The Mindset Advantage

Wiring Your Brain for Performance Under Pressure with Dr. Dan Dworkis

MiFit Season 1 Episode 224

Dr. Dan Dworkis is a clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine at USC and a board-certified emergency medicine physician at Los Angeles County Medical Center. His incredible book ,The Emergency Mind, is designed to take readers into the minds of doctors who run resuscitation rooms and treat the ill and injured to teach you how to perform when the pressure is on. Dan’s expertise in the emergency room has been carried over into the military, board rooms, and athletic realms where your mental state is the ultimate key to your success.


-What is an emergency?

-Staying calm under chaos

-Asking calibrated questions under stress

-Practice the discipline of sub-optimal

-Visualization tools to help under high pressure situations

-What it means to commit to never suffering

-Routines and rituals before and after a intense shift

-Gaining a greater perspective on life after working in the ER

Purchase Dan’s book at

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