The Belt and Road Podcast

Perceptions and Practices of Chinese Hydropower Investment in Vietnam and Myanmar - Nga Dao and Vanessa Lamb

Juliet Lu / Vanessa Lamb and Nga Dao Episode 17

From Vietnam to Myanmar, how does criticism of Chinese investment serve local politics, and how does it distract from broader environmental struggles? The Belt and Road Podcast's new co-host Juliet Lu welcomes Vanessa Lamb and Nga Dao to discuss anti-Chinese sentiment in the hydropower sectors of Myanmar and Vietnam, highlighting some key contrasts in the histories of Chinese investment in each country and the challenges of anti-hydropower activism across the Mekong Region. 

Their Paper: Perceptions and practices of investment: China's hydropower investments in Vietnam and Myanmar


Nga: The Last Days of the Mighty Mekong by Brian Eyler 

Vanessa’s own book is just out! 

Knowing the Salween River: Resource Politics of a Contested Transboundary River

And also: by Shaun Lim, James Sidaway & Chih Yuan Woon “Reordering China, Respacing the World: Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路) as an Emergent Geopolitical Culture”


Made in China Journal V. 4, Issue 2 (2019) “Under Construction: Visions of Chinese Infrastructure”