Into the Verse - A Parsha Podcast

Naso: What Are the Laws of Sotah Really About?

Aleph Beta Episode 8

Parshat Naso introduces us to one of the oddest laws in the Torah, the ceremony of the Sotah – a woman who has been accused of committing adultery. The priest makes a mixture of water and dust, writing the law of the sotah on a piece of paper and dissolving it in the water, and gives it to the woman to drink. The Torah warns that if she was guilty, she will die a gruesome death — but if she was innocent, she will not only survive but become pregnant. It's a bizarre ritual, to say the least. In this episode, Rabbi David Fohrman and Rivky Stern explore this strange ceremony and tackle the question: How are we in the 21st century meant to relate to it? 

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