Theater People

Danny Burstein (Episode 65)

Patrick Hinds and Mike Jensen
I recently described today's guest, the great Danny Burstein, as a glow worm. On stage, the man, truly, is lit from within. If you've ever seen him in anything,you know what I'm talking about. Whether the role is large or small, passionate or passive, when he's on stage, you can't take your eyes off of him, and you wouldn't want to--he's just magnetic that way. Danny began his career in New York in the early 90s taking a lot of small roles and understudy gigs. Then, a few years on, he made the terrifying decision that actors sometimes do--not to take any work that didn't challenge him artistically and advance him towards a more fulfilling career. Of course, we all know the rest. He went on to earn five Tony Award nominations for his work in such shows as 'The Drowsy Chaperone,' 'South Pacific,' 'Follies,' 'Golden Boy,' and 'Cabaret.' This season he's back on Broadway wowing audiences 8 times a week as Tevye in the stunning Bartlett Sher production of 'Fiddler on the Roof,' currently playing at the Broadway Theater. I know I say this a lot, but it really was an honor to get to sit with this man for forty minutes in his dressing room and talk about his amazing body of work. Enjoy!!!