Phillip Reinhardt's Digital Marketing Tech Talk

Digital Marketing Tech Talk Episode 5 - Specific Steps to Take When Completing Updates on Your Website

Phillip Reinhardt Season 1 Episode 5

 Do you want to update WordPress but don’t know where to start? Often beginners are afraid that an update may break their website.

Upgrading your WordPress website should be a regular weekly or at least a monthly maintenance task. This episode is all about the steps that Phil Reinhardt takes when not only updating his own websites, but dozens of client websites as well.

WordPress security research shows that majority of WordPress websites that get hacked are either due to an outdated WordPress core, plugins, or theme. WordPress is actively maintained by developers. These developers find and fix bugs, add new features, and hunt down security vulnerabilities on a regular basis. These changes are then released in a new WordPress version.  You need to update to make sure that your website has the latest security patches, newest features, and the best  speed and performance.

Prepare Before Upgrading WordPress

The most important thing you need to do before upgrading WordPress is to create a backup of your website. This is one of the steps Phil talks about, plus so much more.

 Phil hopes this podcast helps you easily update WordPress to the latest version, your plugins and themes too, and help you avoid some major headaches if things go wrong!