Socially Misguided

Dismantling White Supremacy with Jill Nagle

Sarah Villarreal Episode 34

If you only listen to one episode, listen to this one!

This is a conversation we have to have, and it's our responsibility as white people to have it with each other.

Today Jill Nagle joins us to talk about how to dismantle white supremacy. We talk about how important it is to push through the discomfort so that we can stop perpetuating racism for ourselves and for others. 

Jill and I also talk about the knee jerk reaction of wanting to disassociate with the "bad" whites who commit these awful murders, but how that's not helpful or possible because we are all connected in a sort of "dysfunctional family".  And how, in disassociating, we put off the work of anti-racism onto POC.

She also touches on trying to connect with other people's humanity so that conversation around this topic can actually be transformative.

Jill Nagle is a white anti-racist and interpersonal communications expert who runs workshops for white anti-racists to take leadership around dismantling white supremacy mythology, stating with having conversations with other white people.

She edited Whores and Other Feminists, co-edited Male Lust: Please, Power, and Transformation, and has been published or reviewed more than 150 times in the genres of business, personal growth, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and social commentary, including American Book Review, Curve, With, The Women’s Review of Books, Zendesk, and many more.

She is currently seeking representations for the book-in-progress, Skin in the Game: How White People Benefit from Dismantling White Supremacy.

To connect with Jill:

Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World and Become a Good Ancestor
By  Lala F. Saad

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
By Robin Diangelo
*referenced when we talked about the good/bad binary 

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