The Mindset Advantage

Troubleshooting the Snatch & Clean and Jerk with Jared Enderto

MiFit Season 1 Episode 135

This week on The MiFit Podcast I chat with Jared Enderton. Jared is a CrossFit Games athlete, former full-time Weightlifter at the Olympics Training Center, and a USA Nationals Silver Medalist in the Clean and Jerk. Jared is currently the head Weightlifting Coach under Invictus and also hosts weekend seminars around the country. If you are interested in improving your weightlifting, Jared is the perfect guy to learn from. 


-Jared’s athletic endeavors and time spent at the Olympic Training Center

-Where should beginners start with the Snatch and Clean and Jerk?

-Favorite auxiliary movements to improve the Snatch

-How to improve end range positions

-The importance of slowing down in order to eventually speed up

-How to make weightlifting more consistent and enjoyable

Follow Jared on Instagram at @jaredenderton and get coached by him at

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