TCW Short Takes
How are politics, immigration and election rigging tied together? Guest: Alex Newman
Episode Artwork How are politics, immigration and election rigging tied together? Guest: Alex Newman 5:09 Episode Artwork How is healthcare going to be used for global governance? Guest: Alex Newman 3:21 Episode Artwork What are some recommendation's for leaving the public school system? Guest: Alex Newman 4:36 Episode Artwork Vanity is exposed in Ecclesiastes, how do we avoid the vain roads in our lives? Guest: Brad Klassen 4:00 Episode Artwork From Romans 12:1-2, how do we renew our minds? Guest: Brad Klassen 4:21 Episode Artwork How does the Bible refer to the mind and the heart? Guest: Brad Klassen 4:07 Episode Artwork Why are worldly things such a distraction for men? Guest: Brad Klassen 3:57 Episode Artwork Why is our public education institutions so intent on graphically sexualizing education for young children? Guest: Alex Newman 3:54 Episode Artwork Who was Robert Owen and how did he influence public schools in our country? Guest: Alex Newman 5:43 Episode Artwork What existed before public schools and how did public schools start? Guest: Alex Newman 4:28 Episode Artwork In todays political climate, should Christians prioritize political or cultural activism? Guest: Andrew DeBartolo 1:33 Episode Artwork Why does the Canadian government seem more authoritative over civil liberties than the US? Guest: Andrew DeBartolo 4:13 Episode Artwork What is the main concern of Canadian bill C-63? Guest: Andrew DeBartolo 4:21 Episode Artwork How To Escape God’s Wrath? Steve Lawson Gives Answer 4:56 Episode Artwork What About Grace Church and John MacArthur has Impacted Mike Riccardi? 2:37 Episode Artwork Why Is Expository Preaching Most Impactful? 3:04 Episode Artwork Scott Aniol responds to Francis Chan “healing everyone” and Continuationism’s impact on Evangelical church. Guest: Scott Aniol 5:54 Episode Artwork Is God still gifting individuals with miraculous sign gifts today? Guest: Scott Aniol 5:52 Episode Artwork Why is Cessationism vs Continuationism really about the sufficiency of Scripture? Guest: Scott Aniol 4:33 Episode Artwork How can a church keep from drifting from the truth of God's word? Guest: Tom Buck 3:44 Episode Artwork Does the "He Gets Us" Super Bowl ad have a political angle? Guest: Tom Buck 2:49 Episode Artwork During the Super Bowl, what is being communicated in the "He Gets Us" ad? Guest: Tom Buck 4:25 Episode Artwork What important findings came out of the WEF meeting in Davos and COP28 in Dubai? Guest: Alex Newman 9:07 Episode Artwork What is the key interest of the US opposing Russia in Ukraine? Guest: Alex Newman 5:03 Episode Artwork Is China and Russia involved somehow in this global governance movement? Guest: Alex Newman 6:08