The Belt and Road Podcast

Cross-Continental Connections: Disconnects and Mismatches along the China-Europe Freight Train Initiative - Dr. Linda Tjia

Erik Myxter-iino and Juliet Lu Episode 25

Prof. Dr. Linda Tjia explains the costs and benefits, the links and disconnects, and the domestic and global implications of the China-Europe Freight Train Initiative which connects multiple areas of Western China through Central Asia all the way to Europe. Having worked in the railway sector before her academic career, Linda walks Erik and Juliet through Chongqing business dealings with HP, trade imbalances and "empty return trains" between China and Europe, and the logistical and political challenges of navigating new rail paths through Central Asia.

Our conversation is based on Prof. Tjia's recently published article, "The Unintended and Undesirable Consequences of the Politicization of the Belt and Road's China-Europe Freight Train Initiative"

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and (the Chinese social networking service website that allows registered users to record information and create content related to film, books, music, recent events, and activities in Chinese cities.) which I've been enjoying recently!

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