Prepping Positively

Self Reliant Skills You Should Be Learning Now

Ann Marie Season 1 Episode 10

This world has been crazy. Being prepared and learning new self-reliant skills is more important than ever. In this episode I am going to teach you a ton of self-reliant skills you can learn to ensure a safer and better prepared future for you and your family.

Episode 10 PP

Self Reliant Skills You Should Be Learning

In today’s world things like healthy lifestyles, growing your own food, raising chickens, using natural remedies and personal finances seem to be important self-reliance skills that more people are prioritizing.

If you’re following the current trends then learning self-reliant skills has taken priority in your life also. The problem is trying to figure out where to start and which new skills should be learned first.

When it comes to self-reliance, learning the skills of our forefathers is the best way to start. These may include basic survival skills, animal husbandry, food preservation, and basic carpentry.

In this episode, you will learn some of the skill sets that are common with a self-reliant lifestyle. From there, you can make your own decisions as to which self-reliant skills are right for you.

Hello and welcome back to the Prepping Positively Podcast. I’m Annie and today we are discussing self-reliant skills.

Self reliant skills can involve many different aspects of life. There are skills for the home, skills pertaining to the gardens and outdoors, and even skills related to prepping and being prepared.

These skills can be learned in so many places. From good ole YouTube videos, to an old reliable book, with a bit of research on your part, you can learn just about anything without ever leaving your home.

But before you can learn any of these new skills, you have to first decide an order to learn them. Think about what you want to learn and why. Set your priorities. If you want to start a garden, I suggest learning gardening skills first as an example.

Start by making a list of the things you may want to accomplish or learn. Then start listing the skills you may need to learn In order to complete those things.

And while you are at it, don’t forget top include your friends or family members, especially the children. The younger the child is when they learn a new skill, the more equipped they will be going into the future as they get older.

Things as simple as washing clothes, hanging laundry on a line, or simply folding are definitely not taught in our schools now a days, so you will definitely be doing your part to increase your children education too.

Some resources for learning these skills I mention can be found on my website at

So let’s talk about some skills you could learn. Let’s start at home.

I think one of the most important skills you can learn is to put together a first aid kit. These kits can be used anywhere and at anytime. Trust me when I say if you learn to put together a first aid kit now, you will thank yourself for it when you need it.

Another important skill is preserving food. Whether you learn to can, dehydrate or simply freeze your food, you will allow yourself to always have food on hand in an emergency.

And speaking of food, can you cook on a wood stove? This would be a great skill if you are ever left with an electric stove to cook on.

One more skill I think everyone on the planet should learn is how to purify and filter water for drinking. Food can be grown and picked, but clean water is hard to find if the stores are closed. Learn this skill.

Some other essential skills relating to the home include: • Creating an emergency kit
• Making emergency candles
• Cooking from scratch.

• Learning herbal remedies
• How to put out a grease fire.

Now that you know some essential skills of the home, let’s talk about some basic ones too.

One of the basic skills you may want to learn would include learning to sew basic things. These are items like hemming a pair of pants, or replacing a button.

Maybe you could learn how to knit, crochet, or do basic needlepoint. I have to admit, I struggle with knitting, although I do make some cool knots.

If sewing and needle crafts are not your thing, learn to make your own cleaning products or soaps and laundry detergent.

In the kitchen you can learn how to care for cast iron pots. Try your hand at bread making or making a sourdough starter.

Let move out of the home and talk about outdoor and gardening skills.

In the garden, you could learn new organic gardening techniques, or learn how to correctly harvest and store your own seeds.

You can learn the different ways to make and use compost or even start a vermicomposter so you can add worms to your soil.

Learn how to construct a small greenhouse, learn hydroponic gardening, or try your hand at aquaponics.

You can learn how to start a berry patch or even an entire fruit orchard. There are so many skills you can learn when it comes to gardening.

As long as we are outside learning skills. Why not learn how to start your own bee hive and collect some honey?

Do you know how to milk a cow or a goat? Or how about learning to build a simple pig or goat shelter?

You can learn how to build a simple composting toilet and even an outdoor shower. These would definitely come in handy.

And if you really want to take it up a notch, why not learn blacksmithing or masonry.

So I have discussed indoor skills, skills of the home, skills for the garden, and skills for the outdoors.

But there is one more level of skills you should research and learn. Those are the prepping and survival skills. These are the skills that may be eminent for your family’s safety.

Do you know how to forage for food? How about learning how to hunt, trap or fish?

You should learn how to build a simple shelter, read a compass, and even be able to start a fire with no matches.

It also would be smart to learn some self-defense moves, and even how to protect your property and your family.

Can you shoot a gun? How about a crossbow? Or do you know how to sharpen a knife or an axe?

All of these skills may come in handy.

I have given you a pretty long list of skills you could learn on your journey towards a self-reliant life. Do you want to check out even more skills? I have a post on the website called 75 Self-Reliant Skills You Should Learn. You can find it at https://

So get started arming yourself with some new skillsets that may be just what you need in an emergency.

That’s it for this week. Until next Monday, keep being prepared, and get some new skills under your belt.