season, that is true.

Speaker 2:

So if if you tag a magic happenstance that like first weekend Sloucho, sloucho, I can nail a couple which I mean, let's be honest.

Speaker 1:

It's a good possibility. Well, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

A couple turkeys, you know. Oh yeah, I'm talking about deer. Oh yeah, that's fall. Bear In the fall.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, A spring bear. I mean I might do it if, like you say, if I tag out early on turkey, you know maybe.

Speaker 2:

But the problem with the bear. No matter when man Like, if you're going to stand hunt for a bear A lot of traveling you can't. Just yeah, I'm going to go in this weekend, no, you can't. You just can't Because they're not going to be there, because they have no reason to be there. If you're going to do a nice walk and spot and stalk and all this stuff, fine, that's the only way you're going to be able to do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because they're not just going to come to a random barrel that you just threw out that weekend.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

You've got to bait in advance or at least be baiting all season and and lots of it. Yeah, the bro, it's got to be consistent. It was so much. Again it's like, uh, I look back on how how good we had it with it, realizing how good we had it because we could literally leave the driveway, be in bear country in like what 15 minutes, brother, it took us to get to the, the pinsbrook turnoff and then, yeah, about that 10 minutes in the road, like you could hammer out a bait barrel quick and you could oh, you could be.

Speaker 2:

You could be into the barrel in an hour, oh easily.

Speaker 1:

And that's if you wanted to go nice and deep where you were like away from everybody. If you wanted to come closer man, you could be at your bait barrel in 40 minutes Like no problem. So it's again, man, Like we're looking at like three hours here.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, for sure. Three and a half All day, all day, unless you got spare time. Yeah, which right now, if you works, if you works mobile or like from home or something like that, oh, and you can make it work, dude, you can make, and you're not worried about fuel. You could do that. Yeah, but like man, that's what we. You'd never see any. You you'd never see anybody if you had to work a regular job, angle bear hunting, all like bear baiting all the time.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, you'd be non-stop on the road yeah, unless you live up north, and then you're laughing because you're in the same situation. Yeah, that's different story, right? So, yeah, yet another um thing we took for granted for many, many, many years of didn't even really bear hunt that much, not not a lot, in our in the last few years we did. We were a lot heavier into it, but anyway it's uh. Yeah, it's a tougher game, but turkey season is coming up. I'm very excited for turkey season this year.

Speaker 1:

I I think it's a tougher game, but turkey season is coming up. I'm very excited for turkey season this year.

Speaker 2:

I think it's going to be good. I am too. I am just a little bit stressed out.

Speaker 1:

Were you stressed out for a bit.

Speaker 2:

Well, you see, don't get me wrong I got some news today, good news I'm very happy about. Yes, very good news.

Speaker 1:

My bow has at least made it to canada in kitchener yes, in kitchen, just gotta wait till it gets to the shop now just the wrong building in kitchen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I'll be going to pick that sucker up this weekend, but I'm going to have five days to get familiar with it, yeah, and get sighted in, and then, bam, turkey's open. Well, yeah, so I'm not even worrying about a tape to start with, I'm just getting 20, 30, 40 pin Set Put down, yeah, yeah. And then, as soon as Turkey is done, then it's getting ready for the site tape for tack, and then we'll be good way to go yeah, yeah, it's, yeah, it's right around the corner, man, it's not far away now, for sure.

Speaker 1:

I know no it's no it is not. What do we got it's? Uh, it opens the 25th right yeah yeah, so we're, we're 10 days away, yeah, and. But yeah, like you say, by the time you pick up your bow, this weekend you're gonna have, you'll have, by the time you get home you'll be, I'm gonna pick it up on the 20th yeah, you'll be three days deciding 10, 20, 30 or 20, 30, 40, but that's okay, you're not too worried about that.

Speaker 2:

I get. I get that in an evening, no problem. Yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's not bad. It's just getting familiar with it and all that stuff and feeling it where, where you are. Because draw lens I find my draw lens a little different depending on the bow, too right well, and also where this one's got the adjustable handle, like the grip yeah, you're going to want to play with that, eventually at least right, like for now, like I say, I'm just gonna get leave it everything as is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm just gonna get it paper tuned at the shop and then you know which, with botech, will be quite easy and take us about 15 minutes, because, you'll shoot through paper wait for that?

Speaker 1:

we'll crank the wheels. Shoot through paper. Crank the wheels and you'll be done. Yeah, and that's a beautiful thing. No bow presses involved. Yeah, which is top notch. Love it. Uh, I'd like to say thank you to zonics for sponsoring this episode. No, I'm just fucking around. Yeah, right, yeah, can you imagine? I didn't even tell you. I'm just like, yeah, um, no, it'll be good. You'll love that thing, man, when you get it, it shoots great.

Speaker 1:

You and your weird little dip thing, you can have a dip-a-roo sometimes, man, this is better than the tobacco one. It's like a dip bag. It's a dip bag, man. That doesn't sound good bro. No, it doesn't sound good bro. No, it doesn't. You can get the pouches in normal chewing tobacco too, but they're for girls and training wheels for fellas that are just starting out dipping.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm sure most fellas that dip would say the same thing about your little neck dip.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I would never tell anybody I did these back at work, like with the boys I used to work with, because they'd be like there's not even tobacco in that. What the fuck is that?

Speaker 2:

boys, if any of yous are listening, make sure you write in and write into the facebook one because our facebook page, because I monitors that one he does monitor that one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's his uh his domain.

Speaker 2:

You'll get me, not him, deleting it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah exactly deleting the comments on uh on instagram. Um, yeah, no, it's real exciting to to finally get a season back open again and because I've been itching to kind of get hunting and stuff, uh, so that's good and I kind of like that our, our whole season kind of starts with something like turkey, because it's it's an exciting hunt, uh, just getting them, you know, hitting that gobble first thing in the morning when the sun's coming up, and it's real cool and you know, especially if you get like a few gobbles all around you, you're like whoa, what's going on here? Boys, you know, yeah, and I'm real excited to do uh, one of them with a shotgun hunt as well.

Speaker 2:

So that's uh oh, it's got me. Well, that reminds me too um you said you might have a pop-up line. I could borrow.

Speaker 1:

I do have a pop-up line you can borrow. I have two, so you can borrow one perfect, I'll see why not? You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Uh, yeah, so when you come, eventually, like I, I will be doing this very soon. Actually I'm hoping like well, before fall turkey um, I'm gonna pick up that. I know most people are gonna. I'm gonna get that tide we won on amazon bro, that thing's great.

Speaker 1:

Why would anybody say shit about that?

Speaker 2:

thing is, because it's tide, we I say shit about tide.

Speaker 1:

I had that tide we bag and that thing sounded like a goddamn haunted house well, yeah, but some some companies just walking along yeah, but some companies do things better than others, right like, so I think that tide we believe they're not all other products are going to be good. Yeah, that's what I mean, right, like? Uh, you know, some companies do weight as well and they don't do close-up but for that price to do the 270-degree see-through.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty sweet.

Speaker 1:

That's what I mean. Right, like Benelli makes a great shotgun, but I wouldn't buy one of their rifles. And not that they make a bad rifle either. They probably. You know their rifles are top shelf, but you know their rifles are top shelf. But you know, if you're gonna buy a top shelf rifle for that kind of money, you're gonna buy seiko, you know. I mean, like, if you're spending four thousand dollars on a rifle, why wouldn't you buy a? Why wouldn't you buy a? You know the one, you know it's like buying if you were gonna go spend four thousand dollars and you know we're.

Speaker 2:

We've been pronouncing that wrong forever. What seiko? It's, it's sacco?

Speaker 1:

nah, I'm never calling him sacco. I don't give a fuck if that guy from seiko on the internet said it's sacco.

Speaker 2:

I don't care it's sacco.

Speaker 1:

Sacco sounds terrible. You should tell your reps to stop calling it. No. I I'm sure we have been, but that's a new thing, I guess. Maybe come to think of it. I was talking to a fellow up here and I called it seiko and he kind of looked at me weird for a second, like who the fuck is seiko? But uh, I don't know whatever. But yeah, it would be like if you were gonna go buy thousand dollar optics, you're not gonna go spend, uh, because you can buy $800, $900 optics at Canadian Tire, but you're going to buy Vortex ones, I think. So yeah, you know what I mean. If you're going to spend that much money, you're going to buy a set of Vortex.

Speaker 2:

I am curious actually, though, like what does like, and I know Bushnell is normally like the everyman's binoculars, but I know they do have some good ones.

Speaker 1:

Oh, they've got some thousand dollar ones.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious how comparable the like A1 gear from Bushnell would be against, like, say, leupold or Vortex. Sorry, what were you saying about? Well, I'd just be curious to see what it was really like if you pitted the absolute top tier, bushnell, against the comparable priced vortex or loophole right, I'm curious, I think.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm sure they make good glass, just like anybody else. Uh, they probably get their glass from similar factors.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say I bet you most of them don't make their own glass I think, when it comes to companies like vortex and swarovski and all those guys, I think it's the warranty that you're paying for at the end of the day. You know what I mean? Because you can send your. You get a lifetime. Know what I mean? Because you can send your. You get a lifetime warranty on your vortex optics. You can send those suckers back for anything and there's barely any questions asked.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean this one I think that's where, yeah, I think that's where it all stems from, um, whereas I don't know if bushnell has a lifetime warranty. So I shouldn't, I shouldn't say that they don't, but uh, I don't know. I mean, and I'm sure the, the ones that canadian tire sells are not quite the same optics that you would get at like shooter's choice, because, like for tvs, for example, right, like you can buy a sony bravia from a electronics shop, or you can buy a sony bravia from walmart, and I was told by a sony rep that they are not the same. No, no, no, they might look the same but the skew numbers are different and the guts inside them is different. Oh yeah, so I'm sure optics are the same way, right?

Speaker 2:

For sure there's different tiers. Right, it's just like Canadian tires tires as opposed to like going to the manufacturer and buying the tires. Right, different grade rubber, you're going to get some Same tread pattern different grade rubber?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, but yeah. So anyway, like we say, turkey's coming up and we're pretty pumped about that, yeah, that'll be good to get a couple of those in the bag, and I'm on the fence be good to get a couple of those in the bag, and, uh, I'm on the fence. I know I do want to archery hunt one, but you know, what do you guys think at home? Like, do you think I should just go after them with shotgun, like both of them, or do you think I should do one and one? Or hit us up on instagram, tell me what we should do? Well, you should, because I got that. Everybody knows what I'm here. Well, I should do. Yeah, you're sticking with archery now.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait for fall to go get some archery geese. That's happening this fall. You're pumped about that. This fall, that's happening. This is 40 years in the making, son.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, You've been waiting for this day all your life. It's like when can I archery hunt for a goose?

Speaker 2:

I'm surprised we never figured that out back home. No, I know, but then again there's fuck all geese back home.

Speaker 1:

So what's not enough, not enough to get real, real uppity about, not unless you're going to cod, right?

Speaker 2:

now no, and like all the, in which case, then, all the materials and time and effort we wasted. I'm building duck and geese blinds. Man for what bro for four geese?

Speaker 1:

fuck yeah, like what I think what was the biggest flock. We saw one time was 12 or 16 yeah, not here, man, bro.

Speaker 2:

It comes in like the waves on water up here, bro, we put in work, dogged it, just to hunt a flock of 12.

Speaker 1:

Yes, like I mean like weeks of work, like we built listen to me, we built a full-on camp, like with a structure 12 by what was no 10, 12, 12 by 12, structure up on blocks all built at a two by six. Yeah, like shucked in with a roof and felted and everything, because we seen and then, a couple years in a row, they kept coming back yeah, up at marianne bogger, and then we built a duck blind just down from it and for six people spent time on that shit. That's big.

Speaker 2:

That's a good size, so much shit, yeah, six person blind. We put so much effort into like like loading boats full of lumber and stuff to get in there and dragging them all for 12 geese man what were we thinking, uh, making do with what we had, man so we're set a stage for you, right is we're, it's, it's.

Speaker 1:

What was it september 29th or something like that? And we're in the duck line that we had just built first, first time of the year, and we go in in the boat, we stay in the cabin overnight and we get out early in the morning. We're in the blind. There's six geese just way down the river and we're just we're waiting for them to come up. There's a few ducks cruising around there too, a couple black ducks and stuff. I got a few teal and just on the other side of the river is this nice, vast, like bog and marshland and all that stuff, and barren, and there is just caribou cruising back and forth, yep, like a herd of like 15 or something like that, and they're and like good racks on them and stuff like that. Now, granted, we were in a sanctuary area so you couldn't hunt them there, but we're sitting there and we're like, oh, look at them, caribou.

Speaker 1:

And then right, like no attention paid more than that, other than trying to take a couple of very far distant pictures with shitty phones and looking through them, through binoculars, and like we could have spent all that time grabbing caribou tags and going hunting caribou up and up and gaff tops.

Speaker 2:

But here we are being working our nuts off for yeah, oh, yeah, yeah well, you know that you would.

Speaker 1:

You couldn't get a shot at half the time if you tried.

Speaker 2:

No and the fuel. Ah, the fuel, man and materials.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the gas, we burned bro to build that fucking blind and that it was crazy man.

Speaker 2:

Nobody can say we don't put in an effort, we are not afraid to commit no dude look at that blind.

Speaker 1:

We built up on that. Uh up at where was it? Blueberry pond. Oh, remember the one? We hunted me and you were sat in the bush right. And then and that was the day before greg's wedding we're hunting, uh, in that bush. And then we're like you know what we're gonna do? We're gonna build a fucking blind on the other side that. We're gonna frame it in with logs. We're just gonna cut them down and we're like you know what we're going to do. We're going to build a fucking blind on the other side of that. We're going to frame it in with logs. We're just going to cut them down and we're going to tarp that sucker and then we're going to brush it in.

Speaker 2:

Get in the canoe.

Speaker 1:

Man. We spent, yeah, with a canoe. We spent days fucking around with that shit. It's just so. The effort that went into that was unreal. Kept us in trouble. We had a good time. No trouble to be had, nope. And despite the difficulty of hunting them back home, boy, did we ever have fun building them blinds. It's just being out in the woods, man. That was our thing. We belong there. Yeah, it's home. We always have, we always have. That was our thing. We belong there. Yeah, it's home. We always have, we always have. We never, ever, had more fun than when we were just fucking around in the woods. Yeah, because it's just a place to be. How many clays did we bust up at Thousands the end of that.

Speaker 2:

How many is in a box? What was that road? Again, that's Gladbrook Road.

Speaker 1:

Gladbrook Road. Yeah, no, it was 100 in a box. Yeah, because we used to buy a, we used to buy that 100 box of shells, no 50 in a box.

Speaker 2:

So we would buy 100 box of shells and two boxes of clay. More than 50 clays in a box, bro? Nope, just 50. Yes, because we would buy one and then there'd be nine stacks, so that's 90. Five.

Speaker 1:

Five stacks no.

Speaker 2:

No way, I got to look it up now. I got to see if they still sell that box yeah, check it out.

Speaker 1:

But I mean we would spend every weekend up there shooting clays. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was like a ritual for us to get off work, friday 90s. Yeah, drive to corner brook 90 bucks.

Speaker 1:

Oh okay, so we would get one box of those and a box of shells each, so we would have and then we'd always drive all the way to corner small things to shoot yeah, yeah, go all the way to corner brook, pick up a box of shells, a box of clays, drive back, and then the next morning we'd be up with the clay thrower and stomping that thing into the ground and then having to move it because eventually it would work its way loose.

Speaker 2:

Because we had it so tight? How many times did we bend the thing? Because it was so?

Speaker 1:

hard to get sprung back around. Oh, the little thrower yeah, we used to reef that and we went through four or five of the throwers, I remember the first one we had. We just left it oh yeah, we left it up in the winter yeah, just yeah, all right, boys, let's go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just left it there, went out.

Speaker 1:

Then couldn't find it. We went back into it.

Speaker 2:

Well, the boys were in there cutting wood, so they were like oh, look at this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we experimented with that hand thrower for a while too, but that thing shit Used to smash the clays all the time. Yeah, they used to break the clays a lot Because, as you were putting it in, it would crack the clay.

Speaker 2:

And you were putting it in. Yeah, it would crack the clay and then when you throw it, it just.

Speaker 1:

But I'm real excited to get after some waterfowl up here, me too, like because it is legit here. Actually it's like a real thing here. Yeah, like there's water fowlers like they're pretty few and far between back home. Yeah, you don't hear of a lot of guys into Waterfowl Not really. There's a few the guys that are are into it and mostly sea dogs. Yes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Going in for turds, but the Edomaganzer man.

Speaker 1:

They're so goddamn fishy man. Yeah, you got to garlic, garlic, garlic, just to cut the fishiness out of them suckers baby, but deep fried. Yeah, yeah, so yeah, but that that'll be a ton of fun, um, when we get at that.

Speaker 2:

So so I got a question for you now. Now, wow, yeah, go ahead, but first before I ask me a question, you go ahead, you go ahead, all right. So my question is when something changed, like companies used to come out like a new company, or not even necessarily a new company, but like kind of like a newbie company, like, say, five, ten years, whatever, because ten years is not long to be in, especially in the archery world.

Speaker 1:

You're a baby, yeah because you've got companies that have been around for 90 years.

Speaker 2:

So I just don't get when it shifted that a brand new or essentially a new company can just all of a sudden like all their products are the tivity top range of how it goes for the price right, even if you're using the tivity top material, your name doesn't carry the weight to.

Speaker 1:

To really justify it, it's hard to get behind, right? If, for those of you at home, we're kind of, we're referring uh to companies like X, uh, expedition, archery, um, we were, we were checking out some of their bows and and we were reading some reviews or listen, watching some reviews or whatever, and uh, I mean they're, they're, you know, down in the States they're a little bit. They're way more popular than they are here. You can't even find them here, to be honest. But yeah, all their bows are basically in the $1,800 to $2,100 range. They're all aluminums or not aluminum, they're all metal magnet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the new ones are magnet.

Speaker 1:

yeah, metal, uh, magnite, yeah, the new ones are magnite. Yeah, the new ones are um, which puts them in that that real high price point, like a carbon bow from hoyt or pse or whoever, the wildly high price point and they've only been around. How long they've been around, bro? Five years, I'm trying to look up here.

Speaker 2:

now I'm trying to figure it.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, it's just it seems hard to and I'm sure they make great bows because you know, like you say, they're very popular in America and stuff like that and they're certainly speed demons for the most part. But it's hard to justify a bow at that price when you have options like Matthews and Hoyt and you know you're into carbon territory-pressed not to buy a new Hoyt RX-8 or a Levitate or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so here's a little bit of a background on Expedition. So Expedition Archery is actually a subsidiary of Applied Engineering. Applied Engineering is an aerospace company. They manufacture parts for the aerospace industry.

Speaker 1:

Hence where the magnet comes from, right, because they use that in aerospace.

Speaker 2:

So in 2013, expedition Archery was born. So they've been around for 10 years, almost 11. Okay so, but again, that's not a long time, not really not really to be developing, manufacturing and perfecting. We'll call the bow. So while, yeah, the stats are great, the product seems like the material seems to be great. Uh, I know trophy, is it trophy? Light is using it for their sticks, the climbing sticks and their trophy line for their platform, and that's been getting good reviews so far. But these are stationary items. Yes, they take a lot of compression, but they just hold weight.

Speaker 1:

That's all they do. Yeah, and Trophy Line's been around for a long time in the saddle game.

Speaker 2:

Right, but as long as saddles have been around, but what I'm referencing now is the fact that as far as a bow, an archery riser goes, that's kind of a new material.

Speaker 1:

It is new, it's's very light.

Speaker 2:

it's supposed to be like they can make it lighter, 30 more rigid or something. Aluminum, which is great. Again, like I say, on paper the the numbers are awesome, but sure don't know how that's going to actually relate to real world performance yeah, well, especially when you have a company like hoyt, for example, that's been around since 1931 right, but now I'm talking more about the material itself that magnite like we don't know how that's going to handle.

Speaker 2:

Sustained big kinetic energy explosions like that maybe, well, and that 30 rigidity gain is going to be too much. You know what I mean. Maybe we need that bit of flex and you know they.

Speaker 1:

So magnite comes in, uh, almost like a powder form in its, in its raw form, before it gets form, smelted, uh, I think they I don't know the process of turning it into like a solid material, um. But so basically the way magnite works is because it comes in a powder form. You can kind of add elements from different metals to change the alloy itself to handle different types of stresses, right? So in the aerospace industry I'm sure they use it and they put in materials that make it very, very heat resistant, for example, right, something like that.

Speaker 2:

Sure yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you can take that material and make it great for, like, tensile strength and all that stuff. Um, it's just to me it's really hard to get behind that price bow for a company that that just isn't proven yet.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's 2000 and I think this yeah, and this, this is, um like their first year, I think, doing it. The Magnite, yeah, before that, I think I think it was aluminum before that. I don't know what their prices were then, but yeah, I don't know. I just I feel like you would end up buying something from the big guys like Matthews, you know what I mean, and Matthews has gotten their aluminum bows down to to sub four pounds, depending on that, the axle axle that you buy from them.

Speaker 2:

So I will say this though at 33 inch at three and three quarter pounds. Well, that's super impressive really that is super impressive, insane, yeah. But again we we fall into the same discussion of how light is too light.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, you make that argument too right.

Speaker 2:

It's great, it's awesome to be able to say that we have this capability right. Yes, let's push the boundaries, let's see how far we can take it, but once we get to the point where it becomes a negative effect, we got to stop right.

Speaker 1:

Because there is a trade-off to a lighter bow. It becomes less stable, except, for some reason, pse's new Mach 30, apparently that thing sits like a rock somehow.

Speaker 2:

Which is strange because the reflex is like four and a half inches or something.

Speaker 1:

I know, but everybody is talking about that bow and they're like, this bow has broken the the stigma of light bows with with high reflex reflex, because usually they're twitchy and they're this and they're that, but apparently this thing just sits still. Uh, I'd love to shoot one. Uh, I'm super excited to see one come into the shop because I want to try one out, because that's impressive if they figured out some way to make that thing rock solid and not float around everywhere like that's super. You got dudley help and you make them. You know if you're gonna have anybody help, you design a bow and when you got Dudley and if, like Matthews has Levi, for example I don't know how much he has to do with R&D, like we were saying before, hard to say I'm sure they ask all those guys, I'm sure, like all the big companies ask their guys, you know, like what would you like to see?

Speaker 2:

What kind of things do you think should be, should not be? But I mean how much?

Speaker 1:

but I think, I think dodley's oh he's in it, he's involved, like yeah, yeah, he, he has videos out where they've sent him prototypes and he's like he sends it back. He says change this, change this and change this. And then they just work their way, like the whole cam that they put on the Levitates the E2 and the S2.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he went through like nine or ten iterations of that, just the cam alone. Yeah, I mean it certainly helps to have a guy like that on your team helping to design a bow. We need a CNC machine.

Speaker 2:

Just make a bow and a bunch of billet and billet, billet just a big bunch of billets just cut it some right. I think that would be interesting if we both got a little lesson in cad and we could each go on individually design and cut our own risers, just to see the differences in what we would have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, mine would be the ugliest thing in the world. Why just you don't know that, I don't know. I'll go for a hundred percent function just to see how good you could make it. You know, be interesting, but uh, yeah, I don't know. It's um, I'd love to try and shoot an expedition one day, just to to get a feel for it.

Speaker 2:

See what it's like. Where are you gonna shoot it?

Speaker 1:

you ain't shooting one and even in canada. I'm sure some shop somewhere carries them Probably out west, I would imagine.

Speaker 2:

That I could see. I could see them being more of an out west.

Speaker 1:

Western style. Find a dealer I mean one day when we get the chance to hit up Lancaster, it'd be interesting to put a few arrows through one. Yeah, you looking up where you can find them.

Speaker 2:

I am so well, there's one, not wildly far from here actually, but it's in the States now, but it's only two hours.

Speaker 1:

That's not bad, actually, from you.

Speaker 2:

It's another one, two and a half. Okay, so they're big in the States then. But roll In West Chena? No sorry, but Ro in West Chena no sorry. In Castle Creek, new York, there is a store called Full Draw Archery.

Speaker 1:

Ooh, we copyrighted that name. You guys owe us money.

Speaker 2:

No, we have Full Draw Podcast yeah that's true. We should get a hold of them, hey man.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You guys had a good thought, yeah. So I guess the expedition is big in the States. Well, they have a big dealer network anyway.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they are a lot bigger in the States, for sure. Well, same with Darton, right? Darton is very popular brand in the States, where it just here is, not they just ain't there.

Speaker 2:

They made leaps this year. Oh yeah, everybody this year is like the consequence is crazy.

Speaker 1:

And what was the other one um, I can't remember now.

Speaker 2:

Cliff was telling me about it. Remember he was getting 355 feet per second, no 365, I think it was.

Speaker 1:

What's his draw?

Speaker 2:

length again 35 inch, I think he's a 30.

Speaker 1:

I think he said yeah, so you got the consequence, you got the, the departure. What's the 35? Yeah, they got. They got a 35 inch bow veracity, that's a good name for a bow. That's super fast, mm-hmm that's cruising man yeah, it is. Let me see speeds true speed 339 feet per second, 70 pounds with 350 grain arrow. But that's at 29 inches.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so a little bit longer draw length and a little bit heavier arrow. It was at like 412 inches. Jesus, that's cruising man yeah.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, they've certainly come a long way. They make some great bows and, like you say, lots of guys in the States love them.

Speaker 2:

So you know we really only get the mainstream bows up here, yeah, and the problem is it's like we only even see the mainstream ones too. I remember when we saw the Athens bows we were like what's that? A different bow manufacturer Like what Where'd these guys go? And they are no more.

Speaker 1:

No more. They have gone the way of the dinosaur.

Speaker 2:

Well, hey, that's what happens when you copy, when you cheat. Yep Can't do that stuff do that stuff.

Speaker 1:

You can't be cheating, you know, speaking of uh cheating, why they might, why they are gone. Uh, you got some news today. That was good, bro. We talked about this earlier, did we? Yeah did we just talk about?

Speaker 2:

oh, okay like at the beginning of the show oh, we did talk about where's you at?

Speaker 1:

today, god damn, where's my mind at? I don't know, you're focused somewhere.

Speaker 2:

Brief, yes, the bow is in. Yeah, pick it up, it's not working, crazy.

Speaker 1:

Last little while. Man, it's gonna be amazing. We finally got spray foam put in.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good get that one done that way yeah, yeah, it'll be great.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, man.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait. Oh, I want to see that color combination. So I'm bad. Even when I called that the first time, when I called customer service, the lady that was looking up the thing she goes oh, this is going to look interesting. Yeah, I guess it will. Oh it's gonna be cool. Oh, man, it's uh. Well, did we uh tell the folks at home what, what color you went with after? Oh, you're gonna, you're gonna wait, okay, I won't, uh, I won't, spill the beans here no, it's just a little beans.

Speaker 2:

But don't you be going down to shooter's choice and getting them to open that box either. I'm definitely. I'll beat you to death with the bowl no, I joke.

Speaker 1:

I'm interested to see how you feel about the adjustable grip. I think you're going to enjoy that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm going to pop that sucker out a little bit. That's what I did on my record.

Speaker 1:

That's something I've always done, not a ton.

Speaker 1:

No, no, like, maybe, like I was thinking like two, maybe three of the little hash marks that are there, just enough to Because of the little hash marks that are there just enough to, because I just, yeah, kick it out a little bit because I put one of the uh on my levitate, I put it in the bottom thing kicks your hand out a little bit, yeah, yeah, yeah, it just, it feels a little bit more natural than being so flat like yeah, well, and where I broke my wrist a couple times as a teenager for me to get my wrist back in that style of hand position flat, for me to like have a day of shooting.

Speaker 2:

But man, this wrist is, it gets worse than my draw muscles like yeah, yeah, so to be able to have that a little more forward, a little more recurve style, I think is going to be beneficial and I'm hoping also in doing that I may possibly get out to 27.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that'd be great If you could squeeze out another half inch out of that sucker.

Speaker 2:

That would be nice, that would be beneficial. I don't care on a target rig, but on a hunting rig. I need every FPS.

Speaker 1:

I can get On. A little bit of speed helps man.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, what did they say? You lose 10 feet per second every inch of draw length. You drop down, give or take. Yeah, roughly 8 to 10 or something like that. Yeah, so you would gain like 5 or 6 feet per second.

Speaker 2:

And then once I get them A3 bloodline babies on there they're supposed to be, they're averaging, you know, anywhere from five to 15 feet per second just from throwing on some strings, baby, those suckers are so nice man. So if I can then pump that up, if I can get my bow another 20 feet per second faster than what I normally would be, I mean that's that's a lot, that's that's considerable. 15 feet per second, man, yeah, that then, if I'm 20 like that, then puts me in the range of some of the 28 inch shooters for speed. Yeah, and that's just a lot more bone smashing power. Right, like I need that speed to punch it'll be.

Speaker 1:

It'll just be nice too now because you'll be able to get out shooting and stuff. Because I know when, when you're, when you're trading a bow and it's, it's real dodgy to go out and shoot it like, yeah, I know the likelihood of nothing bad happening is, but you know, pretty low but the off chance that it does. But if you get a derail or something like that man it would suck so much, even if you just accidentally knock it over.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, chip the paint or whatever that knocks down the chip, a limb or anything like that. It's you know, oh chip a limb You'll be able to get in the yard?

Speaker 1:

When are you moving your podcast out to your new?

Speaker 2:

Well, I had my brother come out and he helped me run power, but we didn't run any internet out there.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say on the podcast. You know what we didn't do? Like dummies. We didn't run an ethernet cable out there which would have been smart to do.

Speaker 2:

Well, you can't just bury the cable. Yeah, you can.

Speaker 1:

Fuck it, bury it. Well, why not? You just got to get 120 feet of Ethernet cable.

Speaker 2:

I don't mind that. So much with the big contractor grade extension cords because they got a nice big fat insulated housing around them. But what odds about Ethernet?

Speaker 1:

Even if you struck it, yeah, but even if you struck it, there's no electricity.

Speaker 2:

I'm not worried about it being, you're just losing it. Yeah, I'm not worried. I know, but then I got all my stuff out in the shed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then you'd have to log it back in.

Speaker 2:

Bring it all back in there, we'll see.

Speaker 1:

It would be pretty sweet to have it out there, though it would, it would. You're not wrong. Yeah, because that thing is sweet. So for the folks that don't know, back home I went up last weekend or the weekend before and we ran some power out there. We got some lights put up, we got air conditioner picked up for out there Got to have the AC.

Speaker 2:

Got a little heater.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you got to have the AC up here man, we got a little heater out there, take the chill out of the air. It is, I must say, brother, a beautiful, beautiful shed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's great, dude, it's great.

Speaker 1:

That thing is going to bring you a great deal of joy.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I'm starting to get it set up now for getting it ready to film stuff. It'll be good. Yeah, it'll be good. It's a nice space.

Speaker 1:

It's a great spot for a dude who needs a little bit of a shed and some places to hang some bows and get some stuff out of the house. That place is.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I freed up so much space in the house, oh plus I got.

Speaker 1:

I want one, so bad for me out here, oh beauty, camouflage curtains, man yeah, that thing is, that thing is awesome man. So let's say, uh, let's talk a little bit of waterfowl for a minute here, just because, uh, I'm trying to get you, I'm trying to get you back into it here. I know it's a, it's a struggle and you're not too concerned about it, but I'm gonna keep at you because, uh, I need a duck hunting partner oh hey, I'll never know, I'll never say, I've never had a better one than you.

Speaker 1:

So you know, no, I know anyway. But uh, let's talk shotguns for a minute. All right, I know we're archery podcast folks, but you know we've we've done the archery thing. But we all love hunting and you know, if you're archery hunter you probably do a bit of shotgun hunting or upland bird hunt most people do more rifle and then a little bit of archery yeah, exactly. Um, what are you thinking for a shotgun over under? You can do over under? Yeah, what uh? Who are you thinking uh?

Speaker 2:

um, in all honesty, it's probably going to be something pretty basic, maybe like a canadian tar special, like a savage, or even like that. Remember the was it? Uh, by cow that Russian made one. Yeah, just a nice simple you know I might even go 20 gauge, oh really.

Speaker 1:

It's getting hard to find ammo.

Speaker 2:

Yeah 410B.

Speaker 1:

alright, you'd be a little hard-pressed to find shells for it. You want some 12-gauge man? I'm just looking at Cabela's here now to see what they got in over-unders for a reasonable price. So, they got Stoger Condor. Hold on, hold on hold on.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, For context, I was just going to use that one the Stoger Condor Long Fowler, the one with the extended chokes and everything. When we were looking, this would have been like 2018. Everybody's still back in Newfoundland. They were $599. So what are they now? Because that was one of my favorites that cabela's had well, the stoger condor long fowler edition is $7.79 okay, that's. That's not crazy.

Speaker 1:

I figured it would have been like $9.99 by now no, it's, it's not crazy, but it's gone up a nice bit. Uh, just, the regular stoger condor is $699.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but the Longfowler's got the 30-inch barrels with extended chokes, single trigger yeah you like them 30-inch barrels?

Speaker 1:

eh, I'm a 28. I'm a 28-inch guy with extended choke.

Speaker 2:

Well, my 1187 was a 28.

Speaker 1:

28, yeah, yeah, yeah, man, that's a nice gun. Yeah, all synthetic black. Oh no, I'd get the wood. Okay, they don't have the wood version here. That's a boo On Cabela's. It's a boo, they do have it in the regular Condor. Then I'd get the regular one.

Speaker 2:

If I get to over-under, I'm getting it in wood.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you almost got it right. How do you? It's kind of like sacrilege. It's kind of sacrilege to buy over under unless you're getting like, unless you're getting like a, uh, a browning satori in bottom lands or something like that. Now you know, yes, they look real cool.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we did see that one at Shooter's Choice and that thing was mental. Oh dude, so nice, but I just can't afford that $3,000 shotgun. That's the problem I have with that.

Speaker 1:

It is. I'm just looking it up on Cabela's. They should be roughly the same prices, I would think yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure it was in the multi-thousand.

Speaker 1:

The Synergy. They only got wood. That's a bummer. Go on to shooters. Shooter's choice.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I'll definitely be going with an over-under when the time happens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's kind of your, of your two shells is enough.

Speaker 2:

I've always wanted one, never had one. It's actually, yeah, the only type of shotgun I've never had. Actually, that's a lie. I never had a bolt action shotgun either. No, I well, I mean, I don't know why you would. It'd be cool just to have it good. Good for slug gun, though. See, sure enough, yeah, a lot of deer guys. True enough, going out slugs for 12 gauge? Ooh, that might get me out for deer too.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that would be cool actually.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you'd like that, see, because then you could put a holographic sight on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you, you dig that. Uh, I. I don't see the camel one on their website here, which is a bummer. Oh my god, look at the price of browning shotguns in wood. Oh, dude, browning satori 725, 4 330, and that's what? Triple a walnut? Oh yeah, that's like all that shit. You know what I mean. Like, that's like the primo stuff. The one gun I've always, always wanted and you know what one it is too, for over under is uh a benelli 828u fancy pants. I love that gun man so much, but it's uh.

Speaker 2:

The cheapest version of that gun is $3,799 yeah, and in all honesty, that's only just starting to scratch the surface of where the really good good guns start oh yeah, man, like if you want the nickel plated 828u.

Speaker 1:

You're talking four thousand four hundred dollars. Yeah, and if it got any kind of fancy engraving on it, forget it yeah, and you you know the problem with those shotguns is it would just I'd be so nervous about taking it anywhere to do any kind of hunting with it, like upland bird would be different, because it yeah, because it's in your hands all the time. You're not.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean and you're just walking in a duck line.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to have it in a duck line where it's knocked around and it's, it's people are, you know, tapping, you know it's just it'd break my heart?

Speaker 2:

no, not when it's worth as much as my car.

Speaker 1:

I am picking up a turkey choke this week for my M2 and a box of shells, and then I'll probably grab a.

Speaker 2:

Are you going to make triple B?

Speaker 1:

Indian Creek, for turkey, probably. Whatever the turkey shot is, whatever they recommend, I've never hunted turkey, so I'm just gonna let them. It's tiny, is it? Yeah, it's like, okay, it's because they want the spread and it's like number six or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Oh really, yeah, little tiny guys. Every time I see people, yeah I was just practice on, like the paper that turns orange and shit.

Speaker 1:

When you shoot it there's always little baby holes okay, I was just gonna go in and ask the boys like, hey, what do you recommend for for a turkey shell?

Speaker 2:

that's not one out five dollars a shell. You know what I mean one out slug, just pop that head josh was telling me about, uh, indian creek chokes.

Speaker 1:

Apparently they're quite good for turkey, so I'm gonna have a look at those. And, uh, they've also got some carlson choke tubes in there, which I've always been a carlson choke uh guy I I think they work so well, yeah, and they're nice and durable. So, yeah, I'll get uh, I'll get a turkey choke and then, before um duck season, I'll pick up a long range see I'd like, I think for turkey, if I was gonna go shotgun, it'd be a 410.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, super accurate, super. The thing's a little tack driver for as far as a shotgun is considered and yeah, I know it's so easy on you, it's so light. Oh yeah, it's so like. It's like you know I?

Speaker 1:

um, I'm very happy that I had decided to go with an m2, because it only takes a three inch shell. That's enough. Uh, it doesn't take three and a half and I've always shot guns that chambered three and a half for geese and stuff. It's just, man, it's so rough on the shoulder, don't need it. Three inch gets it done.

Speaker 2:

They did it with two and three quarter for decades and decades.

Speaker 1:

Yes, man, forever Just be a better shot?

Speaker 2:

No reason to?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just don't miss bro.

Speaker 2:

That's the problem. That was our problem too. Yeah, just don't miss bro, but that was our problem too. Regardless of how little animals we seen coming in at us, one of our biggest problems with bird hunting was hitting them in the right spot, because there'd be plenty of times we'd hear the pellets just going tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick coming off their back.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

If you don't shoot them, where?

Speaker 1:

you need to shoot them, they're not going to die. When we got going, we were relatively green on oh, of course, as everybody is when you start.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the problem was we didn't have anybody to show us the ropes. When it came to big game like moose and caribou and stuff, we always had the old man. He always took us when we were young and stuff, and so we had a good idea what to do and he went with us when we were grown men, like he showed us the ropes. You know, um, bird hunting was never like that. We were, I mean, trying to get the old man to go duck hunting.

Speaker 1:

he'd be like what the fuck yeah, he's like I'm not doing that shit, so we we never really had anybody to uh to show, even calling right like that was all self-taught.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, just watching on YouTube, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I spent hours and hours, like every time I used to drive across from St John's for six hours, like it'd just be me smoking cigarettes and blowing duck call the whole way across.

Speaker 1:

You get there and you smoke a lot of cigarettes, hey brother how you doing boy, voice me down the raspy voice from just shot to shit, right, so no, it's interesting, but yeah, I think, uh, I think a stover condor would would be perfect for you, bro. Yeah, it'd be plenty when they get to do the job 100, I don't know if, uh, what do they got for cheap semi-automatics nowadays?

Speaker 2:

for semis. Ooh, maybe in a.

Speaker 1:

That's the problem with semis. Maybe 1100?.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

From Remington.

Speaker 2:

Maybe a I would imagine, oh here's one.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how to pronounce this G-I-R-S-A-N Grinson.

Speaker 2:

Gerson G-I-R-S-A-N. Grinson, gerson G-I-R-S-A-N. Yeah, yeah, gerson, never heard of him.

Speaker 1:

So a Gerson MC312, semi-automatic $589. Asian that's actually a pretty good price, to be honest. Would you think it's Asian? That's actually a pretty good price, to be honest, would you think?

Speaker 2:

it's Asian oh look at. I don't know what it is?

Speaker 1:

Does it look?

Speaker 2:

like a copy of something, is what I'm saying Does it look like a copy of a Remington.

Speaker 1:

Oh, there's always the Winchester as well. It gives me Stoger vibes, okay, from looking at it. There's also. There's a Weatherby synthetic here for $849, which?

Speaker 2:

Weatherby's a good gun. Oh yeah, that's the SA-12 or whatever.

Speaker 1:

The Stoger Element or, sorry, the Weatherby, weatherby element oh, I'm not up on the guns anymore.

Speaker 2:

I shouldn't be trying to. No, I know you're out of the game when it comes to that stuff.

Speaker 1:

Um, actually, when it comes to the winchester sx4, they have jumped in price. Yeah, that's a good gun 1500, 1500 bucks.

Speaker 2:

They really jumped in price, they. They were $900. They jumped in price a lot. No, they were $899.

Speaker 1:

$899 for the semi. I remember Johnny's pump was $799. Sxp that was a nice gun too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bit fat.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the SX4. I found it bit fat. Yeah, it is Like fat in the hand. Same with the Benelli. Nova has kind of a real thick.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, because it flares out because where it's got that inertia, kick the flare on the back is. So you can just kind of speed load.

Speaker 1:

I do enjoy the way I'm coming from a Beretta A400, which I sold a few years ago. Also a thick gun right, the, the four or even the, the pistol grip. Uh, quite large fat, but I did like the inlaid rubber.

Speaker 1:

Yes I did like that going back to yeah, right, because it gave you a nice grippy and cold wet weather as you were a right-handed person. Going back to a benelli um, because I had a super black eagle 2 for a while as well, thinner, so the m much thinner, and the m2 is the same profile. Yeah, you, you can't tell the difference by looking at them. I do like how benelli has that. It's it's like a cup right at the back where your palm sits in it. It's's a beautiful, beautiful gun man. Yeah, I'm real excited. So, yeah, I'll be interested to get you into a shotgun again now.

Speaker 1:

Eventually, I think for you it'll be a case of once you harvest some stuff with your bow, like once you get the deer, once you get the turkey, it'll be like, okay, accomplishment done, mix it up, maybe turkey. It'll be like, okay, accomplishment done, mix it. And you've, yeah, well. And when you figured it out, where it comes a little bit more easy, where you're like, okay, well, like, come the fall, let's say, let's say you tag out on your turkeys this this spring and you've got a good deer spot now, and let's say you kind of bang those out pretty quick, it's like, okay, well, your season is over or we could do some duck hunting. Yeah, oh, yeah, which, when it comes, when it comes to duck hunting, I find it's a much more, uh, it's much more conducive for, like hunting with buddies. Oh, by far, because you don't got to be quiet like you do. I mean, you can't be bawling, no, but you can be in the blind, you can have a chat, you can cook up a little bit of grub, you can laugh a little bit.

Speaker 1:

And you ain't one man hunting with all the shit you need to bring in for duck hunting, not unless it's already in there, not unless you're yeah, or unless you're doing like a field hunt with with a lay down, blind and yeah, but even then you know you're just stopping.

Speaker 2:

Then you're you got to bring in 150 goose decoys with you. Yeah, you do so. Bird is not for the lone survivor like it's.

Speaker 1:

It's just so much more fun with buddies.

Speaker 2:

Man, you got to because you'd be poisoned with if you had to love all that.

Speaker 1:

I pulled out my my. We did the spring clean in the other day and I pulled out. I gutted the closet to make more storage room and I was like, oh yeah, my lay down blind, my goose flag. I was like, oh yeah, fucking right, so I'm all excited about it now and stuff, so you need to get storage room. Yeah, I'm actually. I'm pricing some out now that's crazy, bro.

Speaker 1:

I know that's what kills me, man To pay somebody to just keep my shit. I know. You know what I mean. That's all it is. Pay somebody to keep my shit in their place. Yeah, come on Let me arrange some floor space.

Speaker 1:

The problem for me is it's not so much my stuff that needs to go in storage, because a lot of my stuff is like like I can't put my press in storage cause I need it. Yeah, you know what I mean. I don't I'm not going to go to the fucking storage unit to work on my bow, but we just need some stuff.

Speaker 2:

If it's close to shooter's choice, maybe Close to the?

Speaker 1:

ring, yeah, maybe yeah yeah, and if we just need some stuff to put like totes of like winter gear and shit like that that we're not going to use all summer long, and then switch it out when winter comes, we bring the winter stuff back, we put the summer stuff in there you need to make a secret door in the store yeah exactly.

Speaker 1:

Well, not yeah exactly. So we've been we've been tossing around some ideas where I can store stuff and shit like that, so we'll get it all figured out and all that stuff and but uh, yeah, real hunt. We're real excited now for for hunting season to open up and I'm excited to to get hunting with you a little bit now this, uh, this year, and we'll have a good time well, I mean and all that good.

Speaker 2:

Coming up in June we got a whole bunch of clover to plant.

Speaker 1:

You have a bunch of clover to plant Five acres. Get them deers coming in.

Speaker 2:

Get them Five acres of clover bro.

Speaker 1:

You had some good deer on camera the other day.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to need your help to come take some out. I know, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

W-M-U. Yeah, yeah, wmu, you get yours first, though. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, get yours first and then, if I haven't tagged out, we'll do a trip up. Yeah, I mean, and uh, with any luck, one of us will draw a elk tag or moose tag I right now.

Speaker 2:

I'd rather go for a moose just because we know how yeah, I know exactly what to do. I don't need to, you know, to brush up a little bit on the differences in terrain for here, because it's going to be very similar but a little different. But elk is a whole other game.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's a game we've never played ever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we need some time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'd like to find somebody who's kind of done it actually would be nice so if any of any of you guys out there and you're from ontario or whatever oh yes, if you've hunted elk in ontario, good lord yeah, you know, shoot us a message because we'd love to have, uh, we'd love to have some assistance on it.

Speaker 1:

If one of us draws a tag, that'd be awesome, uh, but we'll call it a night here, folks. Uh, if you're looking to get into a saddle for this year, uh, go on over to cruiser, uh saddles, and you can use code batista to save yourself a little bit of money.

Speaker 2:

Fancy, um, fancy pants well, you gotta, you gotta, I got one too. They are super comfortable, I gotta say. They are a top-notch saddle, for sure For a guy who sits in the saddle as opposed to just leans back. The expandable XC is the way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's money, that's the way. Anyway, folks, thank you very much for listening. I've got a deer hunt video out on my YouTube channel, cjd Batista, so head on over there and check that out If you uh want to watch some some deer hunting and uh catch us again. Uh, next week, uh next Wednesday as well, we'll have another show out and he will be telling you all about his new setup.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, it's going to be quite exuberant.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a hundred. Yes, it's going to be quite exuberant. Yeah, 100%. All right folks. Thank you very much for listening. Good night.

Speaker 2:

Love y'all, bye.

Preparing for Hunting Season
Hunting Gear and Optics Comparison
Memories of Hunting and Shooting Clay
Debating New Archery Companies
Home Improvements and Hunting Gear
Shotgun Over-Under Preferences and Pricing
Shotgun Options and Hunting Experiences
Hunting Season Preparation and Plans